Luis Suárez


Senior Member
Barcelona will meet the lawyers of Luis Suarez in the next few hours to settle the termination of the player’s contract.



Senior Member
'Settle the termination of the player's contract'

I love those fancy words.

To put it in simple terminology, he's getting kicked out.



6racies Xavi

We move.
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Senior Member
Don't mind him leaving, but this is just classless. Thought we were supposed to treat club legends better than Madrid?


Active member
Seriously, those players should just leave without forcing them. I mean what value are they giving to this club after Liverpool and Bayern humilations? How are they justifying their huge salaries?


Senior Member
Don't mind him leaving, but this is just classless. Thought we were supposed to treat club legends better than Madrid?

Dawg...on one hand you want the amigos out and on the other, we're supposed to give them a 'class' ending?

Does not compute. He's refusing to move and he's a cancer on the field.


6racies Xavi
Dawg...on one hand you want the amigos out and on the other, we're supposed to give them a 'class' ending?

Does not compute. He's refusing to move and he's a cancer on the field.

I swear , I don't get this either. How about the disrespect he showed by stinking up the field , or saying the fans have a short memory after that 8-2 folding session (pretty much called the fans spoiled like Alba did last season). You would think these players are playing for free here.

And btw people tend to consider players Barca legends way too quickly , that kind of recognition should be handed to the cream of the crop.


Senior Member
Don't mind him leaving, but this is just classless. Thought we were supposed to treat club legends better than Madrid?

I'm not sure there is any other way he can leave now though without having the contract terminated by mutual consent. Especially with such a short turn-around until the start of next season.

Ideally, he gets a big send-off in a packed stadium at a testimonial or something but of course, no crowds right now prevents that.


New member
You do have to love the way this board airs it's laundry in public when they have an agenda, even when it involves a club legend - classless to the very end

Exactly. As much as Suarez should go it's shit them doing it this way. If they'd had a more competent board and sporting directors maybe he could have gone in a better way a couple of seasons ago with a proper send off.


Senior Member
I swear , I don't get this either. How about the disrespect he showed by stinking up the field , or saying the fans have a short memory after that 8-2 folding session (pretty much called the fans spoiled like Alba did last season). You would think these players are playing for free here.

And btw people tend to consider players Barca legends way too quickly , that kind of recognition should be handed to the cream of the crop.

At this rate, if we score a couple in a Gamper or Copa Catalunya as a sub...we're Barca legends too.



Senior Member
This is exactly what RM would do, by the way if it came to it. Or Bayern.

Stop moaning about classless when you guys were the same ones pining for ruthlessness. Can't have it both ways.

He's also not Messi, Xavi, Iniesta. He served the club well from 14-16 and has been a detriment since. We paid him handsomely for the last 6 years. He's no longer of service so he has to go.

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