Marc Bartra


Senior Member
He could have been promoted earlier and used more if Pep trusted him, which he clearly did not for whatever reason.

It is easy to say Bartra 'did not have a manager that trusted him' compared to Varane, well you have to include Pep AND Tito in that.


Senior Member
Making his first team debut and being promoted are 2 different things.

In La Liga, first team members wear no. 1-25, and he wasn't given a first team number until the 2012-13 season.

Tello and Cuenca was playing with Barca B in Pep last season , he promoted them and trusted their abilities while he didn't do the same with Bartra
And for the record ,since it is more of a debate about having coach trusting him ,Varane last was as old as Bartra in 2010/2011 season(was even younger) ,were Pep didn't call him too
And Mou isn't exactly known for promoting a lot of young player either
Bartra wasn't even that good whenever he played last year ,I think Tito had a point when he didn't play him as much as we don't want to admit .
he was the laughing stock on Social networks after Bayern games last year and Barca fans still thought he was good .he responded in a very good way this year ,kudos to him for that


Vice President of FC Barcelona
he was the laughing stock on Social networks after Bayern games last year and Barca fans still thought he was good .he responded in a very good way this year ,kudos to him for that

He played very good seeing the shape the team was is that mess and that being his first match you could say he had a good game but the team as a whole was poor Pique was lost, Xavi and Iniesta didn't have legs, Messi was injured & wings were useless not to mention Bayern was on their best form ever. Only positive was Busi and Bartra


New member
He could have been promoted earlier and used more if Pep trusted him, which he clearly did not for whatever reason.

It is easy to say Bartra 'did not have a manager that trusted him' compared to Varane, well you have to include Pep AND Tito in that.

The situation's different for Bartra during the Pep years because he still had Fontas ahead of him, whereas in the year under Tito Bartra's officially promoted and Fontas was already gone but Tito still refused to use him.


Senior Member
He played very good seeing the shape the team was is that mess and that being his first match you could say he had a good game but the team as a whole was poor Pique was lost, Xavi and Iniesta didn't have legs, Messi was injured & wings were useless not to mention Bayern was on their best form ever. Only positive was Busi and Bartra

Thanks for proving my point


New member
:lol: I don't know what to say, really. Does Mascherano have to score 3 own goals for Tata to realise that he's currently in no way a reliable centre-back.


It's Tata's decision who plays. Gotta trust him. Today is an important game tbh...and we need to win it without Neymar. He clearly decided that a more experienced player is needed for this position.

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