Jose Mourinho

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Senior Member
Won a league title in all big European leagues + Portugal

quite a remarkable record

Would be easy to do, but if he wins Championat and Bundesliga, we would have won all major leagues not only now, but traditionally..


very good man manager and tactically strong? yes, definitely. his success has come for a reason: he knows what he is doing and he does work very hard to succeed.

porto was his grand achievement because in every success afterward he had a great set of resources at his disposal.
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very good man manager and tactically strong? yes, definitely. his success has come for a reason: he knows what he is doing and he does work very hard to succeed.

porto was his grand achievement because in every success afterward he had a great set of resources at his disposal.

Disagree on both accounts. he is a good coach overally, but a considerable percent of what makes the special one is hype rather than reality. I really am trying to say this while staying unbiased. he gets his men's trust by injecting negativity in their minds and picturing himself as their only hope and source of trust while they are surrounded by a bunch of teams that are cheaters, whiners and evil. It some times back fires and some times doesn't. a real fine man manager does not need that. he has enough charisma and self confidence that can use positive techniques and the power of his personality to gain the trust of his players. Pep is one of them. you can argue that Pep Guardiola was a Barca Legend so he had some part of his job done by his historical greatness in the eye of Barca players, that is true but he was also a very inexperienced young coach that had to manage some super stars, he had to build on his reputation as a player and prove he was trust worthy as a coach and he did it.positively. then there is Juan Ignacio( and also his predecessor), Levante's coach who got a very weak team with a very small budget and kept them up in the competition and again got it done without making every other team look like axis of evil to his players.

he comes across more as a mediocre tactical coach. tbh with the mega million euro teams he has managed up to this day, he has shown very little tactical creativity when he was supposed to.

Pepe Silvia

Active member
*Chants song* Jo-se-Mou-rinho! Jo-se-Mou-rinho! Jo-se-Mou-rinho! *Chants song*


Fuck off Madrid!!! We're coming for our title next season bitches!!!


New member
shut up shop in the first leg, conceded and didn't get that extra away goal which they probably could have gotten quite easily (3-2 would've been a great result). got outplayed yet again in the second leg. shut up shop, went to penalties and his 2 most expensive players and the chosen ramos misses. if this isn't justice i don't know what is. perfect.
very good man manager and tactically strong? yes, definitely. his success has come for a reason: he knows what he is doing and he does work very hard to succeed.

porto was his grand achievement because in every success afterward he had a great set of resources at his disposal.
sure but those porto players became big chicken or egg story... he made them great or they made him great


New member
Hello? Did anyone saw the press conference of Moourinho "son of a bitch" after the game? Did no one recognise what he said about Barca ! This cannot be true!
For me his attack tonight is more even bad than last year after the Cl Clasico semifinal! Because today HE HAS EVEN NOT PLAYED AGAINST US!

SANDRO ROSSEL: Please please please stand up and defend Barca! This could not be!

Yugo Count Dante

New member
Hello? Did anyone saw the press conference of Moourinho "son of a bitch" after the game? Did no one recognise what he said about Barca ! This cannot be true!
For me his attack tonight is more even bad than last year after the Cl Clasico semifinal! Because today HE HAS EVEN NOT PLAYED AGAINST US!

SANDRO ROSSEL: Please please please stand up and defend Barca! This could not be!


New member
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