Lionel Messi - v7


The sensible thing for Messi would be to make a press conference, announce everyone that his decision is very clear, and try to calm down the fans. If he really believes this is the end of the cycle for him, fair enough. Say it clearly himself, and stop this nonsense.

That's what he should do if he has made up his mind and doesn't want to use this to get Bartomeu out.

His reactions so far are consistent with a power play. This might not be true, but that's how it looks to me.

Cannot happen. Need to sought out situation with the club first otherwise it will cause a lot more problem.

And you really think him saying he will definitely leave can calm down those stupid fan?


Senior Member
When Messi leaves and calls out Bartomeu, Rosell and everyone culpable for Barca becoming a meme from being a respectable club these last 10 years, he'll be doing the club its best service ever.

Ridding it off people like them forever.

Wont make a difference as they will be gone anyway.


Senior Member
Staff member
NT is different. Can leave for 6 months, miss a handful of games and come back. At club it's all or nothing.


New member
He would be an enemy of the club if he leaves for free, legend or not, Bartomeu or not.

Bar?a absolutely needs that money to rebuild.

Maybe on barcaforum but in Barcelona he would still be absolutely loved, you guys are extremely delusional it's hilarious to read


New member
Maybe on barcaforum but in Barcelona he would still be absolutely loved, you guys are extremely delusional it's hilarious to read

I have not said he is not loved. It is normal he is loved by the fans.

I said he is an enemy of "the club". Not the fans. What the club needs with Messi departure is money to buy new players.

If he leaves on a free transfer, he will obviously be in opposition to the best interest of the club.

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