Joan Laporta


Senior Member
We made some half decent money off sales this summer.

Move for haaland next summer 👀👀.

Imagine if we didn't have all these horrible contacts to deal with, could possibly make a few more nuggets.


Senior Member
Does it matter? Font certainly said that he wanted to keep Messi as well. And with all we know re-signing him was virtually impossible. It wouldn't change the outcome one bit.

Then you have Tusquets and Font advocating Garcia for ~20ME on insane wages. Given our financial situation the former was malicious (or incompetent) and the latter naive. Laporta is improvising, but Font's genius plan would have imploded as soon as he audited the club.

in the context of judging his presidency? of course it matters. otherwise what is the point of the candidacy and the whole election circus?

so far laporta has the following:
- promised to keep messi but didn't deliver
- didn't get rid of any of the big flops in the squad(dembele, coutinho, griezmann, umtiti, pjanic)
- tried to get rid of koeman but failed(didn't promise that in his campaign, but the circus around the situation could have been avoided)
+ has managed to get some players on free trasnfers and moderate wages
+ has sold some players that were not barca quality, getting some good amounts in the process
+ agreed to wage cuts/deferrals with some players


Senior Member
Every time someone talks about laporta failing to get rid of "old high wage earning underperforming always injured players".

I wonder if they understand how transfers work, they're 3 parties in a transfer not 1.


yeah mate, laporta who knows people in and around the club. a guy who lives there and is connected more than anyone else. suddenly he didn't knew.

there are 3 scenarios here:
1. he bluffed the candidacy just to win - for which he can be judged since he promised something he had no clue about
2. he knew and was naive thinking that he could somehow get it over the line - again creating false hope
3. he had this plan all along and executed it to perfection, by lying in the process

so don't tell me he can't be judged on the above as he's either stupid or a liar. promised something and didn't deliver - of course you could judge him on this.

Right, you're the expert so the only possible scenarios are the 3 that you presented huh :lol:

Again, he fully believed he would be able to sign Messi and said so. Messi himself said so too. Things out of their control prevented it from happening, it's as simple as that. You can judge someone on what they promise and deliver, but you also have to be aware of the context. We were given the context very clearly as to why the re-signing couldn't happen so if you choose to not believe that and create your own scenarios making Laporta or Messi himself ''the big baddie'', you're not being a realistic critic anymore.

Yes mate, he didn't know shit because he was totally unprepared for the job and now as a consequence he is completely lost. No one is claiming that Barto was doing a good job and we all know that he completely ruined the club. Problem is that Laporta so far looks like a man who doesn't have a clue what to do. Things are basically happening to him and he is definitely not in control of the situation. If you are satisfied with this level of managing than you really have a very low expectations.

Furthermore if he knew about the possible problem with registration he could have tried to extend him before his contract expired. Do you honestly think that Messi would have said no if he knew there is a possibility he couldn't be resigned in August? IMHO Laporta is either totally unprepared or he didn't want to renew Messi at all. If he wanted Messi out because of some unknown reason I can accept that. Problem is that he had to be more direct and honest about that entire situation. So he is either unprepared or a horrible liar, you choose.

This situation reminds me of politicians who win the elections only to claim they can't do shit because situation is horrible because of the former government. If you can't do shit and you are clueless than why the fuck did you even run for a presidency in the firs place? Claiming that he didn't know how bad the situation was is a pure lie. It was obvious from the start.

Wouldn't extending have caused the same problems? Messi's wage with his previous contract was waayyyyy too high for us, that's why the first point of negotiation was for Messi to lower his wages by 50%. For the politician comparison, again context matters. Is the politician saying that in the first few months of him being elected, or 3 years after he's been elected?

Laporta had to deal with Messi's contract almost immediately after getting elected, while simultaneously they were running the audit and actually finding out just how bad the financial situation truly was. Fixing this shit takes time, and besides losing Messi, Laporta has already done some good work for the long-term, by earning 118m from player sales this summer and lowering the wages of several senior players.

That's how this stuff works, step-by-step. If Messi's contract was expiring next summer, renewing it would be no problem, but he had to do it in our current situation, which is an absolute mess - and not something a new president can fix in his first few months. And even then, from his side and Messi's side it could've been done (which is already an achievement because remember, Messi 100% wanted to leave last year, so even changing his mind on this was a mission in itself), but obstacles kept being added on with Tebas' obsession of the TV rights deal and it just made it impossible sadly. But that context matters, the deal didn't happen because one or the other side didn't want it to - it just couldn't be done.
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Senior Member
Does it matter? Font certainly said that he wanted to keep Messi as well. And with all we know re-signing him was virtually impossible. It wouldn't change the outcome one bit.

Then you have Tusquets and Font advocating Garcia for ~20ME on insane wages. Given our financial situation the former was malicious (or incompetent) and the latter naive. Laporta is improvising, but Font's genius plan would have imploded as soon as he audited the club.

Resigning was impossible but extending was not. Those are two different categories. If Messi was extended in June we wouldn't have problems with registering him. The real question here is did Laporta even want him to extend or not?

If Laporta wanted him out in order to start a new cycle now and not in 2023, I am fine with that. Problem is that majority of his presidential campaign was based on extending Messi's contract. Therefore, he was either lying from the start and he used the biggest legend of the club to win the elections or he was unprepared as it gets. It looks bad in both cases.
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What was out of the control from the club or Messi to renew before his contract expired?

His wages, for one. Extending an already existing contract you can only reduce the wages by a certain amount. It had to be a fresh start to allow for Messi's wages to be 50% lower, plus probably all the bonuses and stuff lower as well.


Senior Member
- didn't get rid of any of the big flops in the squad(dembele, coutinho, griezmann, umtiti, pjanic)

That's the last point I blame Laporta for. Just a wild guess, but he's probably better connected than Font, who I don't see solving this issue either (or anyone for that matter - Font is the benchmark though).

We will see in a year or two if Laporta did well (or not) when they present their numbers. There's not much transparency in football (regarding contracts etc pp).


Senior Member
That's the last point I blame Laporta for. Just a wild guess, but he's probably better connected than Font, who I don't see solving this issue either (or anyone for that matter - Font is the benchmark though).

We will see in a year or two if Laporta did well (or not) when they present their numbers. There's not much transparency in football (regarding contracts etc pp).

for now it's a minus on laporta. maybe he has a plan going forward. but doesn't absolve him if you want to asses his first 6 months in office.

Right, you're the expert so the only possible scenarios are the 3 that you presented huh :lol:

Again, he fully believed he would be able to sign Messi and said so. Messi himself said so too. Things out of their control prevented it from happening, it's as simple as that. You can judge someone on what they promise and deliver, but you also have to be aware of the context. We were given the context very clearly as to why the re-signing couldn't happen so if you choose to not believe that and create your own scenarios making Laporta or Messi himself ''the big baddie'', you're not being a realistic critic anymore.

yes mate. otherwise it means he was just naive in thinking things will somehow come along. you don't run a business by believing in stuff.

messi just repeated what laporta told him.

if things weren't in his control initially then why didn't he tell that from the beginning? be brave and say that messi renewal is an unknown and hard to pull off.


Senior Member
His wages, for one. Extending an already existing contract you can only reduce the wages by a certain amount. It had to be a fresh start to allow for Messi's wages to be 50% lower, plus probably all the bonuses and stuff lower as well.

That was debunked.

It doesnt have to be a fresh contract to reduce wages... look at what players are doing right now in the squad with current contracts.

There was no reason not to renew Messi before it expired if plan was to keep him.


Senior Member
Good job so far. Only minus is not giving up on Messi a bit earlier and signing Aguero. That's it. Maybe missing out on Wijnaldum too, but it's highly questionable.

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