Jose Mourinho

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El Gato

Oh I will since I have no time to waste now, but believe me that his opinion and arguments won't be much different to mine.


immaculately conceived
Beast will throw in a few "you don't watch football", "please close this forum and leave" and ":lol::lol:" though.



New member
tactically genius he is not, but a good tactician he is

He's one of the best tacticians and the best motivator in the world in my opinion. Inter had a good team before Mourinho but they didn't have the mentality to win in big matches. He changed it in 2 years.


Senior Member
the a huge difference between being one of the best and a genius

a genius is someone embodying exceptional intellectual ability, creativity, or originality, typically to a degree that is associated with the achievement of unprecedented insight.

i present to you


do not water down the term genius, a kid that gets a honours in university isn't a genius, RVN scored many goals isn't a genius

a coach that players in a very reactive manner and his yet to manages a team that really goes out their and tries to be proactive especially against good teams

who has a limit set of tactics that he uses in most games(pep too) and as add nothing revolutionary to the game is certainly not a genius.


The Observer
Beast will throw in a few "you don't watch football", "please close this forum and leave" and ":lol::lol:" though.


:lol: On the case till i clean the forum ...
Well Jamrock opinion of a coaching genius is those who changed the tactical book and if you apply that criteria than Jose is not a genius and he is right
however if you apply what i (and probably most people ) would describe as a genius than he sure is (and that's probably one of few /rare/only times me & Rick would agree on something ) .
i call Herrera and co criteria innovators / Pioneers but not tactical geniuses , you got to have consistency of winning trophies to achieve that
i'd take Herrera for example and apart from 2 years with Barca in the late 50's and his 3 year Inter stint he achieved almost nothing worth mentioning .. don't get me wrong i love Herrera and Michels but i consider SAF , Jose and on his way Pep to be better in the coaching department


Yusuf Islam
dont understand how coach of the year in the biggest game of the 2nd half of the season gets blown away tactically and is abused in the score line 5-0?????? hmmmmm guess we will never know :D


The Observer
Same way the manager of team who won all trophies and have 1st, 2nd and 3rd player of the year lost to HERCULES @ home through DRENTHE ;)



Despite my hate for Jose Mourinho, he did have a good year. Congrats Jose.

Agreed, he might be the most indimidating and annoying person ever, but you can't deny the amount of success and accomplishments he achieved through that twisted brain of his.


Dr. Raed St. Claire
Calm down, I never said he is a bad manager. He is fucking top, results and performances of his teams say it all. I just disagree he is a tactical genius, I didn't say he is tactically incompetent. There are people who can coach their teams to play flexible and free flowing football the way he can't, and Garrido showed it last night (only in the first half though). I'd say his arrogance got exposed most of all because Real players obviously weren't prepared for Villareal running rings around them.

Problem with you Mourinho fanboys is that you think he is perfect coach who does everything better than every other man in the job, so you go crazy on any sign of criticism. ;)

What is a tactical genius in your opinion then? Give examples so we can compare.

the a huge difference between being one of the best and a genius

a genius is someone embodying exceptional intellectual ability, creativity, or originality, typically to a degree that is associated with the achievement of unprecedented insight.

i present to you


do not water down the term genius, a kid that gets a honours in university isn't a genius, RVN scored many goals isn't a genius

a coach that players in a very reactive manner and his yet to manages a team that really goes out their and tries to be proactive especially against good teams

who has a limit set of tactics that he uses in most games(pep too) and as add nothing revolutionary to the game is certainly not a genius.

Those coaches are considered geniuses in retrospect, when full blown analysis was conducted in order to understand what made them successful. Mourinho will be studied when his time is up, when he no longer is rallying up troops. Their careers were successful as long as they lived, it was made legendary when other adopted it and learned from it. The same is going to be said of Mourinho.

Madrid fan boys do not think he is the end all be all because he has his flaws. However he is a wonderful coach who has proved that his teams can be as versatile as they come.

Like Beast said, he may have not introduced new thesis to football but he has definitely written chapters in Catenaccio and football psychology as well as media manipulation. He is far from likable if you are at the receiving end of his abuse but consistency at which he conducts himself in this manner maintaining effectiveness is tremendous. Pep had his number in the Classico, but you are also comparing a top notch coach to him which doesn't prove anything besides the fact that Pep also managed to modernize the Barcelona game.

In 15 years when we reflect back on Mourinho's coaching ability depending on his success with Real Madrid and the team that follows, I am sure football experts will write thesis on his secrets, when players are interviewed and can be quoted. Right now, everything he says is annoying, everything he utters enrages everyone. When he is finally quite and retired, a look back on his methods will yield a positive return for football schools around the world even with all his negative manner.

After all, everybody says Herrera is a legend and a genius by looking at what he has won, forgetting his football was completely disapproved of at the time and he was the subject of trash talking by all those who were at the receiving end of his mind numbing football.


Senior Member
1st of all i never compared him to pep

2ndly the likes of sebes and michels were consider genius in their time as they put forward something the world was yet to see all while playing a progressive brand of football,herrera not some much but people respected what he was doing at the time and accepted that it was something new and revolutionary.

please do not water down the term genius people, its doing at disservice to the actually genius in the world.

Jose will write no chapter in the catenaccio story, has as i said earlier is has added nothing new to the way the game is played, he has done no more than the likes of capelllo and lippi among others in that regard as they took a system which is the easiest to win with and ran with it making small changes along the way to suit their respective teams.

he will add something is the sports psychology chapter for sure that i will give you and it is for that, which he will be mostly remembered not the football he play, his ego is his greatest attribute in this respect thought many do not like it.

please stop getting smart mixed up with being a genius.


Dr. Raed St. Claire
Sorry, I did not mean to say that you compared him to Pep. I was responding in general.

I never used the word genius anywhere in my post with regards to Mourinho. So I am not watering down the term because like you said it is unclear what he has pioneered, if anything at all. However, what I am saying is that this is similar to PhD students whose thesis earns them a noble prize thirty years down the road when it is truly reflected back on and when its effect reshape the world.

Maybe he did not reinvent the wheel but he is definitely an innovator. Let me ask you this, do you consider Mark Zuckerburg a genius or not?
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