Jean Marie Dongou


Hi, its me..
worked really hard, but yeh felt sorry for him a little :lol:

didnt see any of the ball around the box.


New member
He's the man for the future


With Messi dropping down and changing sides with Dongou; Ney-Leo-Dongou


Wild Man of Borneo
That's glorifying his ability to fit your point. Just like how Graham Hunter once said he was "better than Messi" because of all the hype for a next Eto'o. The future could go in several different directions with Deulofeu looking the more likely option to take a spot in the lineup rather than Dongou. From what I've seen, even Sandro looks like a much deadlier #9 and better fitted than Dongou.


Senior Member
if delou doesn't get rid off all the pause in his game he will be the next sanchez so i don't see his place as certain as some.

donqou though is much better than sandro, sandro is more dynamic but in the box donqou is something really special.

if they all develop to their full potential. he will have the biggest impact on the first team.


Wild Man of Borneo
if delou doesn't get rid off all the pause in his game he will be the next sanchez so i don't see his place as certain as some.

donqou though is much better than sandro, sandro is more dynamic but in the box donqou is something really special.

if they all develop to their full potential. he will have the biggest impact on the first team.

Disagree on the last point. Dongou is a hard worker but his movement/runs around the box are very poor and he often goes invisible in games. Sandro on the other hand constantly makes himself available in great areas.


Senior Member
yeah as i said sandro is more dynamic, but donqou will get the team more goals and goals out of what looks like nothing.


Wild Man of Borneo
That's the thing. How is he able to score goals and get into goalscoring positions when he barely even touches the ball? Sandro constantly has chances and constantly threatens, signs of a player who scores often. Dongou on the other hand has his moments but otherwise remains lost from the play, sure he may have a few golazos in a season (very few, his dribbling ability is overrated) but otherwise it's not like he's a constant threat that's turned on and dominant for an entire game.


Senior Member
hhave a feeling that if he stays fit and plays most of the games as the 9 he will get 15-20 goals next season.

just realize someone said he can play on the wings, no that's a big no.

not fast or skillful enough, he is a proper 9,sheva and rvn type


Senior Member
well he has been scoring goals with his "limited" movement from the word go, more than sandro in similar teams, so you can say how is he going to score when he has proven how he does, and its not all golazo, they're proper centre forward goals. sandro has a tendency to be moving too much a lot of wasted movements.

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