Lionel Messi - v7


Barçapocalypse NOW!
Now all the other seniors MUST be shown the door... What's the point of keeping them, start a whole new project right now...


President of FC Barcelona
I said last summer or around this winter that I wouldn't be surprised if this entire ordeal ends up with Messi leaving and all the other senior players staying.

Never in my wildest imagination would I think it would turn out like this.


Well-known member
Why can't Barca sign him on a free on low wages for the first year and agree to give him a signing bonus (that would compensate for his very low wages) in July 2022? That way he can get registered, earn his usual wages and Barca can meet the salary cap for this current fiscal year.


.. because they probably can't even register the other new signings.


Senior Member
Messi leaves and pique buskets Roberto stay lmao. Burn Em alllll! May as well start a purge Now.. Now is the perfect time to send out those old bums.


Senior Member
Why can't Barca sign him on a free on low wages for the first year and agree to give him a signing bonus (that would compensate for his very low wages) in July 2022? That way he can get registered, earn his usual wages and Barca can meet the salary cap for this current fiscal year.


He is not leaving due to the salary cap dawg. I think today's meeting just didn't go well and both the parties decided to part ways.


Senior Member

Why do we need Busi and Pique now?
For the 5th place?

The amount of power those two continue to have is mind boggling.

One player like that in a team is probably too much but Barca are littered with them.

Cannot wait for day they clear off and can watch a Barca that at minimum can compete physically with other teams and not old player whole gs have gone and coaches that find it impossible to find a way to cover it.

As simple 433 with eleven players who can run and play as part of a unit should not be such a dream that it is.


Senior Member
Time to move on, it's not as if Messi is leaving in his prime.

Barca existed before Messi and will continue to exist after. Will we ever see a player of his talent ever again at Barca? not likely but that could be said about the team heights we hit in 2011 during the Pep era. We look back fondly on those days as we will Messi's years here.

The cuck attitude many exhibit here is sad. Barca need to move on from worshiping one single player and focus on building a team. I'm not excited for next season in terms of where we'll go in CL/La liga but now Messi is gone, we will see what these players are truly made of.

Alba, Busi and Pique should be shown the door asap

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