Marco Verratti


Senior Member

If he's of the opinion that Neymar could peak early, then that's fine. However, to suggest trading him (after we went through so much trouble to get him) for Veratti and Marquinhos is just mad.

Of course Neymar COULD peak early. Anything can happen.

But Bojan is actually saying it is likely and giving really flimsy evidence of past Brazilian superstars.

He cant even answer a basic question of why he thinks Brazilians peak early.


New member
I don't get how it can be argued that it's plausible that Neymar will peak early, how is that nothing more than just guess work? We have no way of knowing, other than hoping that it won't be the case as he seems very determined and driven, right?

Oh, and for me personally, and I don't know if it's the same for you guys, but I always get really attached to the players we have, it has always been that way for me. So I would hate to see Neymar leave even if it meant strengthening the team by getting two new players in different positions. I have never understood the "galactico" system that RM has where the fans always are okay to ship someone out to get another big name in. That's a bit cold to me. I'm not suggesting or implying that this is how you feel Bojan, it's just a digression.
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Staff member
when was Robinho contender?

You are obviously deliberately twisting my words again and it's getting tiresome.

I clearly wrote: "deemed future contender" not "contender".

In case I miscalculated you're twisting my words on purpose then I'm sorry. Could be just a case for ophthalmologist.



Senior Member
You are obviously deliberately twisting my words again and it's getting tiresome.

I clearly wrote: "deemed future contender" not "contender".

In case I miscalculated you're twisting my words on purpose then I'm sorry. Could be just a case for ophthalmologist.


Ok at what point was Robinho seen as a future contender?

You like avoiding this question but here goes again.... what in your opinion makes Brazilian balon dor contenders decline quicker than other players?
Omg, so much cringe here.

The only characteristic that fits the players mentioned by Bojan (being Brazilian aside) is that they are technical & tricky dribblers. Could that kind of player peak early ? don't know don't care.

Lol at people expecting proof on pure speculation.

Jamdav, perhaps you'd get an answer if you finally managed to phrase your question correctly, that is without twisting words as always.
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New member
Very long interview in the Gazzetta.

I don't have the time to translate but I'll comment.

Dunno what those italian journalists are trying to do, but it's like they tried to annoy him whenever they can.

- Implying that Pogba will sign to Paris and that it will push Verratti out (there's NO credible sources in France about Pogba signing to PSG)
- Saying they are aware about a possibility that PSG will include him in the deal to get Pogba (again 0 credible source)
- Asking him or heavily implying again and again that he might leave Paris, with an annoyed Marco saying again and again that 1/ he has no intention to leave, 2/ PSG won't let him go.

Anyways, they asked him if he would be better if he joined Barca or M.City, to which Verratti replied that 1/Why would he think about it since he has no intention to leave, 2/When he has to choose a club, he looks at the whole project and what those clubs have to offer him. Then he added "but City and Barca are big clubs, yeah."

Blaugrana Bull

You all sound like contracts and statements like "player "insert name here" will stay no matter what happens" would mean something in football.
You never know what will happen with Verratti and PSG. He could possibly ask for a transfer next summer if next season does not go as well as planned.

I am not saying Barca should chase a player until forever even if it is clear that there will be no transfer but saying now that Verratti will "never" leave PSG is too much.


New member


New member
Did anyone watch Bulgaria x Italy last night? How did the little genius play? I've heard he was donning the number 10 shirt.


New member
Did anyone watch Bulgaria x Italy last night? How did the little genius play? I've heard he was donning the number 10 shirt.

Watched 60 min of it. Verratti did better than his teammates imo, but the team was like cut in half between defense and attack. Midfield was a clusterfuck. Marco did what he can but it was a pathetic game overall.

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