Gerardo "Tata" Martino


New member
I would be very satisfied with 9/12 points from the next 4 games.

Points will be dropped so we shouldn't go into panic mode.


New member
Another good game for Tata.

Now, more rotation, please, and let's start doing something with our set pieces instead of using them for rest. You tried a couple earlier in the season, but since then it's been back to hopeful crosses. Barca's supposed to be good on the ball. Use that to design imaginative set pieces that entertain and have a higher probability of goals than a cross (for Barca).


Messi out for 6 to 8 weeks... I wonder if he'll insist with Cesc as false 9, or put Neymar or Alexis as the false 9.
Maybe a #9 on the winter really should happen now.


New member
Neymar played really well when he took Messi's role.
I really wish that we'll see : Pedro - Neymar - Alexis during the next games.

Concerning yesterday's match, Tata was outperformed by Pepe mel during the first half. Our players didn't know what they were doing during the 30 first minutes.


Senior Member
he really needs to start shaping the teams identity, yes i understand that he is trying to make us more vertical, but its just a mixed up bag right now, we can't beat the best teams in europe like this.

but good start so far


Senior Member
important indeed, but anyone who didn't think we were going to beat real, hadn't been watching their away form.

real madrid have even more of a identity crisis than us


important indeed, but anyone who didn't think we were going to beat real, hadn't been watching their away form.

real madrid have even more of a identity crisis than us

You can say such things about every team. You just went on to say we won't beat top teams, somebody gives an example of us beating a top team, and then you come up with an excuse. There is no way you can prove that we are unable to win against good clubs.
Last time I checked when we lost to Chelsea, Inter, etc... we were also better than them but we still lost.


New member
Tata without Messi is going to be another huge test. He has already faced teams without Messi and the formation I liked most in attack was Tello - Neymar - Sanchez.. I really think these 3 guys can hit hard on counters and with Tello exploding on the left shooting and crossing low to Neymar should lead to lots of goals. Neymar - Cesc - Sanchez is also good as Cesc and Sanchez have really good chemistry. And of course the forgotten one Pedro could have a big role to play if he chimes in with a goal or two ever other game he plays.


Mike the Knife
he really needs to start shaping the teams identity, yes i understand that he is trying to make us more vertical, but its just a mixed up bag right now, we can't beat the best teams in europe like this.

but good start so far

That's where I am right now myself...Of course the sort of changes Tata is asking of the team takes time to perfect for players who have effectively been playing the same way for years

I like Tata and his attitude has been great...he's either going to be made a genius or run out of town, that's life at a big club...I still have belief in him but I wonder if he can get the current squad to reach the heights they will need to in order to win CL...because they haven't shown that sort of quality since Pep, IMO

Still, there have been moments where you could see that vision of Martino's take shape on the pitch but they're always fleeting...So perhaps they will get there as it's only the beginning of November and lots of time to hit their peak...Now that Messi is out of the equation, it might actually make Martino's job easier along with giving the attacking players increased opportunities to shine...Might even get the players giving more, as well


Senior Member
You can say such things about every team. You just went on to say we won't beat top teams, somebody gives an example of us beating a top team, and then you come up with an excuse. There is no way you can prove that we are unable to win against good clubs.
Last time I checked when we lost to Chelsea, Inter, etc... we were also better than them but we still lost.

seems like you are picking a argument where i intended to start none.

anyways i cant say so about most teams, Bayern,Durtmond,Arsenal.Roma.Juve,Atletico,Villarreal all of a clear idenity(yes i am aware that roma isn't in the CL)

while ourselves,City,Chelsea, and madrid of the top teams are lacking theirs.

so shut it.

as it relates to proving, obviously i can't as i have not yet intervened a time machine, can you prove we can?

the only big team we have met this season is madrid, a team that lacks identity even more than us, just look at the about of systems they have played this season

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