As I posted above, our fans have a Jerome Krause type of idea about rebuild.
The board has leaked shit for media for years.
Yes, we have old squad that needs to leave, but that doesn't mean we scapegoat the players.
In past 10 days the board took the blame from itself, looked like innocent management who hired the perfect guy and then went hard after the players.
There was zero respect for those players.
There was plenty of disrespect for them from the media that is leaked bu the board.
the sporting director attacked the player themselves.
the club didn't try for a second to handle things internally.
May be, just may that Messi wanted the club acting professionally? May be trying to work with them and handle this like a pro? instead of throwing players under the bus, even if those players deserve to leave?
May be we need to realize that the board care about nothing but themselves? when they are supposed to care about the club? At least with the players they are employee who has the right to take care of themselves. The board however have no right to throw others under the bus to protect themselves.
When a club legend like Pouol, who himself worked under Bartou as Zubi assistant support Messi decision to leave, it speaks volume about the board-player relation. This is way beyond the whole amigo nonsense