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wilshere is a dirtier player than shawcross.

Look at that dangling piece of leg and say that again, because what you just typed was probably the dumbest thing I've ever read on the internet.
wilshere is a dirtier player than shawcross.
1 - It was a 50/50 where Ramsey got to it first. Shawcross missed the ball, hit Ramsey high on his tibia/fibula and snapped them.
2 - Shawcross did an even worse challenge the season before and put Adebayor out for 6 months
3 - Before that, Shawcross tackled Francis Jeffers from behind and broke his ankle
Oh wait, Wilshere is a dirtier player than him, right?
but that's bollocks.
if anything, wilshere is a dirtier player than shawcross. he's far sneakier and knows how to put himself about (a good trait, and the reason he'll make it in the PL despite his size - like scholes). shawcross is just bigger and stronger than most people, and he's a bit of a clumsy oaf so makes rash decisions and late tackles.
anyway, I'm not saying wilshere's tackle was malicious, it wasn't. like you said, arsene said, big eck said... it was just mistimed. but the hilarity of wenger leaping to his defence while constantly and FIERCELY criticising other players for the same type of infraction, is hilariously hypocritical.
Haha, I was surprised to hear that as well.All managers are hypocrites. From Wenger to Ferguson to Mourinho, when tackles go against them they complain, and when their players do it they say otherwise. Good managers will lie to the press to shield their players, it's what they're supposed to do. Also...
"Jack mistimed his tackle and got a red card, which he deserved."
He's not being a hypocrite in this situation.
wilshere is a very dirty player how can you not see that
wilshere is a very dirty player how can you not see that
His tackle was incredibly dangerous, kind of for the raised leading foot but the way he goes through after with his whole force into the ankle afterwards could have snapped his lower leg into shards. I think the consequences ie broken legs are not always the way to judge how bad a tackle really is, there are a lot of determinate variable that are separate to severity of tackle which factor in legs breaking or the player walking away injury free.
One that always sticks in my mind was Cesc on Danny Cullip (BHA and to a far lesser extent, Lewes Legend).. that was a certified leg breaker, one of the worst challenges I have ever seen and if Cesc hadnt been about 8 stone at the time he could have crumpled the shit out of Danny's leg.