Jack Wilshere



I agree mate. But English players rarely get credit on here. If he was called Wilsheredinho it would be a very different story.

Well Barcelona are a club for Scotland/Welsh and all the rest of the Premier League haters m8 so doesn't surprise me - Me (as an Englishman) i like Barcelona because they play good football and i guess that's why English people are here more so than 'hatered' to the EPL which Barcelona and Spanish football are the alternative for those lot.

Wilshere's end product might not be the best but Cesc was also the same when he started at Arsenal. Wilshere in his youth days would get 10-15 goals from midfield. Infact he even played on the right and would beat people and score from the right. Also he is 19 years old. Jack has never been given the chance to play at the top of our midfield three. When Cesc is out Wenger for some reason picks the useless Rosicky there. At this moment he does everything. A Jack of all trades if you like. But in the future he would surely follow the same path as Cesc and move forward so he can get a better chance to improve his end product. To expcect a kid to have end product and also all things Jack has now really is asking for a once in a lifetime player. Most ex pro's in this country have said Jack is the best midfield talent they have seen since Gazza.

No end product when his passing stats are reguarly like 92% completion rate per game? :/

Id say end product is one of Jack's best qualitys, i'm often in awe when i watch him do eye of a needle passes and think to myself 'woahh how did he do that' O_O - his long range version is quite extraordinary too, i remember that pass he did for Walcott's goal during the Champions League group stage earlier in the season.
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New member
So he's gonna be at least as good as Xavi, because Xavi wasn't such a high profile at that age, right? Check out Stankovic case, they're really similar players when you look carefully, same build, the way they control the ball, all around ability, mature game already at 19... I'd say they even look the same.

And did any of you watch Xavi in his early 20s? His vision, touch and intelligence were always there, and Jack is nowhere near that level. Scholes was able to make inch perfect passes all over the pitch, and make perfectly timed runs into the final 3rd as long as I have watched him. Now Jack is great player and is better in some other aspects than young Scholes or Xavi, and while he's well rounded player, I can't see what he's really great at.

Maybe his dynamism is what will make him a world class, who knows. But currently I see potentially great player who just lacks some special ability that could make him one of the very very best (the ones he is starting to be compared to).
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New member
So he's gonna be at least as good as Xavi, because Xavi wasn't such a high profile at that age, right? Check out Stankovic case, they're really similar players when you look carefully, same build, the way they control the ball, all around ability, mature game already at 19... I'd say they even look the same.

And did any of you watch Xavi in his early 20s? His vision, touch and intelligence were always there, and Jack is nowhere near that level. Scholes was able to make inch perfect passes all over the pitch, and make perfectly timed runs into the final 3rd as long as I have watched him. Now Jack is great player and is better in some other aspects than young Scholes or Xavi, and while he's well rounded player, I can't see what he's really great at.

Maybe his dynamism is what will make him a world class, who knows. But currently I see potentially great player who just lacks some special ability that could make him one of the very very best (the ones he is starting to be compared to).

World class players are players who make things look easy and make time and space when there doesn't seem to be any. Wilshere is fantastic at this as are Xavi, Iniesta and Scholes - the players he's been likened to. Jack is great at making things look simple, turning away from players and making space and then setting up attacks. He's also a great passer of the ball and can run past players like they're not there. That's something he's really great at. Once he adds goals to his game he'll be the complete midfielder.


New member
I think you're going too far. He's very talented 19 y o who recently had some great games, that doesn't make him a world class. We can't possibly know how he'll turn out to be, will he fail, stagnate or improve, he's just too young.

I think he'll continue to improve and become a very good midfielder, but still can't see him reaching Scholes or Xavi heights.


The more I watch Wilshere the more I think he'd actually be a better replacement for Xavi than Cesc. His style is much more similar, Cesc is more direct with his play IMO.


So he's gonna be at least as good as Xavi, because Xavi wasn't such a high profile at that age, right? Check out Stankovic case, they're really similar players when you look carefully, same build, the way they control the ball, all around ability, mature game already at 19... I'd say they even look the same.

And did any of you watch Xavi in his early 20s? His vision, touch and intelligence were always there, and Jack is nowhere near that level. Scholes was able to make inch perfect passes all over the pitch, and make perfectly timed runs into the final 3rd as long as I have watched him. Now Jack is great player and is better in some other aspects than young Scholes or Xavi, and while he's well rounded player, I can't see what he's really great at.

Maybe his dynamism is what will make him a world class, who knows. But currently I see potentially great player who just lacks some special ability that could make him one of the very very best (the ones he is starting to be compared to).

That's your opinion and your entitled to it, but the thing your opinion is already wrong because Wilshere already is a great player mature beyond his years. If Wilshere stayed the level he is at now without improvement (as said in my previous reply) making 90%+ complation passing rates nearly every game for the next 10 years, showing all this great vision, skill, drive and awareness as he does every game, he would go down as an Arsenal great and one of England's greats but fact is at 19 years old he's only going to get better.

But where is this "lack of specialness" you cannot see :icon_confused: what is special to you? When i see a teenager running a game where Iniesta and Xavi are right infront of him, them doubling up sometimes with Busquetts making them look ridiculous, that is special. He ran a domestic cup final yesterday, so i cannot work out what can't you see - i'm not being funny are anything m8 but are you footballing blind? :eusa_think:
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New member
I think you're going too far. He's very talented 19 y o who recently had some great games, that doesn't make him a world class. We can't possibly know how he'll turn out to be, will he fail, stagnate or improve, he's just too young.

I think he'll continue to improve and become a very good midfielder, but still can't see him reaching Scholes or Xavi heights

I didn't say he was world class. I said he has a trait that world class midfielders posses. I don't think he's far off though. I'm pretty sure that Wenger, Cappello, Pep and Liam Brady who've all said he's already a great player know more than you though.

Let's just say, Cesc is world class now and Wilshere was better at the same age.


New member
That's your opinion and your entitled to it, but the thing your opinion is already wrong because Wilshere already is a great player mature beyond his years. If Wilshere stayed the level he is at now without improvement (as said in my previous reply) making 90%+ complation passing rates nearly every game for the next 10 years, showing all this great vision, skill, drive and awareness as he does every game, he would go down as an Arsenal great and one of England's greats but fact is at 19 years old he's only going to get better.

But where is this "lack of specialness" you cannot see :icon_confused: what is special to you? When i see a teenager running a game where Iniesta and Xavi are right infront of him, them doubling up sometimes with Busquetts making them look ridiculous, that is special. He ran a domestic cup final yesterday, so i cannot work out what can't you see - i'm not being funny are anything m8 but are you footballing blind? :eusa_think:

I think it's the case of you getting caught by English media hype, not me being footballing blind. ;)

It's just ridiculous to claim that talented 19 year old boy who has had a run of great performances is already "world class". Come on, it's actually unfailr to the kid, let him develop.

And about this maturity thing - he really is the type of player that matures very early. I said he's like Stankovic in that aspect, but Rooney is also appropriate comparison. Same thick, stable body type and generally rough appearance. Rooney was also sensation at a very young age, and also had well rounded game. What made him world class was not some special ability, but his immense physical power, and now that he doen't have it anymore, he isn't a shadow of once great player. I think it's that type of player that grow up and peak early.

I also think Wilshere as a midfielder has more chance than Rooney to maintain high level throughout his career, when we're at it.

I didn't say he was world class. I said he has a trait that world class midfielders posses. I don't think he's far off though. I'm pretty sure that Wenger, Cappello, Pep and Liam Brady who've all said he's already a great player know more than you though.

Let's just say, Cesc is world class now and Wilshere was better at the same age.
Cesc definitely wasn't this mature at 19, but sublime technique and vision Wilshere doesn't posess were there. Wilshere is a player that matured very early, let's just see how he'll develop.


English media hype :lol:Wayne Rooney :lol: Now i know you are fucking around, you're not a Jock by any chance are you or any other near by hater country? :lol:

I don't let media sway my opinions, when i see a footballing talent with my eyeballs, i will say it as i see it.

As for Rooney he still is one of the best footballing talents, you only have to hear the opinions of every footballer who talks about Rooney (every Barcelona player included) and id take their opinions over yours. This time last year he was tipped as winning the ballon d'ore, he may be a cunt but his talent is there for all to see, just because players have a few months out of form doesn't make them shit all of a sudden. What is your views on Torres who's decline in form has been even more dramatic than Rooney's, all good? :pep:

And no he isn't WC, to be WC you have to be performing at a high level for years, but 1 thing Wilshere is doing is performing at a WC level.

For some reason though you cannot see it and can only predict a decline which makes you an hater my friend.

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New member
Jesus. No need to be so aggressive.

I actually said I expect him to develop and become a great player (and a genuine complete midfielder, I would like to add). It's just the thing I currently don't see that touch of genius about him that the very best midfielders have.

And Rooney will never be the same player again unfortunately, he had already peaked and foot injury made decline come too early.
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Sorry re-reading my reply, it sounded like i was being aggressive but i really wasn't, i just typed and typed and it turns out like it did :blind:

I apologize anyway m8, you're entitled to your opinion.
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