Joan Laporta


Senior Member
Is the rest of the squad automatically registered from previous years? Could Barca just register their signings, but not register someone else who was already under contract?


Senior Member
I don't know if it's just because of the translator talking gibberish. But I don't understand a single thing he said there. He does end it all with "I hope we can register them" though, which doesn't sound all that encouraging.

You don't call players to training and promote the Gamper with them if they can't be registered.

Also, in the same interview, he said that the first team squad is still open - as in there could be other additions.


Culé de Celestial Empire
You don't call players to training and promote the Gamper with them if they can't be registered.

Also, in the same interview, he said that the first team squad is still open - as in there could be other additions.

They could just be some BSting from him to pacify the fans though.


6racies Xavi
Is the rest of the squad automatically registered from previous years? Could Barca just register their signings, but not register someone else who was already under contract?

Apparently that's not possibile , or else most of Barca wage problems would have been solved. New signings need to be registered last.


Senior Member
We have to be able to register some. Didn't we save some with Firpo deal etc?

Depends on the wages of the signings, I imagine all of them together earn a fraction of Messi's big contract.


New member
I think we had an exception last season; therefore, some players leaving does not mean we are allowed to register new ones.


Senior Member
Apparently that's not possibile , or else most of Barca wage problems would have been solved. New signings need to be registered last.

That's actually good because that would also be a horrible solution. Imagine you're on a long term contract with Barca and they come forth and tell you that you'll be playing for Barca B the next year. They'd probably sue the club at that point.


Active member
I don't know why people angry at Laporta.

People think Laporta can print Money. He wasn't lying when he was elected that Messi will stay since he was sure the Super League would go ahead. He got problems after Super League collapsed like a Titanic


Senior Member
I don't know why people angry at Laporta.

People think Laporta can print Money. He wasn't lying when he was elected that Messi will stay since he was sure the Super League would go ahead. He got problems after Super League collapsed like a Titanic

You just defined lying, mate. Didn't have the money but went on with the bullshit regardless.


Senior Member
I think a part of the issue is that Laporta was still undecided just 6 months before the election if he was even going to run. How can you plan or even begin to plan to alleviate the debt or anything for that matter when you haven?t been working on your candidacy.

Ultimately I guess Laporta underestimated just how much debt there was and the lack of plan means he?s deciding on the job now rather than actioning his campaign plan.


Senior Member
Nothing is "free".
2. They still received a sign on fee.
3. Their agents still received a commission.

Do you have a source for that?
Because this seems like an assumption here.
Laporta himself said that all players took pay cuts to sign here, and even after their fees was agreed he asked for pay cut again and forced them to do so.
Non through the whole process has ever mentioned those 2 happening (and Catalan media always loves to report them)
Correct me if I missed the news about those sign in fee.

Barca fans should maybe come to agreement with the uncomfortable truth that the club is in financial ruins, couldn't even pay actual team wages for 1-2 months just earlier this year and at some point come to the realiziation "mhh maybe we are actually living above our means and shouldn't shop at the top of the market for a while".

You also have to accept that even losing companies would still spend to improve its product in hope to attract better revenue.
Standing still is the worst solution in such situation. There is a reason that even Liga rigid rules still allow clubs to find ways to spend even if they spending 1000% of their salaries.

Like the other guy said, Laporta signed players in the hopes that La Liga relaxes FFP. Or in the hopes that later on deadwood might still be sold.

That isn't what I said, I never mentioned selling the deadweight as his solution.
The players should be registered easily (at least 3 of them) if the reported rules of Liga are accurate without even selling the deadweight. We already have 6M from Trincao, 15M from Firpo, along some other few millions from some of our youngsters in addition to their wages, and already has agreed pay cuts. That should reach 4 times the salary of Emerson and Eric for sure and most likely Memphis too
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Senior Member
I think a part of the issue is that Laporta was still undecided just 6 months before the election if he was even going to run. How can you plan or even begin to plan to alleviate the debt or anything for that matter when you haven?t been working on your candidacy.

Ultimately I guess Laporta underestimated just how much debt there was and the lack of plan means he?s deciding on the job now rather than actioning his campaign plan.

I can't agree with that at all, in fact I would argue Laporta was the most ready between candidates.
Like what was Font "12 years of planning" was going to do when the situation of the club took 180 turn after Covid?

People in another thread was talking about Font saying he had a plan to save 200M immediately, but here what we know: During elections , Tusquets agreed a deal with City for Eric Garcia with 3M + 7M add-ons. 2 "prepared" candidates accepted and thought it was good financial deal.
And 1 "unprepared" candidate rejected the deal, and it wasn't done. Same guy btw has won and renegotiated terms of agreed salary twice and got us a much better deal.

I would say Laporta was the prepared of them all and the one with the best plan. But no plan was going to change the situation we have atm.


Senior Member
Do you have a source for that?
Because this seems like an assumption here.

The assumption is based on the norm in football that free transfers receive a sign on fee, and agents receive commissions for their service. These informations are not always publicly disclosed and the media doesn't always know every whiff of the deal which is when they are not reporting it. You also don't see transfer installments reported in the media, which is why most people assume that when someone buys a player they pay 1time and not over several years even though that is also actually the norm.

You also have to accept that even losing companies would still spend to improve its product in hope to attract better revenue.

Barca doesn't really sell a physical product though that requires materials to be produced and sold. And even from a marketing perspective most cules I know off literally say that they'd feel more attached to promising youngsters emerging from their own La Masia, than to a 33 year old striker from abroad that spend the past 2 years on the bench and is looking for a retirement check.
So actually using the crisis to promote youth while saving expenses in the long run isn't even hurting marketing potential. It's what many fans fantasized about for a while already.

That isn't what I said, I never mentioned selling the deadweight as his solution.
The players should be registered easily (at least 3 of them) if the reported rules of Liga are accurate without even selling the deadweight. We already have 6M from Trincao, 15M from Firpo, along some other few millions from some of our youngsters in addition to their wages, and already has agreed pay cuts. That should reach 4 times the salary of Emerson and Eric for sure and most likely Memphis too

Then why hasn't that happened already? What is the hold up? Firpo, Trincao and co. have been sold over 1 month ago and yet we are still here.
It's so easy apparently that we are 5 days off La Liga officially starting and none of them is registered to it.
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