Juan Guillermo Cuadrado


The Messiah
It's not like he doesn't have the energy to track back and contribute defensively. Along with midfield cover of Masch + Busquets.


Vice President of FC Barcelona
It's not like he doesn't have the energy to track back and contribute defensively. Along with midfield cover of Masch + Busquets.

its not him trying to contribute in defense its just that he sucks even when he tries, its either an easy dribble for an opponent to beat him or a tackle by him resulting in a yellow


The Messiah
its not him trying to contribute in defense its just that he sucks even when he tries, its either an easy dribble for an opponent to beat him or a tackle by him resulting in a yellow

Lol no, he started out as a RB. That is commonly known. As RM tracking back, hustling the wide player is more important than the tackling ability. Alexis was superb at it. He did it for Colombia at the WC too. He's a tireless runner with INCREDIBLE crossing ability. He'd be an upgrade to Alves on almost every count, Except maybe pure tackling (which Alves isn't particularly great at anymore either)


The Messiah
Umm if you've been watching our pre season friendlies you'd know Enrique has been playing with a 3 Man backline. I suggest you rewatch the games. In possession we have been playing a 3-4-3 with Busi dropping into the backline.

And no I don't claim to know everything, I don't know where you got that notion. It's quite clear Cuadrado won't be used as an atypical RB like Alves, as the team's setup seems to suggest it.
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The Messiah
Does buying a LCB/LB like a Mathieu and Vermaelen not suggest it? :lol: Not to mention trying to get someone like Marquinhos for two years who could play as RCB/RB? He's clearly looking to play a three man defense. Zubi himself said that they bought Mathieu for his ability to play in that setup. I'm not saying this will be the team's primary formation, but the options are there.

This seems to be a bit over your head. Never mind.


New member
Does buying a LCB/LB like a Mathieu and Vermaelen not suggest it? :lol: Not to mention trying to get someone like Marquinhos for two years who could play as RCB/RB? He's clearly looking to play a three man defense. Zubi himself said that they bought Mathieu for his ability to play in that setup.

Not only do you seem to lack reading skills, you also mix things up and forget what you said yourself. I've never claimed we won't play a three-man defence every now and then (even this is debatable but whatever), just that we'll never play a 3-5-2. Please tell me exactly how anything of what you just said suggests that Lucho "wants to accomodate Mascherano" or that we'll play with a 3-5-2. You claim to know things you have no idea of and then marginalise people who have a different opinion. If you have an opinion, state your opinion and don't sell it as a fact. It makes you look like an idiot, especially considering most here don't agree with your words of wisdom.

This seems to be a bit over your head. Never mind.

It's called in over your head. If you want to be disrespectful, at least do it right.


The Messiah
You should go back and read your reply. You start out by saying "nothing suggests Lucho will even consider a 352" to "I've never claimed we won't play a three-man defence every now and then (even this is debatable but whatever)" :lol: So I guess that's that.

You're right when you say it's not a 3-5-2, it's more of a 3-2-3-2 which is essentially the same.

As far as Masch being accommodated (that's how it's spelt) It's well known that Lucho wants to fit him into the starting XI. It's also one of the reasons he's not at Napoli right now. I figure you haven't been informed of this. If anyone doesn't have an idea of what they're talking about it's you.

I didn't marginalise your opinion. If you so passionately hate a player, you don't have to get all rilled up just cause somebody else likes him or what said player could bring to the team. You start out with a baseless claim of how I talk as though I'm a know-it-all, but it seems you think that way because you're clearly misinformed.

Yes, i'll keep that in mind next time, thanks. At least I managed to get my point across with that line ;)


New member
You know, you're a special case. You talk so much yet you don't say anything. Your only argument is "it's well known he wants to fit Masch into the starting XI" which is nothing but an assumption and I'll gladly quote you in a few months when Masch is still a bench warmer. About the other things you said, a 3 man defense doesn't necessarily equal to a 3-5-2 which should be obvious, and I don't hate Cuadrado at all, I actually think he could be a good wingback, granted I haven't seen much of him.

About the misinformed part, I don't even know what to say, so I'm misinformed if I think Mascherano will still warm the bench after he renewed his contract. Please pass that memo to Lucho, he must be misinformed too.
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The Messiah
No I think i'm saying enough, it's just that you don't seem to understand :lol: No it's not an assumption at all, if you've been following the team and their statements you'd know this, but like I said earlier you're misinformed. I suggest you follow the team a little better.

You say I marginalise your opinion yet, call my opinion "stupid" :lol: the hypocrisy man, damn.

Listen man, I don't have anything personal against you, but if you come at me with an aggressive baseless statement, you can't expect me not be as equally respectful.

By calling Cuadrado a good wingback you basically agree with what you attacked me with earlier. :lol:

I rest my case.
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