Joan Laporta


Senior Member
No. Not only criteria obviously. But was wondering if we made significant progress on that matter.

Loans would always have to have been taken.. there is zero credit there.

The levers.... short term gain for long term hit and not what Reverter etc thought was best way to proceed.

There was zero option but to reduce wage bill either way and probably been slower than it should have been.

100% wage bill has been negatively impacted by Europe also.

By far the best asset Barca have is the La Masia he inherited and the many players that are result of years of La Masia training. Much much better than the one he left last time round.


Senior Member
No. Not only criteria obviously. But was wondering if we made significant progress on that matter.
The single biggest issue for Barcelona was probably the wage bill and the loans that were coming due a few years ago.

The wage bill is manageable now, he got Cardioman, Suarez and Messi off the books, we are in a much better place with that now.

To pay the loans that Barto left behind we had two choices, sell pretty much all of our best players or sell TV rights, we much like Madrid were never gonna take the CVC deal, some disagree on what path was the best.

If anyone takes the time to just understand the time value of money, they will understand why the board choose the TV deal path.

The turning point in our finances will be the new stadium, which he could have easily chosen not to build, given our situation, but he made the right decision there, it should have been started under Barto.


Senior Member
No.. he did not get Suarez off the books.

The salary situation has Barca still scrambling for 1:1 two years after levers pulled.. too many players on too high a salaries and negatively impacted by performances in Europe.

Their biggest stroke of luck is the young players left in the team and coming through. Without tht would be dire.


Senior Member
The loans being paid had nothing to do with the levers or selling the best players.

As said numerous times.. there were other options.. the most financially qualified in Reverter and others were reported as not being in favour of levers.

Had the FFP rules not been as were then levers would not have been pulled... Laporta has said that numerous times.. he said they would have more freedom in market to sign players.. not have to sell them to survive.

Claims being made that 'Barca had to either pull levers or sell players to pay loans/debts left by Barto' is wildly off reality.

Barca took out a loan as approved by members in 2021 of over 525m.. a full year before the levers.. and restructured/paid down some of the debts.

Loans for Barca with the tv money/income and the brand are not nearly as difficult to get as made out.
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Senior Member
The only reason he will survive this term until 2026 is the fact that no one want's to take over until stadium is finished. However, he is managing this club beyond awful. Flick will probably end up being another flop and Laporta will consequently loose next elections.
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Lack of alternatives, his name and stadium being built just before elections will probably save him. I am very disapointed even though I didn't expect miracles from him but in Barca there is always danger of even worse presidents so maybe him staying wouldn't be the worst thing, we'll see who will run.


Senior Member
If we get Lewy, Gundy, Inigo, Lenglet all out the door next summer then we will have an incredible amount of space to play with next summer.

Whether we do it well is another question.

Time to start working that free agency pool with players in their prime age.


Senior Member
If we get Lewy, Gundy, Inigo, Lenglet all out the door next summer then we will have an incredible amount of space to play with next summer.

Whether we do it well is another question.

Time to start working that free agency pool with players in their prime age.

Doesnt quite work like that though.

Them leaving at end of contract does not then just give you that saving to spend.

If Barca are 100m over FFP for example and those lots salaries go.. still a way to go to even get to 1:1 and dont get a % of savings for them leaving bar Lewa who was under contract and then would depend on fee etc as to what save.


Senior Member
Wouldnt be surprised if he calls it quits even if reaches 2026.

He doesnt even look healthy and it is a lot of strain even if doing well.

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