Luis Enrique


World Champion
Well well... Neutralized Madrid, looked by far the better team overall. In the past 17 games his team has only lost 5. It's pretty outstanding that he got a relegation side to gel so quickly under his system and improve to the extent that they have. No one can doubt his potential as a coach, he really does know how to get the best out of his team.

Last season at this point they were bottom of the table. They only escaped relegation on the last day with a narrow win over Espanyol. Now they are 8th, two places ahead of Valencia. He really did a fantastic job. In fact if you take away the first half of the season (adaptation time) and only consider the last 18 games (second half of the season), Celta would be 5th right now, only 6 points behind Barca and only 1 more goal conceded than Barca. :lucho:


yes, today really capped a successful seasons work for lucho and celta.

nice team plays very nice.


New member
Apart from everything else we have talked about from tactics to leadership, one of the things that excite me the most about getting Luis Enrique as a coach is that I believe he will put a lot more emphasis on developing our youthplayers.

Because actually getting playingtime is so essential. It's impossible to truly judge what potential a player has from only watching him play 15-20 minutes of garbagetime every 2-3 weeks. Remember how Bartra looked during the pre-season international friendlies, and the beginning of this La Liga season with Tata, and compare it with how he looks now. It was only after he got a nice stretch of continuous gametime under his belt that we really got to see how he could grow with the challenge, and it was sadly Piques injury that gave him this opportunity. This isn't how it should be!

Same goes with Montoya. I think it's really sad that Montoya hasn't gotten more gametime this season, especially when Alves has arguably had his worst season yet. Nope, this doesn't matter as Alves, as well as most of our other veterans, have a seasonticket for the starting 11. Same goes with Tello and how he recently only got to play extra-time after watching Pedro throw away every chance he got for 90 minutes. What kind of message are we sending to the youthplayers when it seems almost impossible to contend for the starting lineup even under these circumstances?

I really hope Enrique can change this trend. What point is there in having the worlds best football academy if we're not going to give our players the chance to succeed with us? Loaning some them out to other teams is one thing, but the ones that we supposedly want to give and chance with the first team and don't send out, are just rotting away on the bench. Piques injury was perhaps a blessing in disguise for us, because Bartra has really grown with the challenge and shown that he has the potential to become yet another future homegrown star at CB position for us. I wouldn't have thought this at the beginning of the season.
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We have a constant supply line of burgeoning stars in our academy. Deulofeu, Rafa, Adama, Dongou, Sandro, Munir, Samper, Suarez, Halilovic, Ie, Bagnack, Tarin, Godswill, Quintilla, Pelayo Suarez, Grimaldo, Campins, Masip, Ondoa, etc., etc. If we actually put faith in our youngsters, we really don't even need very many transfers from outside.


New member
Exactly we have the world's best academy for a reason. I hope Lucho comes and continues what Pep did, we don't need to buy players for 50/60 million when we have such talent in our ranks.

Edit: And remember how they used to call Isco Iniesta with a shot? I believe Denis Suarez fits that description much better.
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According to MD Zubi asked Lucho to play with the false nine as the mean plan but Lucho REFUSED and told him to sign a real 9 , Another reason to love luis enrique .

Hope it's true. He's already taking charge of the team and refusing to let the board push him around.

IF this is true, of course. Could be the usual BS from MD.

I wonder what his formation will be. It looks like we could see Messi as CAM under him.


Senior Member
Hope it's true. He's already taking charge of the team and refusing to let the board push him around.

IF this is true, of course. Could be the usual BS from MD.

I wonder what his formation will be. It looks like we could see Messi as CAM under him.

Or maybe he sees him in the RW, instead of Pedro/Alexis. Who knows...


Senior Member
Exactly my thought imagine trio Neymar, Messi, plus striker who can score 30+ goals, it would the most dangers trio in the world.

Yea, but wingers run 10 km/game and having both Messi and Neymar who won't track back, I see many troubles ahead with this 4-3-3, with Messi and Neymar at RW and LW.


Danger Ahead
Yea, but wingers run 10 km/game and having both Messi and Neymar who won't track back, I see many troubles ahead with this 4-3-3, with Messi and Neymar at RW and LW.

Well I meant new striker as RW and Messi continuing as false 9, defense would suffer of course but that would a task for our new RB if Alves leaves.


Vice President of FC Barcelona
Why not 2 man upfront and change the formation into a 4-4-2 diamond which would be flexible enough to be 4-5-1 or 4-3-3. Messi at CAM behind Ney and new striker and we keep the 3 man midfield behind him while Alba and occasionally a new RB can bomb forward causing trouble on the wings

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