Mario Balotelli

Ode to Django

You're not even a real journalism
He's a bastard.

He draws hundreds of fouls per game, he's a master.

Though to be fair, he really does get hacked game in game out.


New member


It might work in Serie A, but not in Europe.


High Definition Member
I know he dives a lot but it's actually quite tactical. I think it's called "clever play" in Spain. I only dislike diving when it's obviously no contact or if it wins an unfair penalty, but from what I've seen of mario he is great at drawing contact and winning a freekick.

Ode to Django

You're not even a real journalism
He didn't dive tonight, still drew atleast 10 fouls, hold up play was brilliant, didn't lose it. Scored, good workrate, brilliant passing too. It was better any game i've seen Ibra for Milan, maybe with the exception against Arsenal.

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