Jonathan Dos Santos


Best midfielder around
I don't even think he wants to play, he just wants to get his salary and hang out with Thiago. Lazy, lazy.

BXI Fútbol

New member
I don't even think he wants to play, he just wants to get his salary and hang out with Thiago. Lazy, lazy.

I don't think he's lazy, Tito said he was impressed with his effort in training earlier in the season and the few minutes he did get in the Copa he always played his ass off. The problem is Tito/Roura simply do not rate him and yes it seems he considers Barca his home and is reluctant to leave. I'm sure he'll at least get loaned this summer though, one more year like this and he'll seriously be shooting himself in the foot. He is a good talent but it's clear he is not in Tito's plans.

Deco 20

Scandinavian 101
No comments about JDS? Back playing with his close friend Thiago against his older brother, and his first game in a very long time. He did well to!


New member
I know he's been off for a very long time and that game he had was good, but sadly there's no future for this kid here. He does pressure well and hi passing is good, it's just he's in a team with too many brilliant midfielders. It's a shame tho I like him so much and I want him to shine here but...

Better take off in the summer and kicks off his career for real, he has the potential to be a starting player in many teams.


New member
Out of the 3 subs I feel like jdos had the best performance of the day. Nice play great long passes. He's a great player that any team would be lucky to have he will shine but unfortunately not in barca too too too much talent at his position. Great job today dos santos


He did alright considering he hasn't played in a very long time. It probably was a great moment to play against his brother in Camp Nou :)


I can't feel ma face!
Glad to hear that he did well.
Id like to see him at espanyol/Malaga/Valencia/Sevilla
Stay in Spain.

And ill leave this here.


New member
Lol.. Happy Birthday Jonathan. Good luck for your career. I got no idea what kind of plan our management has for JDS.

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