Marc Bartra


Active member
There's nothing more that Bartra can do to get in the line up, whenever he played he did play very well and even imaging he didn't have a stable role, with some consistent time he would improve just more. It's all up to Tata now...
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New member
he will start

The fact that sergi got a full game against celtic gives me hope that he'll be given the chance. He really needs to be given serious minutes because atleast right now i believe he's the only one we have who can hold his own against someone like muller,lewandowski or zlatan.


New member
wHe was at fault for the goal, he lost his man at the corner. He made one or two misplaced passes as well. Other than that though he looked solid and he also had a couple of impressive surges forward with the ball to start attacks.


New member
He played well, he dribbles WAY too well for a cb like seriously. Needs to work on his passing to finish off those dribbles.

I'll let the header slide because basically every player today had a brain fart.

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