Jeremy Mathieu


New member
Meh, still, too old and too expensive :coffee:

As a fan why should it worry you how old he is or how much Barca spent on him really? It's not money out of your pocket is it lol.. The performance should be the main thing and he's given that nearly every game so far this season.


Went to a club with my friends and some girls yesterday. While they were dancing and drinking I took a seat and thought of Mathieu's tackles vs Granada.

Best. Night. Ever.

Deco 20

Scandinavian 101
Went to a club with my friends and some girls yesterday. While they were dancing and drinking I took a seat and thought of Mathieu's tackles vs Granada.

Best. Night. Ever.

Went to a club, drank one beer, one guy from the entourage got thrown out, we all had to leave too. Waited for like an hour only to find out another place was full. Went to a third place, got in and within 10 minutes the same guy got thrown out. So some of us went out with him, and tried to decide what to do next + contact the rest. Stood there for well over an hour, while he tried to get back in twice but failed. Then went home.

Total time spent for 1 beer: 4 hours


Went to a club, drank one beer, one guy from the entourage got thrown out, we all had to leave too. Waited for like an hour only to find out another place was full. Went to a third place, got in and within 10 minutes the same guy got thrown out. So some of us went out with him, and tried to decide what to do next + contact the rest. Stood there for well over an hour, while he tried to get back in twice but failed. Then went home.

Total time spent for 1 beer: 4 hours

Did the guy get thrown out because he tackled the security guard like Mathieu? :mathieu:

You should keep a safe distance to these guys who get thrown out of clubs. You should focus on Barcaforum instead. You're safe here (except when darthvader comes for revenge)


Active member
He surely knows how to use his long feet and give a sliding tackle.Just hope that he does not mistime those tackles vs real leading to a penalty.


President of FC Barcelona
Benatia would have come regardless of Mathieu(in place of Vermaelen)

That being said, I am actually happy with Benatia not coming, since Masch is still playing as a CB. Benatia coming would have pushed Bartra out. Always mantained that Mathieu is a beast :party1:

Although the fact that we could have gotten him for half the price last year is just...... sad that we didnt do it then.


Where have all the benatia and '20 million is too much for a 31 year old' trolls gone?
I'm here.

I can understand that some people here believe Mathieu has so far made a good start of this season. But our defense has never been on a really big test to be honest, no big surprise since we have so far almost encountered weaker teams who park the bus....

The fact still remains that we have over-paid for a defender who turns 31 in October. Admittedly, Mathieu's quite fast but given his predilection for cigarettes and his high age, the risk is pretty big that he loses it. And I have not even mentioned the injury risk tends to be generally higher for older player.
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6racies Xavi
Mathieu is a quality signing , if benatia would've been bought he would've come instead of vermaelen , but I didn't expect that LE would still use mash as cb , which would've pushed bartra farther in the picking order.

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