Manchester United


New member
I used to think that was the case until I had multiple United fans tell me it was a myth. And it's not the case that only rival fans use it, I hear even United fans who do. Also if it was really that offensive, commentators and television networks would probably know not to use it.

Munich chants still pop up occasionally unfortunately but I don't think just saying Man U is offensive.


New member
I had an argument with Man United-fans once who continually called their club Man U and just laughed at me when I asked why they would use that (had always thought until then that Man U was used as a derogatory term). Apparently it is not.

Unbiased United

New member
I had an argument with Man United-fans once who continually called their club Man U and just laughed at me when I asked why they would use that (had always thought until then that Man U was used as a derogatory term). Apparently it is not.

I don't think you'd ever hear a true United fan refer to us as Man U. I hear people saying it all the time on here and not for one minute do I think there is any malice behind it, but tbh its not something I'd ever say because it can be used as a derogatory term....just doesn't sit right.

Deco 20

Scandinavian 101
Evra caught cheating on his wife...

Deco 20

Scandinavian 101
In a threesome with Anderson?

They get along well ;)

Apparently the girls are twins.

Not sure if anything sexual happened but Evra was out partying with the girls and the brazilian during his France call-up...

I just like to see the world burn


New member
This season; top 4 > Premier league title.

No interest to the title race anymore, it's boring. Top 4 is where all the competition and battle lies, so in that sense top 4 has become a bigger trophy than the premier league title.

It's been a poor season, not one that will be remembered for long.
This season; top 4 > Premier league title.

No interest to the title race anymore, it's boring. Top 4 is where all the competition and battle lies, so in that sense top 4 has become a bigger trophy than the premier league title.

It's been a poor season, not one that will be remembered for long.

I have a hunch history will probably write this Man Utd team as one of the strongest to win the league because of the massive points difference they will win by.


This season; top 4 > Premier league title.

No interest to the title race anymore, it's boring. Top 4 is where all the competition and battle lies, so in that sense top 4 has become a bigger trophy than the premier league title.

It's been a poor season, not one that will be remembered for long.



This season; top 4 > Premier league title.

No interest to the title race anymore, it's boring. Top 4 is where all the competition and battle lies, so in that sense top 4 has become a bigger trophy than the premier league title.

It's been a poor season, not one that will be remembered for long.
The life of a Gooner :lol:.....
It's all gon be k man


Senior Member
This season; top 4 > Premier league title.

No interest to the title race anymore, it's boring. Top 4 is where all the competition and battle lies, so in that sense top 4 has become a bigger trophy than the premier league title.

It's been a poor season, not one that will be remembered for long.

You are absolutely hilarious sometimes :lol:


New member
If you get a chance, check out Rafael's screamer vs QPR, definite contender for goal of the season, absolute stunner! He's been class all season

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