Ibrahim Afellay


Mike the Knife
I love Afellay but he's not similar to Bale really...Bale is stronger and is probably faster but it's neither here nor there since they are two different players in very different positions

He's direct and certainly more direct than most of our players save Pedro, Villa & Leo...He will only get better I believe...Just will take some time for him to acclimate...I don't expect to see him truly mature his game into Barca's until well into the 2011-2012 season, tbh


Mike the Knife
Well taken goal by him, he'll get massive confidence from that. Was his overall performance good?

The perfect addition to the squad, and it's still incredibly early to judge him overall...That's how big an impact he's already made, IMO



New member
random pedro video http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hMtCDD6Me5Y noone beats speedy "pedro" gonzales :D

Afellay vs Almeria video:
His 1st run (not in the above video).. He beat the defender leaving him behind.. then slows down, have a look around for pass possibilities while the defender almost catches up and then speeds up again leaving the defender behind again. Thats how much he trusts his acceleration and speed. In the video below at 0:37 he does almost the same thing:

You should have a sprinting contest to see whos faster.
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Afellay isn't very fast, it's his acceleration that makes him look fast.


If he wasnt very fast, than defenders eventually would catch up. When he is gone, he is gone. So he is very fast.
During his time at PSV, likes as Alex, Bouma, Simons had faster sprint records. Facts don't lie. He's fast, but his acceleration makes him unique, not his speed.


Detalles, detalles, siempre detalles
During his time at PSV, likes as Alex, Bouma, Simons had faster sprint records. Facts don't lie. He's fast, but his acceleration makes him unique, not his speed.

Wait...Simons used to be quicker than Afellay? No way, dude, no way. Where'd you get this from? Alex and Bouma were quick, surely, but Simons?


New member
or like "van der Gijp" said; 'that guy that paints the lines around the pitch around the pitch', is faster than Simons while painting.


New member
I dont care what he was clocked at in training at PSV, all you need to do is watch him blow past players on the right flank every time he's stepped out there to know what he's capable of... next topic!


New member

Hi everyone new guy here..

i just wanna add that i became a big fan of afellay such a great player hope he will get more minutes so i (we) can enjoy his play.

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