Gerardo "Tata" Martino


Senior Member
A bit dissapointed with players' motivation vs Ajax, in some sense it's Tata's fault. Hope he learns.

It is not Tata's fault. It is the players' fault. Pep could not motivate them in his last season, neither Tito and now Tata. Some have to be replaced. Hopefully Tata sees that and we get some high quality players in Jan.

The Observer

New member
It is not Tata's fault. It is the players' fault. Pep could not motivate them in his last season, neither Tito and now Tata. Some have to be replaced. Hopefully Tata sees that and we get some high quality players in Jan.

We've lost 1-2 in Camp Nou against Rubin Kazan in 2009. And we didn't miss Valdes, Alves, Busquets, Messi etc. We also weren't qualified for the next round already. Games like that happen. More than motivation or tactical errors it was a lack of quality in defense that hurt us against Ajax. With Puyol and Montoya (in his unfavoured side) on the sides, Pinto in goal and Song in defensive midfield we couldn't stay composed against Ajax' high press. Mascherano's error that led to their second goal was exemplary. Even if people criticize his defensive skills as a centerback, his ballplaying skills aren't a weakness. He is Argentina's starting midfielder. Yet even he got affected by the lack of composure at the back.


New member
I'm in awe of his stupid decision, but I'm in a forgiving mood I'll just put it this way: thank you Tata for freeing us of the false presumption that you're any smarter or bolder than your predecessor. At least now we know what not to expect. The same shit all over again. Too bad, I really had higher hopes for him. All is not lost, of course. I don't want this to sound larger than it is. We can still be good and win, but the attitude is wrong.


New member
I think we're at our best and most dangerous when we play like we used to play, with short passes and possession football. It's how we created all chances today... we lose the ball way too many times when we try long balls. Most of our players say it's better with the new tactics because "when we can do it with 2 passes, why do it with 21", but the point is, we can't do it with 2 passes, we're not an English team. I like variation in our style of play but this is getting too much in my opinion.


Wild Man of Borneo
Past two games he's made some poor decisions. Most notably that of playing Puyol at FB and picking Masch over Bartra. Did that affect the result? Yes. Did that affect every possible negative observation we've seen? No. We could've kept from conceding the stupid goals that we did, but honestly both Ajax and Athletic played monumentally great games and it would have been difficult no matter what.

What Tata needs to learn is to primarily break his decision to "respect CB pairings" because Masch does not deserve to play over Bartra. His substitutions could also be much more decisive and come earlier. Other than that, not much he can do in an injury plagued period like this one. Cesc as false 9 isn't good but it's less of a loss than Neymar or Alexis there. Both of our starting fullbacks are injured, not to mention our goalkeeper and Messi himself. All of that, coupled with Neymar's current slump and Xavi's progressing age makes it pretty difficult to compare to the "glory Pep years" that everyone is using as a standard. It's a bad spell, it happens, but there's too many things happening that are just down to bad timing or bad luck for it to be a problem solely caused by Tata (he hasn't done well recently though).

It's quite obvious that signings need to be made in January and further in the summer. For January I'd say just the CB is needed and MAYBE a striker depending on what we see on Messi's return. In the summer, it's got to be ter Stegen and a CM. Xavi is out of it now, and our midfield lacks engine. I fear that the club will be too conservative with transfers in January and refrain from doing anything, but that's unfortunately the probable outcome.


The Culest
Is the man on our sidelines actually Tito with a Tata mask on? Because honestly I couldn't tell the difference seeing the decisions this guy is making. When will we get a manager with balls? Did the Catalans get to you tata? Or did you just fool us into thinking that you were more level headed than you predecessor?
All this stupidity reminds me of Mourinho. He maybe a c$$t but he certainly isn't afraid of benching the big names and making changes.


Sir Alupp Heynrguson
All this stupidity reminds me of Mourinho. He maybe a c$$t but he certainly isn't afraid of benching the big names and making changes.

Mourinho whose team lost to Basel both at home and away? Mourinho who has stubbornly stuck with playing Lampard at CM and Oscar at CAM? Mourinho who plays Ivanovic on the right when he's clearly better in the center? Mourinho who benched Chelsea's player of the season for seemingly no reason? That Mourinho?

EDIT: Jeez Mourinho's name looks weird now


Senior Member
For almost the last year the midfield of Xavi and Iniesta have not been dominating and teams have been breaking through the midfield far too easily.

Cesc has been better than either of them and should start in MF ahead of Iniesta at the moment.

Can see why they play Cesc at false nine as they want Neymar to get used to playing on the wing.

Personally would rather see Sanchez or Pedro false nine rather than Cesc as they offer more movement and pace. While Cesc is needed in midfield.

Virtually all the players were poor but there is more on the shoulders of Iniesta and Xavi and they need to do a lot better.


Senior Member
its like i said a few weeks back whenever we have played against a good team or better yet a team that plays decently we struggle and the verticalization if our game only makes it worst, at times it was like i was watching real.

still cant understand way coaches keep playing cesc at false 9, when alexis is much better their. oh well.

its as i said, tata is a good coach but nothing special. hope we win la liga. CL is out of the quesion

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