İlkay Gündoğan

Don Juan Laporta Estruch

Well-known member
Barcelona has not had a Midfielder that had 19 goal contributions since our glory days, he did that at age 33, in a new league, with all of our "top" midfielders being injured in/out of the team.

He's what we wish pedri and de jong was, at 21 & 27.

Pedri has 22 assist his entire career
De jong 47, 25 of those in the Netherlands.

He has a great season period, not just at 33, especially with him playing so many games.

Killer Fermin had 11 g/a in half the minutes of a penalty taking Gundo, yet most people here think he is only good enough to be a squad player.

Either Gundo is getting overrated or Fermin is seriously underrated. I suspect a bit of both.


Senior Member
Killer Fermin had 11 g/a in half the minutes of Gundo, yet most people here think he is only good enough to be a squad player.

Either Gundo is getting overrated or Fermin is seriously underrated. I suspect a bit of both.
The two aren't mutually exclusive.
Fermin had a very good season, so did gundogan.


Senior Member
Gundogan had good season.. nothing great and poor defensively.

Would be surprised if he is as missed in final third as some seem to think he will be.


People getting bent out of shape regarding a player who is 34 and maximum was staying for 1 more year.

A player who was mainly for offense and barely did anything on defense.

Gundogan is a good player but we should be building for the future. Olmo is 26. Just give him the keys. Or Fermin.


Senior Member
Last season -

Pedri 9 goals/assists in 2027 mins.
Gundogan 19 goals/assists in 4180 mins
Fermin 12 goals/assists in 1948 mins.

Gundo was far below those two defensively also.

Gundos numbers considering what he was allowed to do or could not do on other side of ball are not as hard to maintain as made out and that is with him on pens/FKs at times.

The best thing he had over the others is that he did not get injured.


Staff member
We got nice return from Gundogan and can only be happy he came here on a free transfer. I don't mind him moving on as long as there's some planning and same policy applied to others as well (Lewa).

Sadly, there seems to be none and worse: we are keeping deadwood while making fire sales of prospects.


Senior Member
We got nice return from Gundogan and can only be happy he came here on a free transfer. I don't mind him moving on as long as there's some planning and same policy applied to others as well (Lewa).

Sadly, there seems to be none and worse: we are keeping deadwood while making fire sales of prospects.

Lewa would have been the next to go if Vitor panned out. As it is, can't afford to lose him yet. Next summer I expect him to go.


Senior Member
There is no chance Lewandowski was going anywhere this season based on how Roque did.

Roque was brought in early to help him get used to club earlier once Gavi got injured. There is no way club had any idea of selling Lewa on back of how he did.. and no chance Lewa would have gone.


Senior Member
Ditching him, when we are broke is exactly the wrongest time. A lot of Barca players in past went away and fell of the radar too. That's nothing unexceptional. Unless you are uber talent, you can go up and down the waves. Remember how we thought Grimaldo or even the same Olmo, we now buy back for almost premium price, were discarded as flops. That's because current Barca, including retarded fans, expect every 18-22 year player to be a fucking superstar under incompetent and corrupt management. Lot of players get into their prime and very high end prime after being bums in that kind of age bracket and even later. Iniesta really started to show up as real game changer only around mid 20s, same a Xavi, who was a rotational player for long time, when Barca was also in deep depression. These are just obvious examples, but i'm sure there are lot of lower profile players that would improve individually and improve the team as they age and get several years of proper youth development, instead of throwing them on the pitch at 18 in positions they never played in their entire lives for garbage minutes among makeshift Barca B team and except them to be scoring machines or something. This is just and example how retarded current year and its inhabitants are.
And it is especially stupid with current situation at Barca, where it's impossible to just discard some perceived flops and go for the next big thing with full wallet.
Iniesta was hyped as "Baby Barca" when he was in La Masia. Pep and Xavi where rambling how he will retire them both. Xavi was the best player at that '99 U20 WC where Spain won the competition.

You have either a short memory or have got accustomed to the current media hype that puts a spotlight on every talent out there.

Likes of Xavi or Iniesta weren't nobodies ya bum. :lol:

Grimaldo or Olmo are just run of the mill players that Barca just didn't keep as they didn't see above average talent in them. And even now, at their peak, those are not top players. Just because our board is retarded and goes for familiar options, doesn't mean we made a big mistake in the past towards Olmo.

Vitor Roque has no pedigree as a player to justify waiting for him when two managers already saw him and considered him not even squad worthy.


Senior Member
Muniesa was say to be the next puyol
Samper obviously the next busquets
Gai assulin was hyped as the most talented player coming through masia since messi
Rakitc a été excellent lors des deux premières saisons. Il s'est épuisé à faire tout ce travail pour un certain Leo Messi.
La première saison seulement, et excellente c'est un grand mot pour qualifier sa saison.

Xavi ne courrait pas avant ?
Cocu ne courrait pas avant ?
Bakero ne courrait pas avant ?

Je vous dis un secret :
courir est la base pour un footballeur

Il semble que vous n'ayez pas une vision globale de la situation, comme si une équipe devait avoir des rôles pour certains joueurs à leur poste afin que l'équipe soit globalement la plus performante possible. On a demandé à Rakitic de jouer un rôle très spécifique pour tirer le meilleur parti de Messi et de notre RB, et il l'a très bien fait en pressant et en travaillant dur pendant 90 minutes. Il a été excellent la première saison, très bon la deuxième aussi.

Vous ne vous en rendez pas compte et ce n'est pas grave, cela ne sert à rien de discuter avec vous.
Here we go again with cooter the defender of ivan the terribad.

Which fkn performance are you talking about?
If the game is to play forward because a player make the run in the open space created by an teamate and rakibitch have the ball, what the hell he give the ball to the center back or right back ? When he can play fast.
If we can counter attack for the same reason wtf rakibitch play back ?
You think the coach will applause him ?
You think its because messi didnt digest well the asado and he's late ?

I talked about his capacity with the ball :

For creating : key passes, through passes,long passes.

Associating himself : triangle, one-two...

dribbling : 1vsx, body feint before recieving the ball.

I talked about he's capacity without the ball.

Scan before receiving the ball.
(he never do that, thats show how he was bad)

Impact in duals.


Help in defense (you remember Semedo playing alone vs 2 or 3 bavarians ? 6 goals came from this side during the 2-8)

His capacity to win some seconds balls or loosed balls.

In all of this, except long ball and shoots he was terrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrible.
The worst EVER midfielder in saw in fc barcelona in
T H I R T Y Y E A R S.

You have alot to learn buddy.
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Senior Member
In theory given how many good and young midfielders we have it makes sense to get him off the books even if it's a free transfer.

These players like Pedri, Gavi, Fermin, De Jong need to be stepping up and forming the midfield of the future for our club, and that won't be involving Gundogan whether he leaves now or in a season's time.

Better to get them gelling and playing well together as soon as possible under the new manager. The only reason you should rely on old players is if you're winning titles but it doesn't look like we have much of a shot at competing at the top level so we should be focusing on building for the future.


Active member
In theory given how many good and young midfielders we have it makes sense to get him off the books even if it's a free transfer.

These players like Pedri, Gavi, Fermin, De Jong need to be stepping up and forming the midfield of the future for our club, and that won't be involving Gundogan whether he leaves now or in a season's time.

Better to get them gelling and playing well together as soon as possible under the new manager. The only reason you should rely on old players is if you're winning titles but it doesn't look like we have much of a shot at competing at the top level so we should be focusing on building for the future.
...I get the need to look at the other side of the coin for some inspiration and positive spin to the development, however, those players you mentioned are a couple of notches below Gundogan in all respect. Barcas midfield will be worse this season for that. No flip flopping about that....
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In theory given how many good and young midfielders we have it makes sense to get him off the books even if it's a free transfer.

These players like Pedri, Gavi, Fermin, De Jong need to be stepping up and forming the midfield of the future for our club, and that won't be involving Gundogan whether he leaves now or in a season's time.

Better to get them gelling and playing well together as soon as possible under the new manager. The only reason you should rely on old players is if you're winning titles but it doesn't look like we have much of a shot at competing at the top level so we should be focusing on building for the future.

Laporta should do the same with cristiano polaco, but he's the muppet of zahavi.

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