Lionel Messi - v7


President of FC Barcelona
Think you may wanna post this somewhere that isn't a Messi-tribute-thread.

Doesn't even matter when this spastic clown on this forum will keep spreading fake news with people biting and just make up stuff as he goes.


Senior Member
Well... in this case... Messi had no choice but to go. Fair enough then.

This will blow over as soon as the season starts.


You're welcome
In lieu of all the sadness regarding current events the DonAK vs Messigician banter is what we needed today.


Well-known member
The club couldn't offer him a bigger salary reduction than 50% by Spanish Law.

That's why the club didn't even ask Messi about a bigger reduction. Just not legally possible.

Oh, didn't know that. Wonder why Laporta didn't say that when asked if Messi could stay for free or why Spanish journos wrote he accepted 70% reduction.

El Gato

Doesn't even matter when this spastic clown on this forum will keep spreading fake news with people biting and just make up stuff as he goes.

You'd think El Claco could do something about it, but he's too busy copy and pasting twitter threads himself


Because we of course need a post of the latest Fabrizio tweet. As if folk that want to know what's happening during transfer market already don't track him.


New member
I obviously hope for all the success in the world for Messi, but I know he's going to be hated by many if he signs for PSG. It's a shame.
Will not hate him, but I truly cannot wish him luck there. Would not even if it were Iniesta (my favourite footballer). Cannot stand PSG nor can I pretend.


Well-known member
Check the replies he got , I actually think the guy got it wrong. Since I don't know I translated that article 24 he mentioned , and Im not saying anything regarding 50 percent of the previous wages.

Me neither. Here's the article:

Es la cantidad que percibe el Futbolista Profesional con independencia de que
participe o no en los partidos que este dispute. Deber? fijarse con car?cter inexcusable en
el contrato que suscriban ambas partes, o en el Convenio que se establezca entre cada
Club/SAD y sus respectivas plantillas, para la fijaci?n de la cuant?a que corresponda a
cada temporada.
2. Cada Futbolista Profesional percibir?, cada a?o de vigencia de su contrato, doce
sueldos mensuales de una cuant?a m?nima de:
? Temporada 2016/2017:
1.? Divisi?n: 6.500,00 ?/mes.
2.? Divisi?n: 4.000,00 ?/mes.
? Temporada 2017/2018: Las cantidades de la temp. 2016/2017 + IPC.
? Temporada 2018/2019: Las cantidades de la temp. 2017/2018 + IPC.
? Temporada 2019/2020: Las cantidades de la temp. 2019/2020 + IPC.
En caso de IPC negativo, se tomar? el IPC igual a 0%.
3. Los Futbolistas Profesionales cuya permanencia en el Club/SAD sea inferior a un
a?o, tendr?n derecho a percibir la parte proporcional que les corresponda en raz?n al
tiempo de prestaci?n de sus servicios.

He's talking about 24.3. and 'proportional pay'.


Senior Member
That rule about 50% sounds stupid to be honest.

Messis contract has expired, if he signed a new one, he would have been considered a new player. Does it also mean if he signed for Atleti or any other Spanish club, that he couldn't get a salary lower than 50% of the last Barca contract.

Imagine someday Pedri wants to return to Las Palmas to end his career there, he couldn't do it because they can't offer him even half the wages he will be getting at Barca.


You're welcome
Check the replies he got , I actually think the guy got it wrong. Since I don't know Spanish I google translated that article 24 he mentioned , and I'm not seeing anything regarding 50 percent of the previous wages , unless something got lost in translation.

Same. Not convinced it is actually the case and applies to Messi.

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