Lionel Messi - v7


Senior Member
Won?t it be exciting to watch Barca for once play as a team? Each cannot do anything alone and the only way to get result is to work effectively as a unit? Each needs to bring out the best version of themselves? Each has the freedom to make different choices without the pressure of hierarchy? I have dreamt for this moment and I don?t care if we go trophyless for a season or two as long as we head in the right direction and build a team that makes the fans proud once again. A team that doesn?t differentiate between names but rather focuses on performance, focus on solid principles: fairness and equal opportunities; trust in the youngsters; and style before results.


There is a greater chance of you making a U-turn and cartwheeling for Messi than the above happening in the span of 1-2 months.

It might happen a few years down the line but this is a process.

Don't make me dish out the L now, dawg.


Well-known member
And you are sure this is happening....... because?

Sure? One cannot be sure nor can one control result. One can take actions and control what he does. I am happy that finally we are letting go of amigos and I have waited for the moment where we cannot anymore depend on Messi as it isn?t an option. Its like throwing a kid in a pool .. he needs to learn how to swim or he will die.


President of FC Barcelona
Don't wanna go all BBZ, but a lot of these youngsters we have aren't gonna pan out long-term. We'll need to attract and sign some proper quality the next few years to get back to the level people are used to.


Well-known member
You know, I did an MBTI personality test and a similar personality to mine was Hitler. I can be an extremest when it comes to my ideal and go with the unpopular approach if I subjectively see that it yields greater future results.


President of FC Barcelona
You know, I did an MBTI personality test and a similar personality to mine was Hitler. I can be an extremest when it comes to my ideal and go with the unpopular approach if I subjectively see that it yields greater future results.



Senior Member
You know, I did an MBTI personality test and a similar personality to mine was Hitler. I can be an extremest when it comes to my ideal and go with the unpopular approach if I subjectively see that it yields greater future results.


@Messigician watch and learn.

This bloke is just being himself and massively outdoing you.


New member
No, I was talking about situations where Griezmann is making moves and is open in a better position, but Messi with Suarez ignore him to set each other up. Happens every game almost.

I'm struggling to understand how the best mover and the player with the highest work rate in our offense is played the least. But as I explained above, the reason is pretty clear why.

Pass to Griezmann, just for him to pass it back to Messi? Number one backpasser, least attempts in dribble and never take shots at goal, safest player in offense.

Dont find excuses for him.

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