Luis Suárez

He is trash and needs to go but wow his goal was worldclass. Destroying Boateng and shoots perfectly into the net. For a moment he was 2015-Suarez again.

How can you be trash and world class in one sentence? Lol that?s the issue with this toxic board. I got banned for having an opinion to all the insults and derogatory remarks you all collectively make. But that?s fine in the patrol officers mind in here lol.

Bottom line is Suarez will be here and you will all have to suck it lol..


Well-known member
How can you be trash and world class in one sentence? Lol that?s the issue with this toxic board. I got banned for having an opinion to all the insults and derogatory remarks you all collectively make. But that?s fine in the patrol officers mind in here lol.

Bottom line is Suarez will be here and you will all have to suck it lol..
You can be class but not needed anymore due to immobility. Thats the case.
It's 2020 and we played a 4-4-2 so Fat fuck here can play with his buddy Messi at the expense of Wingers.

Dude has nothing other than the occasional goal here and there. No work rate on and off the ball, just sits up top doing fuck all to help the team. Bad enough we have to deal with Messi's issues without the ball but we have to deal with this guy and his pathetic efforts these days as well. Dude should do everyone a favor and fucking leave.

I'm so sick of having a team that is being crippled so some individials such as Suarez can play.

Occasional goal? He played 28 games and scored 16 in the liga. Easily would have been top scorer or second with Messi. Do you forget he also gives more assist than anyone to Messi? Do you forget he doesn?t take free kicks or penalties unless it?s charity. Seriously what do you guys watch? Lol


Senior Member
Occasional goal? He played 28 games and scored 16 in the liga. Easily would have been top scorer or second with Messi. Do you forget he also gives more assist than anyone to Messi? Do you forget he doesn?t take free kicks or penalties unless it?s charity. Seriously what do you guys watch? Lol

Clubs will be lining up for such a player!

Sadly they wont but hopefully Barca can force him out.


Senior Member
a better player than griezmann. and we are keeping frenchie boy.

definitely should sign a real striker this summer or we are not going anywhere.


Senior Member
Occasional goal? He played 28 games and scored 16 in the liga. Easily would have been top scorer or second with Messi. Do you forget he also gives more assist than anyone to Messi? Do you forget he doesn?t take free kicks or penalties unless it?s charity. Seriously what do you guys watch? Lol

Excellent stats, I'm sure every top team wants him. Can't wait to sell him for 60-70 mil to City


Senior Member
The entourage of Luis Suarez assures that he won't leave Barca [Ovacion Uruguay]

Moving these players out is going to be very difficult.


Senior Member
I'm really sad about the situation with Suarez. He is a club legend already, one of the best strikers we had. But so was Xavi and so was Iniesta. They just understood when their decline time will come and left. It's the normal flow in football.
Suarez is still a great goalscorer and we are not sure that we can find someone who can provide same stats soon enough. But, at least, we need to try. So I'm afraid he needs to leave now. I'm sure he can have several good years in MLS like Ibra did.
The difference between players like Griezmann and Suarez is that you can bench Griezmann, but you can't bench Suarez. If he is fit, he plays. And that makes 2/3 attacking spots busy already.


Senior Member
Not surprised. Probably thinks he is world class.

he is benching our other so called world class forward - griezmann :lol:

fatty boy has done the math.

tbf, it wouldn't be criminal to keep him for a rotation/bench role for a year. we can't get rid of him as we have to pay his salary anyway. so i say we bring another striker and we roll like that for a year. next summer fatty leaves and we know where we stand with griezmann and the other striker.


Senior Member
Yeah, no one is going to want out of their fat juicy.

Doesn't help that we tried getting rid of Rakitic and he road it out, started his own PR and ended the season as starter. Amigos will take inspiration.


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Senior Member
We can't survive a high-intensity game with him and Leo on the pitch together.

At this point, I would take Griezmann's workrate over Suarez's nose for goal (whatever remains of it). We are a slow, uninspired side in which 2 of the players do 0 defensive work, while almost all players employ 0 movement during attacking phase.

Would much rather score less goals and have a higher workrate side that isn't leaking goals in left, right and center against any decent side. Goals will come.

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