Ibrahim Afellay


Active member
Sorry Barcelona can't keep every player they bring up or buy. They have to eventually sell. Don't even give me that Mes que un club and we take care of our own bullshit


who cares how much taxes he had to pay. he still left for money and so be it and i hate him for that. and i really mean it. he was the last person to expect this.


200th time: we couldn't keep Keita because he wanted to leave. He had to pay 43% taxes on his wages :lol:
I know. he wanted to leave because there wasn't no way around the tax thing. But if I could choose, i'd keep Keita instead of Afellay.

who cares how much taxes he had to pay. he still left for money and so be it and i hate him for that. and i really mean it. he was the last person to expect this.
I wonder what you would do, if the taxes for you went from 24 to 43% of your income, and you got another job proposal paying more... There's no reason to hate him. Barça wasn't gonna give him a raise, and he wasn't one of the highest wages either. I know I would've done the same on his place.


who cares how much taxes he had to pay. he still left for money and so be it and i hate him for that. and i really mean it. he was the last person to expect this.

Guess what? To him you don't even exist. . . . . More play time + Better $$$$ = WIN WIN WIN!


Afellay was and will never be Barca material he adds nothing to us. SELL him now, while his value is still manageable .

Hatem Ben Arfa

New member
who cares how much taxes he had to pay. he still left for money and so be it and i hate him for that. and i really mean it. he was the last person to expect this.

hate is a strong word.

he has to think about his career, his family and his children future. He's doing what is best for him and them.


hate is a strong word.

he has to think about his career, his family and his children future. He's doing what is best for him and them.

Man I have to say, you are one of the most reasonable posters on this forum. . . BTW I like the Toons too.


World Champion
I wonder what you would do, if the taxes for you went from 24 to 43% of your income

Ridiculous comparison. You obviously can't put someone who earns about € 2000 a month and someone who gets € 100,000 a month in the same bracket. If a € 2000 a month earner gets 20 % less it will have a huge influence on his lifestyle. If Keita gets 20 % less he'll drive only 53 different Ferraris instead of 74 Ferraris. Nevermind that 24 % ("Beckham law") was a ridiculous number in the first place and one of the reasons why Spain's economy is so fucked now. Keita used to pay as much taxes as an employee who earns € 17,000 a year. Ridiculous.

Good riddance I say. Didn't add much to the team anyway except some sentimental bollocks like being "a nice person".


Ridiculous comparison. You obviously can't put someone who earns about € 2000 a month and someone who gets € 100,000 a month in the same bracket. If a € 2000 a month earner gets 20 % less it will have a huge influence on his lifestyle. If Keita gets 20 % less he'll drive only 53 different Ferraris instead of 74 Ferraris. Nevermind that 24 % ("Beckham law") was a ridiculous number in the first place and one of the reasons why Spain's economy is so fucked now. Keita used to pay as much taxes as an employee who earns € 17,000 a year. Ridiculous.

Good riddance I say. Didn't add much to the team anyway except some sentimental bollocks like being "a nice person".

the first part of it is :worthy:

the other one not so much, because keita was always epic. i have no hard feelings for that.

btw, the story of taking care of his family you told HBA was almost heartbraking.

Hatem Ben Arfa

New member
you do what is best for you, your family and to secure your children's future. That is what he is doing. To hate him for that is quite wrong.

If you were in his position you would do the same. Just like you would do the same if you played for your hometown club and Man City came and offered you £250,000 per week.

If I was playing week in week out for Newcastle United earning £50,000 per week and living the dream and then Man City came to me and said, we'll offer you £250,000 per week, I would be gone.


Ridiculous comparison. You obviously can't put someone who earns about € 2000 a month and someone who gets € 100,000 a month in the same bracket. If a € 2000 a month earner gets 20 % less it will have a huge influence on his lifestyle. If Keita gets 20 % less he'll drive only 53 different Ferraris instead of 74 Ferraris. Nevermind that 24 % ("Beckham law") was a ridiculous number in the first place and one of the reasons why Spain's economy is so fucked now. Keita used to pay as much taxes as an employee who earns € 17,000 a year. Ridiculous.

Good riddance I say. Didn't add much to the team anyway except some sentimental bollocks like being "a nice person".
Not really. When you earn a determined amount, any shortening will hurt you, since you're used to earning that much. I don't think it's fair to demand someone to gain less for love or loyalty for a club. Keita tried to stay, tried to find a solution with the club, but that wasn't possible. So I can't really label him a mercenary or hate him for leaving. He has a family to look after, and he's at the end of his career as well. He did what anybody else would, and it's really hypocritical to say otherwise, to try to pose as righteous or something like that.

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