Joan Laporta


Senior Member
No they are football clubs.

You blame 'plastic fans' for spending on players when you ignore the fact that Laporta and the board put the case for signing players requiring levers.. and the socios approved it.

If there is investment and other voices involved you get more balanced opinion and not a board who want to push through votes that benefit them in the short term.

You have it backwards and are literally bemoaning the current set up while stating it needs to remain in place.

Laporta and socios will push for current set up to remain as protects them... not because it is the best thing for the club long term if want to compete.


Well-known member
The financial issues started when we tried to outcompete City, PSG to get as successful as Real in UCL, after our ego was hurt with Neymar. That forced our board to give big wages and to spend more to please the fans. It's well documented, I am not inventing anything.
Real at the shelter of 3 consecutive UCLs invested in youngsters mirroring our rise to glory.
We just need to stop paying washed up players and media products and invest in talents.
Our illness is still there, if we see how we react to Gundogan's departure.
So far from changing the model we need smarter fans or better educated. That requires a lot of experience and failures like Real with Galacticos.


Senior Member
All this is happening under the current set up when the boards think short term too often and Socios vote them in based on emotion too often than any clear plan long term... which will continue.

Even Real and their current success are said to be looking at changing the structure to allow investment in the future.

Like it or not Barca/Reals model of being the top clubs in the world has always been linked to being dominant in the market.. That is the reality. They need to be positioned to keep up with that.

One off La Masia generations with best coach ever emerging at same time cant be repeated and it is no plan for future.


Well-known member
No they are football clubs.
We should stop here if we can't get the words right. North Koreea it's a democracy too based on your understanding.
I don't belite the model, only low iq cultures from failed states blame politics while they are the ones encouraging every policy.
Stupid people don't like to take the blame and responsibility and want enlighten masters.
My point is, the fan base is morronic, the model is not to be blamed.
Selling the club would solve what? What's the point of following Barcelona and not City if we have the same values, same company?
Better, why not Real Madrid? I mean they are a mafia, but still a club.


Senior Member
Stop if you like but they are football clubs and getting bogged down in that is irrelevant.

If the fan base is moronic then stop giving them such control of the club.

Barca will get left behind and they know it which is why change is inevitable... the longer it take and the longer they are so influenced by socios it will remain as now with periods of short term planning.


Well-known member
All this is happening under the current set up when the boards think short term too often and Socios vote them in based on emotion too often than any clear plan long term... which will continue.

Even Real and their current success are said to be looking at changing the structure to allow investment in the future.

Like it or not Barca/Reals model of being the top clubs in the world has always been linked to being dominant in the market.. That is the reality. They need to be positioned to keep up with that.

One off La Masia generations with best coach ever emerging at same time cant be repeated and it is no plan for future.
Barcelona was only dominant for a short period, Real too. FIFA never cared about clubs (Barcelona was not even allowed by the Spanish authorities to contest the order)
Milan, Inter, Bayern, Lazio, United were far more rich.
Milan is dead while not being a club. Why is that while having a professional leadership?
Why is Valencia dead?


Well-known member
Overspending as I pointed above is done to make the fans happy in a market full of inflation due to money laundering. You stop the fans being plastic morrons, the president will have no incentive to broke the bank.

And the German model is top down imposed over the whole league. That would be a good model considering Madrid ruined most of the traditional clubs with that law in the 90's, but it's another discussion. Barcelona doesn't need that model, it needs a constitution and some rules for trasfers.

If you apply the German model to Barcelona you get deposits type of investments, then you get those third world oligarchs in your board making sure Barcelona is playing safe at every stage and it's paying the debts first to secure their investment. I would rather watch Secunda than seeing Bedouins fucking every last bit of European culture.

City is perfect for the fans that want to sell. It's a copy of Barcelona with unlimited money. Why Barcelona should change for the plastics from abroad!? Most of them are from nations that failed to develop anything of value so what are the chances they understand how valuable is Barcelona as a Club? Football companies are everywhere, PSG, another copy even has similar colors.

Your attitude and that of the dumb Catalans will see us become the next Milan. This club needs money and professionalism, not nostalgia and misplaced idealism.


Well-known member
Stop if you like but they are football clubs and getting bogged down in that is irrelevant.

If the fan base is moronic then stop giving them such control of the club.

Barca will get left behind and they know it which is why change is inevitable... the longer it take and the longer they are so influenced by socios it will remain as now with periods of short term planning.
Having an idiocracy is very specific of big communities that experience success. Barca too. Wanting a master is also specific of big morronic communities.
In politics this is a given. But in football our morronic fans have no AKs to storm Laporta and impose Bedouins so I see no incentive to change the model.
We either better educate our fans by pointing at their idiocy our we will lose them.
But as I said is better to be a small club than a company. When I visit Camp Nou I want to feel at home, not on rented soil for a spectacle paid by Bedouins.
I already stated, I prefer being a small club.


Well-known member
Your attitude and that of the dumb Catalans will see us become the next Milan. This club needs money and professionalism, not nostalgia and misplaced idealism.
We can't become a plastic like Milan, at most we can be next Pamplona or Bilbao.
Well those who meat rided Neymar, Coutinho, Dembele, Ferran, Griezmann, Nico, Lewandowski should throw ten bucks every month at the club and we will have billions to rebuild the club.
You don't need oil if the most meat riders will put their wallets where their mouth is.


Well-known member
Secondly we are only 38 years old being a free club, 32 since we have access to a bigger market. We had 3 periods of success, 2 big downfalls and we are competing big clubs only from 2006 because of Laporta.
Now since most of the fans are Laporta or Rosell, Barto made, they are clueless. They only become fans once Barcelona played funny football and they would sell their mothers for that.
But I say enough is enough with this plastic attitude. You already bankrupted the club, I don't think FCB should sell for your wimps.
Fuck off and meat ride City.
Tiki-taka, peasants, bedouins, infinity money to splash on all hyped players. Let Barcelona be.


President of FC Barcelona
Barcelona have always signed big stars, and always spent a lot of money in the transfer market.

To believe the club can survive long-term without being one of the big dogs in the market is stupid. Two ways to solve that. Get back on track financially and instill strong third party financial controls in the club so that any new elected board that always thinks short-term cannot destroy the club.

Or open up for investors.

Considering the club themselves hires the person responsible for holding them accountable financially like Bartomeu did with Tusquets I don't have high hopes for any groundbreaking change in existing structure of the club.


Senior Member
Barcelona have always signed big stars, and always spent a lot of money in the transfer market.

To believe the club can survive long-term without being one of the big dogs in the market is stupid. Two ways to solve that. Get back on track financially and instill strong third party financial controls in the club so that any new elected board that always thinks short-term cannot destroy the club.

Or open up for investors.

Considering the club themselves hires the person responsible for holding them accountable financially like Bartomeu did with Tusquets I don't have high hopes for any groundbreaking change in existing structure of the club.

The strict rules exists tbh, and as bad as Bartomeu has done to the club, he helped in creating some of the assets we sold.

Covid was something that wasn't accounted for and basically destroyed how we operate.

I said it before and I will say it again, the fact that current times considered apocalyptic by fans shows how lucky and spoiled we are as a club.
Good chunk of the pain comes from the fact it came abruptly after the Messi era.
In a few years, even with current board, I've no doubt we will be able to stay side by side against Madrid, in a normal way.


President of FC Barcelona
The strict rules exists tbh, and as bad as Bartomeu has done to the club, he helped in creating some of the assets we sold.

Covid was something that wasn't accounted for and basically destroyed how we operate.

I said it before and I will say it again, the fact that current times considered apocalyptic by fans shows how lucky and spoiled we are as a club.
Good chunk of the pain comes from the fact it came abruptly after the Messi era.
In a few years, even with current board, I've no doubt we will be able to stay side by side against Madrid, in a normal way.

Barca is not the only club that faced a hit due to COVID. So why is it that the club supposedly according to this board at least were on the brink of bankruptcy?

There are no strong financial/economical controls in the club. It's still at the mercy of the competence of the people controlling it which can fluctuate a lot.


Senior Member
Barca is not the only club that faced a hit due to COVID. So why is it that the club supposedly according to this board at least were on the brink of bankruptcy?

There are no strong financial/economical controls in the club. It's still at the mercy of the competence of the people controlling it which can fluctuate a lot.

Because we were high spenders, high earners and we counted a lot on the stadium. Then we renewed the stadium after the Covid storm was off.

Right now we are spending more than most Italian and German teams. The reason we think we are in financial ruins is because we always push the limits, but those limits exists and force the club to go back to it's ways.

We are calling Olmo today, and if he is registered it is most likely means we are 1:1 with a top 7 squad or so in Europe and 2nd best squad in Spain, while losing close to 100M in revenue due to stadium renewal.

Edit: You have an enemy like Tebas saying that we have done great work to adjust wage bill, we have a journalist like Molina (the french one) who isn't fond of us, saying the French clubs and many around Europe will have a wake up call soon and will have to operate like Barca, saying that Bordoux won't be the last to go down due to financial ruins.

Only EPL bubble are safe, for now.

And even those, Chelsea is practically abusing Sterling to kick him out and manipulating the rules with Atletico, Everton and Nottingham lost points for breaching FFP rules, Liverpool has yet to sign anyone.

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