He will have to take a big pay cut.
Maybe it would be best to win the Copa and say goodbye together with Pique and Busquets and let the new chapter begin.
That would be ideal. Busi really needs to move on.
He will have to take a big pay cut.
Maybe it would be best to win the Copa and say goodbye together with Pique and Busquets and let the new chapter begin.
This is why it?s key to sell/offload most of those players, 63m just on wages for those 4. Can offer Haaland a very nice wage if we offload players.
More members of Laporta's board will resign after a heated argument that occurred between some of them.
Wtf is going on
❗Official: Jaume Gir? has resigned, and will not be part of Laporta's board.
Well this is escalating quickly. Whats the profile of those who are resigning so quickly.
Covert Rossellistas?
What is going on? What was the fight about? Over specific economic policies? The London travel thingy sounds like an excuse since it is unimaginable that they didn't foresee this when Giro joined Laporta's candidacy.
Since Giro was the face of Laporta's economic program, this is very concerning.
Sport says some guy named Ferran Reverter, apparently club CEO, will be having a definitive final word on economical decisions under Laporta's tenure, and this was deemed unacceptable by Giro.
Well. It was an easy job to make promissess. Now when Laporta needs to make them real, financial department has a "debt as an ocean" in front of them.
Precisely, the populist speech from the campaign does jack shit once you are confronted with the real situation. The time for talking is over, now let's see them how they tackle the issues.