Luis Enrique


Where did you see me give all the credit to Messi? I never said he was the only one who deserves credit for it, or the entire team working well. But it would be absurd to ignore the fact that our front three only started working this well after Messi himself dealt with how he and Suarez were going to play.

Fair enough.


New member
On top of that, how often do you see players themselves making decisions like that, especially decisions that lead to such success on the pitch? It seems so easy to downplay how incredibly valuable Messi is to the team, beyond his goals and assists. The guy knows how to run the game.


New member
Watching Barca defending is heartbreaking. Things could have gone very wrong easily. Stupid, stupid, stupid....


Bad management from him. Bayern were ripping us apart and we were too defensive the whole time. He could have atleast subbed in Rafinha instead of flop pedro :banghead:


Another bad half time decision , he is lucky he has MSN.

Which bad decision? Suarez is injured.

His bad decision was the double pivot, it doesn't work. But the display today is not on Enrique. The players switched off at ht. They game was won and they decided to not play anymore.


No more faces at night
He tuned down the pace and tempo of the team.. which was painful to watch. At least all players came out of that healthy. Right?


Previously known as Mehssi
Still surprises me with his subs, I never know what he's gonna do.. what was the need of playing Matthieu for the double pivot, we've always played horrible with it...


New member
This is unfortunately typical of Lucho. He'll continue implementing the same ideas, even after it's proven that they don't work. Luckily tonight was a game in which such mistakes didn't cost us a title.

6 Ballons for Messi

but what if he wins 7??
Which bad decision? Suarez is injured.

His bad decision was the double pivot, it doesn't work. But the display today is not on Enrique. The players switched off at ht. They game was won and they decided to not play anymore.

No flavia.
The players don't do stuff like that on their own, lucho told them to take it easy.


Which bad decision? Suarez is injured.

His bad decision was the double pivot, it doesn't work. But the display today is not on Enrique. The players switched off at ht. They game was won and they decided to not play anymore.
Suarez was taken off out of precaution but he's not injured.


Hoy, mañana y siempre traductor
How can people criticize Lucho? There's nothing with playing double pivot if you're trying to shut the game down, and that's what we needed to do. No need to play intensely and risk injuries when the opponent needs to score 5 goals in one half to knock you out... It's also not Lucho's fault that Busquets, Alba, and Mascherano played poorly.

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