Jack Wilshere



Hes getting overated now,hes good but hes not THAT good.He lost the ball a lot in the Nou Camp and I think he lacks creativity and his long passing isnt great.His dribbling is shit as well.

Cocky little bastard it was nice seeing Ferguson (CC Final) and Alves put him in his place,he shit himself when Alves squared up to him :lol:

He needs to stop flying in with his studs up as well.


Bomb Dropper
Hes getting overated now,hes good but hes not THAT good.He lost the ball a lot in the Nou Camp and I think he lacks creativity and his long passing isnt great.His dribbling is shit as well.

Cocky little bastard it was nice seeing Ferguson (CC Final) and Alves put him in his place,he shit himself when Alves squared up to him :lol:

He needs to stop flying in with his studs up as well.

you know, you sound a lot like the people criticising Busquets two years ago.

trust me, this kid is the truth.



He still needs to work on his game though,he loses the ball twice in this video due to immaturity .He needs to work on his defensive postioning because he loses his man a few times in this video and goes rushing into pressure players who are already marked,so hes leaves space behind him for Iniesta and Xavi.


New member
Bloody hell he's 19. He's not going to be perfect, is he? He's not the finished article, of course he isn't but he's excellent and is going to be an incredible player. And his dribbling isn't shit, it's actually very good. My biggest criticism is that he has Hlebitis - gets in goal scoring positions but looks for the pass instead of having a shot.

At the moment I'd say he's more important than Cesc to us.
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Bomb Dropper
At the moment I'd say he's more important than Cesc to us.

that's not true.

you'll still be able to play your game well with Cesc there, what Wilshere does is supercharge Cesc because he feeds him solid passes and helps him into positions where he can be even more effective. he helps build the rhythm of the side by interchanging passes with the playmaker (Cesc) and constantly recycles possession to keep things ticking over.

there's a lot of misconceptions about what he is as a player. he's small and has good technique, so everyone thinks he must be an attacking player because that's the stereotype ingrained in British culture. fuck me it's annoying. thankfully Wenger knows the truth, as does Capello who put him at pivot for his 1st England start.


The good
Starting your career as a pivot doesnt mean you will be a pivot
We Will know where he will end up in 3 years,Cesc started in a similar role and then Wenger moved him higher,I reckon the same will happen to Wilshire unless Ramsey becomes Wenger's project there.
We will see


New member
If Arsenal board wants trophies and not only profits and good finance, they will give Wenger one more chance and he could be gone after the next season ends.


New member
For owners like EPL clubs have, in Germany or Spain he would be sacked after 2 seasons of bad results and not a single trophie. Arsenal owners are one of the biggest examples of that theory. They are satisfied with low budget signings and profit that club has and they are satisfied with excuses that Wenger makes for fans, "young team for the future", "referes" etc.

Also, I think that Wenger has considerable credit with Arsenal fans because some of his results, but question is, how much patience fans have for him? I'd say give him one more season and that's it. Wenger is maybe great manager but when you have resources, money and good organisation within the club and you don't win anything in 6 years...


Active member
For owners like EPL clubs have, in Germany or Spain he would be sacked after 2 seasons of bad results and not a single trophie. Arsenal owners are one of the biggest examples of that theory. They are satisfied with low budget signings and profit that club has and they are satisfied with excuses that Wenger makes for fans, "young team for the future", "referes" etc.

Also, I think that Wenger has considerable credit with Arsenal fans because some of his results, but question is, how much patience fans have for him? I'd say give him one more season and that's it. Wenger is maybe great manager but when you have resources, money and good organisation within the club and you don't win anything in 6 years...

that is totally not the question. look at the arsenal fans after they got beat in CL, it's not a question of patience, it's when they are willing to wake up


New member
that is totally not the question. look at the arsenal fans after they got beat in CL, it's not a question of patience, it's when they are willing to wake up

Any team this season would have lost against Barca, and Wenger is the best thing that ever could have happened to Arsenal.

We're 3 points behind United, with them still to face Chelsea and to face us at home. Van Persie is fit again and we'll have Theo back in a couple of weeks.


Any team this season would have lost against Barca, and Wenger is the best thing that ever could have happened to Arsenal.

We're 3 points behind United, with them still to face Chelsea and to face us at home. Van Persie is fit again and we'll have Theo back in a couple of weeks.

3 points behind the worst United team in 20 years,go Arsenal !


New member
The United team went unbeaten for over half a season? And don't give me that "no Ronaldo/Tevez" crap, because IMO they are a much better overall team with Valencia and (a now world class) Nani stepping up.

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