Luis Enrique


New member
Messi wouldn't hurt Barcelona(he'd leave before that), but Enrique is hurting the team.

People keep repeating this, but how do you know?

Anyway, I'm not really saying Messi would intentionally want to hurt Barca. I don't think he would. But sometimes people and especially football stars are not best judges of their actions. They might think what they're doing is for the good, but it's not necessarily (Good examples have been e.g Raul and Casillas in Madrid).


New member
The complaints are not just from Messi, but all players. If you believe the press, because that's what they're saying. That all players are unhappy, because they don't understand enrique's methods, or his tactics, or anything he is doing. Also that he doesn't go to the dressing room, but send his assistants there, to talk to the players. Messi wouldn't hurt Barcelona(he'd leave before that), but Enrique is hurting the team.

+1. The image we have all gotten of Enrique as a stubborn, arrogant, egotistical and at times incredibly irrational coach can't all be an illusion that we fans have spun up in our heads. There's a reason that we all feel this way.

The way Messi and the squad has reacted to him is only natural given his own behaviour, and it's this behaviour that is the problem - not Messi or the players attitude.

Again, respect is deserved, not a given - even for a coach. Lucho is acting as if it was the other way around.


Senior Member
:facepalm: bashing Messi our proven savior time after time and protect a clueless coach that is Lucho, who benched him in a match that we needed to win, enough of this BS please


New member
IMO, it's better if we draw or lose in the next two matches so Lucho can get sacked while there's still time for someone with a brain to salvage this season.


New member
:facepalm: bashing Messi our proven savior time after time and protect a clueless coach that is Lucho, who benched him in a match that we needed to win, enough of this BS please

No-one's bashing him. No-one is saying he hasn't saved us. But if there is reason for concern it should be voiced. Players acting like they're bigger than coaches or, worse, than clubs is not good. Messi isn't there yet, but there are some dangerous signs. Something to be wary of


New member
E.g by undermining coaches.

The same way as many well-meaning football stars have done many times in the past (again look at both our own club and Real).

The coach is a fucking idiot. I won't even go say "retard" because that would be bashing on mentally ill people. Lucho is irrational, illogical, emotional-temperamental, and has the IQ of a squirrel.


New member
Messi didn't act like this before it was absolutely necessary. Lucho has been here for half a season and has so far failed miserably and acting indredibly arrogant while doing so. He acts as if he doesn't have to answer for his decisions to anyone, as if his status as coach gives him absolute carte blanche until the end of the season, which apparently he thinks is the only appropriate time for any criticism.

You could argue that the players have even been patient with him. He got his chance, he got respected in the beginning like all new coaches does, in fact he got respected for a while longer than his actions called for, but nevertheless - once the "shine" of a new coach wore off, they quickly saw what kind of coach and person they were dealing with. Six months later and this happens. This is why a coach has to earn the respect of his players and gain their trust, if not he loses the squad. It's the same in every sporting institution with a coach figure.
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No-one's bashing him. No-one is saying he hasn't saved us. But if there is reason for concern it should be voiced. Players acting like they're bigger than coaches or, worse, than clubs is not good. Messi isn't there yet, but there are some dangerous signs. Something to be wary of

Why does it even matter to you if the players act like they're bigger than the coach? You think that harm the club more or an incompetent arrogant coach who has no idea what the hell is doing after months of being the coach at the club? Big athletes, no matter what sport always demand big coaches. Superstars never respect a coach who has nothing to offer to them. Have a research of your own. It's nothing new. Players want a leader, not a boss! You are not talking about a player who has a long history of causing trouble the way you are excusing Messi to do so.


Lucho is undermining the players, not the other way around.

Honestly it's almost like he's setting them up to fail with his strange tactics. Who in their right mind would think it's okay to change the formation every single game and then not communicate where they will play on the field until a couple hours before the game. Seems like Mathieu was genuinely surprised he was going to play LB in the Clasico.

I like the way Ter Stegen doesn't get any games in Liga but is just thrown to the wolves in European play. This is not conducive to Barcelona winning and challenging for trophies.

The bust up with Messi was just the final nail in the coffin to me. The writing has been on the wall since November. I wish he would have just resigned but he's continues to drag his good name in Barcelona through the mud. I almost don't give a shit what he did here as a player with the way he has managed this team through the first six months. I'm so disgusted.


Rafael Hernández ‏@RafaelH117
Barcelona’s players noticed that Luis Enrique manages the dressing room from afar, sending his psychologist and fitness coach instead.

Luis Enrique doesn’t go to the players dressing room, the footballers think he’s arrogant and acts like an egotist.

Lucho told the Catalan press he was going to take disciplinary action, and Messi discovered it, it’s why he’s irritated.

Messi received offers from seven different clubs, including from Italy (probably Inter), including Mourinho’s Chelsea.

Overall, Messi is uncomfortable at the club as long as Luis Enrique is there. All the info from @arevalo_martin.

Cadena Cope confirms Bartomeu has been in contact with Oscar Garcia and the dressing room welcomes the idea.

Enough is enough.


New member
Why does it even matter to you if the players act like they're bigger than the coach? You think that harm the club more or an incompetent arrogant coach who has no idea what the hell is doing after months of being the coach at the club? Big athletes, no matter what sport always demand big coaches. Superstars never respect a coach who has nothing to offer to them. Have a research of your own. It's nothing new. Players want a leader, not a boss! You are not talking about a player who has a long history of causing trouble the way you are excusing Messi to do so.

It matters because it sets a very bad tone and sends the wrong message.

We're rebuilding this season, and you patience is necessary. If you're not prepared to give a coach a whole season (and I'm talking now about a situation like ours, where we are competing on all fronts and have chances in all competitions) then there's something wrong. Or you've become another Chelsea.


It matters because it sets a very bad tone and sends the wrong message.

We're rebuilding this season, and you patience is necessary. If you're not prepared to give a coach a whole season (and I'm talking now about a situation like ours, where we are competing on all fronts and have chances in all competitions) then there's something wrong. Or you've become another Chelsea.

Sets what bad tone? And send the wrong message to whom and what exactly??

You really call this rebuilding?? In what sense this mess is rebuilding?! You give a coach the chance to continue if the signs of progress, even in the slightest way is apparent. But from what we're seeing it looks as we are going backwards. And not only that, the internal problems are coming out when we hasn't even reached half through the season.

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