Jordi Alba


Senior Member
Official: Barcelona confirm the transfer of Valencia left back defender Jordi Alba (23), pending medicial tests

Barca confirmed it as well, welcome St. Jordi

14 mil transfer, so we're left with just 26 for Hummels.

Unless we sell someone


ze special one
between xavi and iniesta, like a barca player !






New member
Benvingut, Jordi.

But it's a bit worrying that the medium height of our team continues to drop. :(


Barçapocalypse NOW!
Welcome Jordi...

And while I hope he does well I must say I'm not really impressed with him at the Euros, though...


New member
Great signing.

I have been a fan since the first time we were rumoured to buy him which was in October last year if I recall it correctly.

If everything goes according to the plan we have a world class left back for years to come.


Professor Balthazar
Great player!!! Awesome going forward and links up great with Iniesta and Pedro. Good defensively - fast and reads the game very well, that makes up for him being short/small. Two things that worries me is that he gets bullied of the ball by stronger players and sometimes bad passing. Another thing is, who will defend when both him and Alves are attacking and there's a counter attack? Could this mean we want to sell Alves? Hell no!

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