Gerardo "Tata" Martino


Best midfielder around

"Problem at set pieces? Only solution is not to concede them...That or the players suddenly being 8-10 centimetres taller."

Well, he could start by playing Bartra instead of Mascherano and stop trying to be such a smart-ass in every press conference.


Well, he could start by playing Bartra instead of Mascherano and stop trying to be such a smart-ass in every press conference.

I'm all for playing Bartra, but in one the last headers Barça conceded(villarreal), Bartra was playing, and he was the one marking musacchio.


Senior Member
If he scored with Bartra he would have scored twice with masche :p

Not so fast. Mascherano may enter a good period of form anytime, I already see some improvements in his game. He is not that bad of a defender as he's beeing made to look here on barcaforum. Bartra is not better than Mascherano (and even if he is better, it's by the smallest of margins) at the moment.


New member
Not so fast. Mascherano may enter a good period of form anytime, I already see some improvements in his game. He is not that bad of a defender as he's beeing made to look here on barcaforum. Bartra is not better than Mascherano (and even if he is better, it's by the smallest of margins) at the moment.

yh , people want masch to play bad or get injured because they want to see Bartra.


Best midfielder around
yh , people want masch to play bad or get injured because they want to see Bartra.

Which is understandable as Mascherano is small and old and Bartra is young and relatively tall and also the better player. Some people moan about us wanting Bartra to start over Mascherano, but they have still to come with a reason. Idiots.


President of FC Barcelona
Would be stupid if people want Masch to get injured or play badly so Barta can play, Marc should play because he is better than Masch atm, BUT if the latter plays, then I hope he does well. Not see any such post on this forum so far either.


Active member
first half of the league is over and I think Tata is THE man, haven´t seen our defence that good in very very long time and every forward looks like scoring goals for fun, but still there is always lots to improve and I hope he brings some great signings next summer


Staff member
As he said; 50 points from first half of the season is good.
If you remember he never coached in Europe, took the team on a short notice and without pre-season, then it's looking even better.

When you look beyond stats and how we played then there are some good things as well. We're having more options in attack and most of our players improved on their last season's form. In tough away games though.. Tata leaves a lot to be desired.


Cruijff's Heir
As he said; 50 points from first half of the season is good.
If you remember he never coached in Europe, took the team on a short notice and without pre-season, then it's looking even better.

When you look beyond stats and how we played then there are some good things as well. We're having more options in attack and most of our players improved on their last season's form. In tough away games though.. Tata leaves a lot to be desired.

Part of the fact we have more options op front is twofold: Neymar as a new player and the absence of Messi creating space and playing time for Pedro and Alexis. De latter really has had an impact I think, we can see it as a positive thing to get out of the injuries of Messi.

Do like Tata though, like him very much. Curious to see how he can really make this squad his own by bringing in new players and promoting youngsters like Bagnack, Deulofeu, Rafinha, Adama, Dongou, Ie, Samper (too early, I know).

The Observer

New member
Want to judge him properly once he has a fully fit Messi available. His predcessors did have that huge advantage. Defense looks far more resilient than before though. In the 2 biggest games of the season (Clasico and Atletico away) we didn't allow too many chances, did we? Add a fully fit Messi + Neymar running at defenders to yesterday's compact side and we're good to go IMO for all 3 competitions.


New member
Part of the fact we have more options op front is twofold: Neymar as a new player and the absence of Messi creating space and playing time for Pedro and Alexis. De latter really has had an impact I think, we can see it as a positive thing to get out of the injuries of Messi.

Do like Tata though, like him very much. Curious to see how he can really make this squad his own by bringing in new players and promoting youngsters like Bagnack, Deulofeu, Rafinha, Adama, Dongou, Ie, Samper (too early, I know).

He's doing ti already with Sergi Roberto went from literally no time at the beginning of the season to playing more games than xavi (Probably temporary).


Vice President of FC Barcelona
Under the given circumstances since he took charge of the club no one can disagree with me that Tata has exceeded every expectation and then some

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