Joan Laporta


Senior Member
There is absolutely no logic in Laporta or Tebas not wanting Messi.

It means less casual viewership, less general interest, less shirt sales, less sponsorship, less tourism to the stadium, less players being attracted to the club. Nothing about losing Messi benefits either of them.

Last time Barca were in the mire, lets say 01-03 - Real Madrid still had plenty of star players. At the moment, both have none it's going to make everyone's work that much harder.


Senior Member
Surely the politician thing to do is to keep Messi and accept that CVC deal and leave the financial disaster to the next president something which Bartomeu would have done. Here is how I see it , Laporta was hoping that Tebas would lift/relax those wage restrictions as La Liga was about to start , obviously that didn't work out so told Messi he couldn't sign him.

I just don't see the benefit of Laporta not wanting Messi.

Laporta wasn't interested in the CVC deal. His plan was always the Super League and is pushing for that even now, with Perez and Agnelli. They just get more money and have more control in a league created by them.


6racies Xavi
Laporta wasn't interested in the CVC deal. His plan was always the Super League and is pushing for that even now, with Perez and Agnelli. They just get more money and have more control in a league created by them.

But Laporta wouldn't be here to reap the benefits of that compared to the CVC deal and him being considered a hero in Barcelona for keeping Messi.


Senior Member
He had every reason to believe Tebas would be willing to make some concessions though. Every other big league has done just that. As he said in the press conference - they reached two different contract agreements with Messi and presented them to La Liga, who then rejected it. And the reason La Liga rejected it is because they want the CVC deal to go through and they were hoping to strong-arm Barca into accepting the deal so we could keep Messi. These specific nuances are not something Laporta could've predicted 5 months ago.

Whether he believed Tebas would cave or not that is not some last minute change when he guessed wrong and would have known long before yesterday that was most likely to be the case.

There was no last minute change Laporta did not see coming that is false.

Most likely either just the board or the board and Messi knew he would not be renewing long before they announced it.


Senior Member
But Laporta wouldn't be here to reap the benefits of that compared to the CVC deal and him being considered a hero in Barcelona for keeping Messi.

Might be closer than we think. And he might run again for president. Creation of a Super League is more enticing for these ego maniacs.


Senior Member
I just can't see how ESL can become reality now. There is basically no way of it existing with just these 3 clubs. Nasser played the game perfectly and gained a lot of points at UEFA (which means he can do whatever the fuck he wants even more now).

It's entirely possible that Leo leaving is the result of headbutting between Laporta and Tebas (as someone said, too much ego).


Senior Member
But Laporta wouldn't be here to reap the benefits of that compared to the CVC deal and him being considered a hero in Barcelona for keeping Messi.

Well if they are heads of the SL then they would hold their positions post club president terms. Just guessing.


Senior Member
As far as I understood it, the Salary cap and the Sports payroll to revenue ratio are related. Meaning it's not a fixed number, but a percentage of what they make. Wether that's the 65-70% threeshold Laporta talked about though I'm not sure.
Laporta also spoke about the fact that this does not only include wages but also amortizations, which means (quoting some else)

So that's another issue.

Considering they are Arsenal and not 10th place from an actual competetive POV it means they are outperforming the relative expectations. And Arsenal isn't even a club that actually just relies on calm transfer windows and solutions from within. They are spending crazy and have barely had much youth coming since prime Wenger days. (which were also the days they were actually most succesful).
If you want to translate the example to another club, take Madrid for example who haven't been spending for several years and trusted in the squad that was already there, yet maintained top positions.

Not every time a club goes busy in a window, it has actually improved.

Man u
Spurs (recent years)
Liecester city

All are better teams than arsenal over the years, so they're certainly not top 10 competitively.

A strong case could be made for


As well, all these teams that's what 15 have out competed arsenal domestically & in Europe, arsenal are basically a gloried EL team that's still living off past glory, they cant even make it to a EL final.

Becoming the next arsenal isn't going to solve our problems, at our worst which we are now, we have a better team than arsenal and similar revenues.

The Chelsea/Madrid comparison doesn't work either because.

1) they are/were both in much better financial shape than us.
2) going into Chelsea's ban & Madrid with draw from the transfer market they both had a better team that we do right now, certainly Madrid did.

A transfer ban where you aren't allowed to sign players for 1 summer is a holiday compared to the current mess we are in.

The only way out is to but a compelling team out their, compete at the highest level, reduce our wages and in a few years 3/4 at most, we will he back at the big boys table, no big player will sign for us in a few years if we are finishing 6/7 like arsenal.

Bartomeu really fucked us, but I think laporta is making all the right moves given the hand he was dealt.


Senior Member
[MENTION=1732]jamrock[/MENTION] of course a transfer ban is a less worse than what Barca faces right now. But the point I'm trying to emphasize is how other top teams did not suddenly fall from grace because they decieded to rely on internal solutions for a temporary phase. Neither competetively nor from a marketing perspective. Barca as it is can not afford new signings, as they can hardly even afford to register the squad that already exists.

People here are going to tell me how boring it would be to abandon the chase of 'big stars' on the top of the market and rely on internal fixes. But this is the reality, and people have to face it. Competing for the top finishes and CL titles is realistically not a feasible target. And accepting that reality does mean to bend over to mediocrity, it means that you are willing to eat dirt to get back into the driver seat healthy as quickly as possible.

New spectacular signings are a cool thing. But Barca simply can't afford to register them right now as it looks. So even with 4 signings made, they might in the end not actually play a single competetive game. And yet they cost double digit millions in wages at a club that's already drowning in debt and FFP issues. It's time to acknowledge the looming disaster, set realistic goals, make realistic transfers and personel decisions and stop talking about being one of the worlds greatest 3 clubs or maintaining a revenue that is earned based on a life you lived way above your means.

Shit hit the fan and this is where we are at.
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Senior Member
[MENTION=1732]jamrock[/MENTION] of course a transfer ban is a less worse than what Barca faces right now. But the point I'm trying to emphasize is how other top teams did not suddenly fall from grace because they decieded to rely on internal solutions for a temporary phase. Neither competetively nor from a marketing perspective. Barca as it is can not afford new signings, as they can hardly even afford to register the squad that already exists.

People here are going to tell me how boring it would be to abandon the chase of 'big stars' on the top of the market and rely on internal fixes. But this is the reality, and people have to face it. Competing for the top finishes and CL titles is realistically not a feasible target. And accepting that reality does mean to bend over to mediocrity, it means that you are willing to eat dirt to get back into the driver seat healthy as quickly as possible.

New spectacular signings are a cool thing. But Barca simply can't afford to register them right now as it probably seems. So even with 4 signings made, they might in the end not actually play a single competetive game. And yet they cost double digit millions in wages at a club that's already drowning in debt and FFP issues. It's time to accept that the club has to acknowledged the looming disaster, set realistic goals, make realistic transfers and stop talking about being one of the worlds greatest 3 clubs.

Shit hit the fan and this is where we are at.

I agree with you re competing for CL titles & signing big stars that's done for a while, but I do think we have to make a effort at it in the league, even if we don't win it.


Senior Member
I agree with you re competing for CL titles & signing big stars that's done for a while, but I do think we have to make a effort at it in the league, even if we don't win it.

Of course, but that has to be achieved in the limits of what is possible. Signing players without being absolutely sure that you can register them is not the way to go forward. I would not complain about all that if those players were actually registered at this point. But they aren't. And everything Laporta said so far suggests that he actually doesn't know if that will change.
It's naive gambling and club + fans need to settle down with expectations and dreams because the uncomfortable truth is that Barca simply could not actually afford the success it maintained over the past years. It's revenue based on an illusion. The club lived far above his own proportions under Bartomeu and now with Covid it's not possible to shift todays problems to tomorrow. The bubble Barca lived in is bursting and it's time to pay the price of the previous years.

But still: The squad as it already was and even without Messi is actually able to compete for the basic goals, even if the forum likes to overexaggerate. Individually, it's not even as bad. Sure It requires some good management and fine-tuning but it's absolutely possible, a top 4 finiish and a CL quarterfinal are still in reach. And there's La Masia with a decent generation right now willing to fill the gaps if that is needed. Barca is gonna require to diet at some point anyway. Do it today, because shit will only get worse tomorrow. Should've already called a diet yesterday, but that didn't happen, so today is still better than tomorrow.
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Culé de Celestial Empire
[MENTION=19371]Yannik[/MENTION], I agree with what you said above. However, there could be pressure from existing sponsors and potential sponsors felt by the club to do everything to sign a new star player, whoever he is. If not, it might have detrimental affect on our commercial revenue and the power of the brand. Of course, that is only possible if we sell/release one or a couple of high earners. I think in the January window we will only be making small adjustments if we have the room for it, summer 2022 hinges on how we do this season both on and off the field (revenue-wise). If we do well, we might have more money and a bigger salary threshold for the 22/23 season.

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