Luis Enrique



I dont doubt it happened but I dont think they would leak it than deny it to make Messi look bad and Barto good.

As it doesnt make Barto look good to have a player dictating to him. It makes it seem Messi is in control which looks bad on everyone.

Also there is absolutely no reason to piss Messi off. None whatsoever. They need him happy if nothing else for the duleded belief they will win elections.

You're right. The reason for a board member to do it, would be to piss Messi off, and make Bartomeu look bad. especially if one of them intends to run for president too. I just wish to know who leaked it. Xavi Torres might say something else tomorrow. But I'm not liking this one bit.


The Problem I Have with Barto is why would he anwser that he had no meeting with Messi, when 1.000.000 rumours are floating around? See a President wont anwser a stupid rumour but he came and denied it. I think he had a Meeting for sure.


Senior Member
The Problem I Have with Barto is why would he anwser that he had no meeting with Messi, when 1.000.000 rumours are floating around? See a President wont anwser a stupid rumour but he came and denied it. I think he had a Meeting for sure.

He would answer no even if he had that meeting as it makes him look weak and Messi too powerful.

Makes sense for him to deny it.


New member
I must say TV3's reliability has decreased significantly. Already noted that almost 2 yrs ago when they said Lucho will 100% be the next Barça coach, and a few days later the club announced they hired Tata.


I must say TV3's reliability has decreased significantly. Already noted that almost 2 yrs ago when they said Lucho will 100% be the next Barça coach, and a few days later the club announced they hired Tata.

Zubi wanted Lucho back then. But rosell didn't. Sandro signed Tata.


President of FC Barcelona
Zubi wanted one of Valverde and Lucho back then. Although they had their 'The Board want to sell Messi' last summer.


Whatever the case may be, Luis Enrique sacked Luis Enrique with his terrible managerial skills. Rotations, formations, man management, almost down to every little detail of his job has been absolutely dismal.

It should have been done in November. I really don't care about the scenario on how he's getting sacked because the decision is justified. I really doubt anybody in the locker room enjoys playing for this guy.


Senior Member
Ursegor is surely right in some points.

But Lucho has done a lot of bad things also.
On the other hand, I also agree that a new coach after Lucho WON'T fix our problems.
Our team is good only on paper. With a big "maybe".
MSN is not clicking yet properly.
-- maybe they just need more time, but maybe they will never click together, time will tell

-- we don't have a midfield, we don't have a DR at all, and DL Alba is not the smartest guy in the world
-- so, even with a new coach, we won't have a midfield, plus we won't have fullbacks who can contribute anything decent
-- that leaves us with MSN trio in attack to do something
-- so, those 3 players against 10 opponent's players, more or less, this is our game

While I'll also think that Tata was better than Lucho, but people have now started to hail Tata too much.
-- about Tata, have people forgot the last 3-4 Months of the last Season?
-- do you remember how we played in almost every match (ok, we didn't have the depth and we had some injuries), but we had a bunch of games which were the same as today under Lucho
-- in the last 10 matches in La liga, too many times we managed to create only 2-3 shots in 90 minutes, both home and away

1. in Pep's last Season, our team started to lose "magic"
2. In Tito's season, we were still good enough to trash La Liga opponents
-- but our deficiencies started to show against any stronger opponent
= so, with Tito, we were still good/creative enough against smaller teams, but were not good enough anymore against any stronger side
3. with Tata, the trend and a decline continues
= everything from a previous year is only multiplied and getting worse
-- with Tito, we were good enough against smaller teams
-- under Tata, in the 2nd part of the Season, we weren't able anymore to create even 5 clear chances in one match, against any La liga opponent
-- against bigger teams, lol, we played like, what, 6 matches against Atletico without a win?
-- do people really think that it was just a coincidence?
4. Lucho, wasn't it logical that everything will be even worse, team wise
-- ok, Lucho is probably the worst coach in the last 4 Seasons, but still
-- even Pep would struggle today, with this DEAD team
-- the downhill trend continued: we were poor against weaker teams with Tata, and in this Season, we are even worse
-- at home, we are somewhat good
-- but on away matches, lol, 0:0, 1:0 and 0:1 all the time
-- again, do people seriously think that it is just a coincidence?

We can bring Pep, Van Gaal, Rijkaard tomorrow, it won't help.
This DEAD team will play more or less the same against any crappy opponent in away La liga matches.

Yesterday on some other topics me and some people said that maybe it will be a time soon to sell either Messi, or Iniesta+Xavi+Busi+Alves+Pedro+Alba and a lot of players. A lot of fans laughed to that idea saying that Xavi, Iniesta and other guys aren't finished yet and how we need only a better coach.

But then, it means that both Tito, Tata and Lucho were bad coaches since none of them managed to create "magic" again with this team.
Plus, our team is worse and worse each new Season, and more or less, each new month.
-- so:
1. the team is the same all the time
2. coaches change
= then either coaches were poor (and the team is fine), or this team has some serious problems

Now, we will get a new board this summer, and people are happy.
But what is the point of a new board and a new coach if we will continue with Xavi, Iniesta, Busi, Alves, Pique, Pedro and similar guys?
Ok, new board won't be as dumb as the current one and they won't pay 100 Millions for Neymar, and they won't buy players like Douglas, but still.

We need:
1. a new board
2. a new coach
3. new players
4. some new ideas

Our current players share a lot of guilt for our decline also.
Not only Tata or Lucho.

And again, no coach in the world will again turn Xavi, Iniesta, Alves, and probably Busi, Pique, Pedro and other guys into a world class players.

were on the same wavelength. Just changing the coach wont change much. People here have a short memory when everyone complained about Tata playing boring and slow, just like they did with Tito, and Roura. The TEAM has declined since 2011 and it wont magicly get 4 years younger with a new coach. It needs a real big overhaul, getting rid of redundant players, no matter how much they have done for the club in the past. The current squad, except the attack, is quite weak.


Ayone saw his presser? He said the day his players stop following him, he leaves. But that this day hasn't arrived yet.


New member
Ayone saw his presser? He said the day his players stop following him, he leaves. But that this day hasn't arrived yet.

I'm watching it now. Meanwhile I saw an article saying Bartomeu has told Messi he's firing Enrique after the Atletico match and that Messi asked for Frank Rijkaard back. But of course this was on Goal so it's most likely false.


Senior Member
I'm watching it now. Meanwhile I saw an article saying Bartomeu has told Messi he's firing Enrique after the Atletico match and that Messi asked for Frank Rijkaard back. But of course this was on Goal so it's most likely false.

Maybe Messi could be coach-player. If somebody doesn't pass the ball to him he could sub him. The news is fabricated, Messi is just a player, he doesn't call the shots.
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Senior Member
I wanted to hear what he had to say. He hasn't really changed his demeanor.

I'll tell you right now, if we lose or draw with AM he'll say what a tough team to beat they are and that Barca created chances. He'll say we didn't take the chances we created and that Atletico is the kind of team that doesn't let you get away with that.

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