Luis Enrique



It matters because it sets a very bad tone and sends the wrong message.

We're rebuilding this season, and you patience is necessary. If you're not prepared to give a coach a whole season (and I'm talking now about a situation like ours, where we are competing on all fronts and have chances in all competitions) then there's something wrong. Or you've become another Chelsea.

Do you honestly see any indication of this rebuilding happening? The team is not improving. By now, they should be, as United are with Van Gaal.
One thing is to have patience if the work is progressing. What is setting a very bad tone, to me, is how the players look lost on the pitch, and how our play is regressing and regressing with each game.

Enrique gave 2 extra days of vacations to Messi and Neymar, and then benched them in a very important away game. Does this make sense to you?


New member
Sets what bad tone? And send the wrong message to whom and what exactly??

You really call this rebuilding?? In what sense this mess is rebuilding?! You give a coach the chance to continue if the signs of progress, even in the slightest way is apparent. But from what we're seeing it looks as we are going backwards. And not only that, the internal problems are coming out when we hasn't even reached half through the season.

Yes, I call the trying out of new things and hiring a coach who doesn't just want to do what his predecessors did a form of rebuilding.

As to your first point, are you seriously suggesting it's fine if players are above the coach? If the reports are true, are you fine with Xavi telling a coach to change the style one year, and Messi forcing the removal of a coach the next?


Senior Member
There is no rebuilding going on now.

Lucho doesnt have the players to do it. The midifield is terrible - the 'new' players like Rakitic/Rafinha are not good enough to displace the old guard of Xavi/Iniesta who seem to be totally inflexible and can only play one way.

The signings dont make sense - why sign a striker like Suarez who thrives on receiving the ball early and to feet or in behind the defence. Yet sell possibly the best creative midfielder in the world suited to that style in Cesc.

On top of that Lucho doesnt have the the charisma or leadership to convince the players that his way is the best. To be that may be an impossible task anyway as with this group any manager will inevitably be compared to Pep. But even then Lucho has failed miserably.

Of the old group under Pep only Messi, Busquets and possibly Pique should have been definites for me. Even letting Cesc take Iniestas place. A difficult decision but Cesc will be the better player over the next 4/5 years.

Last summer should have seen massive change in the core squad. In reality nothing changed.


New member
Do you honestly see any indication of this rebuilding happening? The team is not improving. By now, they should be, as United are with Van Gaal.
One thing is to have patience if the work is progressing. What is setting a very bad tone, to me, is how the players look lost on the pitch, and how our play is regressing and regressing with each game.

Enrique gave 2 extra days of vacations to Messi and Neymar, and then benched them in a very important away game. Does this make sense to you?

Do you know all the circumstances around the giving of the vacation? Do you know why they were benched? I don't know for certain so I can't comment.

We've been a bit of a roller coaster ride, but there have been at times some decent signs. Plus, we're actually doing better than Man Utd aren't we?


New member
There is no rebuilding going on now.

Lucho doesnt have the players to do it. The midifield is terrible - the 'new' players like Rakitic/Rafinha are not good enough to displace the old guard of Xavi/Iniesta who seem to be totally inflexible and can only play one way.

The signings dont make sense - why sign a striker like Suarez who thrives on receiving the ball early and to feet or in behind the defence. Yet sell possibly the best creative midfielder in the world suited to that style in Cesc.

On top of that Lucho doesnt have the the charisma or leadership to convince the players that his way is the best. To be that may be an impossible task anyway as with this group any manager will inevitably be compared to Pep. But even then Lucho has failed miserably.

Of the old group under Pep only Messi, Busquets and possibly Pique should have been definites for me. Even letting Cesc take Iniestas place. A difficult decision but Cesc will be the better player over the next 4/5 years.

Last summer should have seen massive change in the core squad. In reality nothing changed.

Sadly I'm coming to think this too. I hope I'm wrong.


Yes, I call the trying out of new things and hiring a coach who doesn't just want to do what his predecessors did a form of rebuilding.

As to your first point, are you seriously suggesting it's fine if players are above the coach? If the reports are true, are you fine with Xavi telling a coach to change the style one year, and Messi forcing the removal of a coach the next?

I definitely do not sit on my ass giving international moral codes to a football player when my clue about the situation is less than 1%. Specially when that football player has been at the club his entire life, giving so much to the club beyond the measure.

And when I see a professional player, the legend and the captain of the club telling a coach what to do, I have to question the authorities of the coach when something like this happen. We are not talking about some angry teenage players who donno how to behave when something goes wrong. Do you really think a player like Xavi don't know these trivial things you are preaching about?


Do you know all the circumstances around the giving of the vacation? Do you know why they were benched? I don't know for certain so I can't comment.

We've been a bit of a roller coaster ride, but there have been at times some decent signs. Plus, we're actually doing better than Man Utd aren't we?

Enrique said they were benched because they only took part in 2 trainings. And why was that? Because he gave them 2 extra days. The 2 extra days were given because of the flight they have to take from south america to bcn. But why bench them, afterwards? Messi was resting, no reason to bench him in such a game, because he only took part in 2 trainings.

And I'm not sure we're doing better than Utd. Moyes was their Enrique, and Van Gaal is now recovering them from the state they got with Moyes. They're on the rise, we're not.


New member
After watching Enrique and Bartomeu's press conferences yesterday I had thought that - with presidential elections announced for this year and Enrique's intentionally vague yet positive answers about Messi - Barcelona were slowly trying to resolve things within the board as well as between coach and player. I want Luis Enrique out, no question. But I also thought Bartomeu made it clear Lucho wasn't going anywhere and neither was Messi.

However today I see this article on Goal saying Luis Enrique has given the Barça board an ultimatum - it's either him or Messi.

I can't even react properly. This cannot possibly be true. How much of a prideful idiot could Enrique be to give such an ultimatum?
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After watching Enrique and Bartomeu's press conferences yesterday I had thought that - with presidential elections announced for this year and Enrique's intentionally vague yet positive answers about Messi - Barcelona were slowly trying to resolve things within the board as well as between coach and player. I want Luis Enrique out, no question. But I also thought Bartomeu made it clear Lucho wasn't going anywhere and neither was Messi.

However today I see this article on Goal saying Luis Enrique has given the Barça board an ultimatum - it's either him or Messi.

I can't even react properly. This cannot possibly be true. How much of a prideful idiot could Enrique be to give such an ultimatum?

This is old, from yesterday, and surely it's just BS from the media. If Enrique had made such ultimatum, he'd be gone by now.


This is old, from yesterday, and surely it's just BS from the media. If Enrique had made such ultimatum, he'd be gone by now.

I mean Enrique will try to keep Messi under his thumb, who wouldn't. Gurdiola was bumping heads with Messi too and we were lucky to have Tito to keep things calm. Lucho can give the ultimatum to test the water but if he continues or takes it to another level - that will very stupid thing to do and he will get terminated.


I read the story when a week before Classico clash Pep had a meeting with the players in the hotel room stating that they are tightening up the discipline: for example no one is allowed to drink Coke or other soda drinks. Our "little dictator" went to fridge pulled out a can of Coke and started drink it while Pep was still talking. That's dilemma for any coach: benching him means suicide, ignoring means losing authority in front of the players.


New member
This is old, from yesterday, and surely it's just BS from the media. If Enrique had made such ultimatum, he'd be gone by now.

I hope you're right. The media really stirs things up, I should really stop reading these stupid sensationalist articles.

Nevertheless Luis Enrique needs to go. Barça are most definitely not playing to their potential under him and I agree with you, I watch United as well and the situation is clearly the reverse there. I don't understand why Enrique persists with these experimental rotations; he's ruining our chances and the team's morale.


New member
I definitely do not sit on my ass giving international moral codes to a football player when my clue about the situation is less than 1%. Specially when that football player has been at the club his entire life, giving so much to the club beyond the measure.

And when I see a professional player, the legend and the captain of the club telling a coach what to do, I have to question the authorities of the coach when something like this happen. We are not talking about some angry teenage players who donno how to behave when something goes wrong. Do you really think a player like Xavi don't know these trivial things you are preaching about?

Trivial things? You clearly have little idea of what happens at big clubs and what has happened at Barca and Real. Remember a guy called Raul? Or Casillas?


New member
Mourinho was fucking with Madrid in terms of stability and solidarity. I don't know of any Madrid fans that sided with Mourinho over Casillas. Madrid finally getting rid of Mourinho was a good thing for them, and we need to do the same with Lucho.

Your logic is extremely flawed.

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