Javier Pastore


New member
The Qataris and Emiratis are taking over world football right now. They've got one of the biggest stadiums in England named after them (Emirates stadium), have their names on the shirts of many clubs (Arsenal, Milan, Barca, PSG, etc), and that's just the beginning. They own PSG, Malaga, Manchester City, and will no doubt be buying more clubs. Oh yeah, they've bought the rights to host a world cup.

It's not enough that they've turned their cities into playthings for the rich, football is their new toy.

Add Real Madrid to the list, Emirates is their new sponser

And let's not forget they own Getafe too....
Ye Cheryl Cole, beautiful face bit too skinny for my liking though and she annoys the heck out of me

yeah lol, she is amazing until she opens her mouth, then it all goes downhill..

Btw, about PSG, i think it was good club to be bought, Paris is a nice city and if they get into the CL next season lots of players will want to go there IMO.


The Qataris and Emiratis are taking over world football right now. They've got one of the biggest stadiums in England named after them (Emirates stadium), have their names on the shirts of many clubs (Arsenal, Milan, Barca, PSG, etc), and that's just the beginning. They own PSG, Malaga, Manchester City, and will no doubt be buying more clubs. Oh yeah, they've bought the rights to host a world cup.

It's not enough that they've turned their cities into playthings for the rich, football is their new toy.

Oil price will soon go down, and they will go back to herding livestock...
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When did I say I was proud of that?

In an ideal world, I want money away from football. Teams should play with the players they produce...


When the deal was struck back in winter...but the point you are missing here, is not this team or that team.

It's the system of football financing as a whole...

And I did not say anything about PSG in particular. Nothing at all. I only berated Arab financial involvement in European football.

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