Juan Guillermo Cuadrado


President of FC Barcelona
Man Utd's interest in him is actually serious if we go by Van Gaal's comments and it looks like they are prepararing an opening bid for him.


New member
Explica @airllimos que el Barça ha assumit que el PSG no vendrà Marquinhos. La possibilitat de fitxar Cuadrado torna a agafar força #frac1

Because Barca won't be signing Marquinhos (and will sign a cheap-ass CB instead), the possibility of signing Cuadrado is becoming more likely again.

Professor Chaos

New member
He prefers to join us than MU. United is not playing in UCL. Alves is almost out so Cuadrado would be 1st option on RB. I hope we can reach deal with Fiorentina.


New member
So who's more reliable, Cope or Ser?

If Cuadrado ends up at ManUtd, it can only be because Barca doesnt submit a decent offer imho. I d be very surprised if he chooses rainy Manchester over sunny Barcelona, but yeah, money talks too i guess.


Interest in Vermaelen pretty much confirms that we are diggin deep for Cuadrado. Being a cheap ass again on centre backs just to afford him.


Active member
wouldnt mind having him here. Neymar is injured and who knows when he will be fully fit and suarez isnt available at the mom so a winger like him wouldnt be hell on earth. He is actually a pretty good winger better than every player we have at the moment like pedro etc..


^No need to replace Neymar and Suarez with a 35m+ Cuadrado. We have Deulofeu and Adama who can play in these positions until Ney and Suarez will come back and they would cost no penny....


Active member
To count on players like adama and deulo is too risky. Adama is too young and deulo didnt impressed me. We need proven players and not any ? player who maybe will make it or not.


New member
Even though many have already written off Pedro, he's still with us. And frankly, I'd rather have him than Cuadrado on our wing.

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