Lionel Messi - v7


Senior Member
He said he feels the club needs something new. So he understands it. How about not playing 99% of games for a start? He has to see drastically reduced minutes next season. Our players have to figure out their style and stop the Messiball. 50-60% of total playing time should do it.

One thing is to talk, another to actually do. Talking is easy.


Staff member
How about stop with the fucking strolling around? After some point, one would think you'd get embarrassed watching your peers trying to fill your holes.


Well-known member
Hey Boj, some folks making the point Barca should've just let him go for 100 mil instead of looking desperate.

Haven't given it much thought but just on gut feeling, if I had to make a quick call, I'd have let him leave even for free. Imagine the swag it would have given Barca. Messi asks to leave and Barca not only grants him his wish but also the 12 gun salute and the red carpet and the cheerbabe parade.

Chillest club in the world! :barcascarf:

ok maybe we'd go through a tough time but that's part of the challenge right. You fall and you get up

Semper Fi :rambo:


Active member
Isn't he like 3 years late for saying this? The president/Board will be gone in matter of months if not before.

Yes so much this. I am not saying what he said were lies, I don't think he is the kind of person who lies, this is the guy who never dived in his life (ok yeah that one time), I think at best he would have slightly been diplomatic in some particular things to suit his narrative but I doubt he lied.

But what amazes me is people praising this like it was a masterstroke. This is pointless, board is gonna fuck off in 6 months anyway, if anything he needed to this years back.

Most of you are gonna disagree with this but in the coming season Messi should play a free role as a midfielder. Will do wonders, and the rebuild can happen with players playing and practicing in their forward positions.

If Suarez ends up staying and we start the two of them upfront next season, I pray we exit in group stages. Otherwise 2-15 is coming.

At least Messi is in a decline. Suarez is FINISHED.

Finished Messi > Declined Suarez


New member
The same people who critizing Messi days ago for not speaking are the same people critizing him now in what he said. This forum really full of clowns 😆


Senior Member
He just explained it. Goes deeper, enough with the condpiracy shit making Messi out to be the bad guy.

Hhhhh so you want him to come out and say yup i did
All of this cause i want the amigoes to stay and
All back to where it was, well i amm 100% sure
If we had valverdi after munich defeat and nothing
Was done like after we lost to Liverpool he would
Not have done all this drama.
bar?a is beyond awful right now...let messi go and rebuild the future its the most important thing to do...if i see suarez staying here i dont want to see more...


New member
I wanted him to be free but oh well what can you do. Since he is staying I just hope the team doesn't end up trophyless so he can get a decent farewell ceremony. He was supposed to leave 2-3 years ago anyways. He made the decison way too late.

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