

New member
Well, my impressions will not be long to read.

I think he shows how he's very humble. That he's aware that his place among the starters is not granted.

I like how he shows the complete opposed mentality compared to Sakho. I think he'll grow nice and fast. Really great way of introducing himself here in Paris.


Super Saiyan
If Thiago Silva manages to mantain the level he is on now for like 2-3 more years, and if Marquinhos shows great signs of development within those 2-3 years.

PSG could have one of the, if not the best centre-back duo in the world.


New member
What a humble kid, shame that we lost him even though the price was extravagant :(

Yeah, that interview shows how he's that humble.

You know, i can compare him to the french Young beans like sakho because it's not only a sakho only problem.

Beside Varane and a few others, most Young french players share very bad mentality. They don't understand that they have to work hard to be first in the line. They complain all the time in the medias, to the coaches, to the clubs they are in. They are in "Lala-land" sure that they are stars, but in fact they mostly all su--.

When I read marquinho's interview, I really saw that difference.

And you know, usually, true talented people are very humble. Varane has the same mentality for example. Well, even if there are some exceptions, like Zlatan :wub:

Thiago Silva is always humble even when everyone calls him the best world best CB :)


New member
Resposting the interview since people might miss it at the bottom of the previous page :lol:

I translated the interview that was published on the official psg website. I hope You'll like it

I'll share my feelings about it in a second post right after.


Marquinhos "Coming to PSG is a Professional Step" - Interview of a Future Star


Marquinhos, first of all, Bienvenue to Paris ! Today, can you explain why did you choose to join PSG?

- From the start, I really liked what PSG is planning. PSG is a club that made a big bet on me, that has really shown great desire to bring me here. That act of faith was really important to me. The fact that there are world class players, and a lot of brazilians and italians charmed me too. I'm aware I'm landing in a very big club, and i come here to give my best and win trophies.


What does PSG mean to you, and more broadly speaking the city of Paris?

- To me it's a very important professional step. That is a necessary step in my development. I want to evolve personally and professionally, and so I am very happy to be here today.

Here in Paris, there is a tradition of major brazilian figures. We think of Raï, Valdo, and of course Thiago Silva. Did it play a part in your choice?

- Yes it did, of course. The fact of knowing that fellow contrymen wrote and are writing the history of PSG gave me even more confidence in taking that challenge. So i can say it's an additional factor in my choice to sport that shirt.


Thiago Silva is precisely the captain of both the Seleçao and PSG. We so can imagine that it is special for you to play by his side....

- I want to be clear to begin with: Things have to be done step by step. That's every day, every practice, every match that i must show my usefulness. Nothing is won in coming here. It's not assured that I will play by Thiago Silva's side because I am aware that talented players like Alex and Sakho are in place. So, i have to show what i can do, and do everything to see my place among the team granted.

You will discover the Ligue 1 after the Series A. What do you know about the French league?

- I know that it is not an easy league because there are some high level teams. I always try to make progress, to become better, It's cos of that too that i'm here.

If you had to introduce Marquinhos with a word, what would you say?

- A very big family feeling. Without the help of my family i'll not be here today. I too think about all the people that helped to make that aventure a reality. I want to thank them.


To finish, what words would you like to share with the parisian fans?

- I did come here to contribute to the project of PSG. I swear that i will work very, very hard because I'll try to win all the trophies and titles that these fans deserve.


Professor Balthazar
We should just lay low with our transfer targets because these Qatar guys will just bid 10-20M over our bid and give them 50% higher wages just to f*ck with us - all their moneyz give them the right to bully us they think.


New member
We should just lay low with our transfer targets because these Qatar guys will just bid 10-20M over our bid and give them 50% higher wages just to f*ck with us - all their moneyz give them the right to bully us they think.

I keep reading that about marquinhos but it doesn't make sense.

TS was the only good CB last season at PSG.

We had problems with the others even if Alex is still better than sakho and Camara.

I don't think it's that stupid to think that Leonardo scouted marquinhos too. Just like he scouted David Luiz.

There were rumors about both of them here in France for months you know.

I think Leo did the right choice when he chose Marquinhos over Luiz.

Luiz was more expensive, and can be a terrible CB at times because like a journalist said "he's a forward trapped in a defender body". Luiz is crazy and sometimes acts like winger. He scores some goals, sure, but that's not what we expect from a CB.

We just wants a TS bis. And marquinhos was the closest to that. Really little to do with what the Barca scouted or not.


New member
We should just lay low with our transfer targets because these Qatar guys will just bid 10-20M over our bid and give them 50% higher wages just to f*ck with us - all their moneyz give them the right to bully us they think.

That's a bit delusional, don't you think? :p

I think he was on their list for a long time, but they clearly started to move on him after we did our incredibly awkward and amateurish move on thiago silva


New member
The french newspaper "LeParisien" is relying something they supposedly heard from a close person of the player based in Brasil:

- Marquinhos has an infectious hepatitis.

The french club PSG denied that what is told by LeParisien is true.

Still, some things surrounding the player are weird. He still didn't join the group, nor that he is training in Paris. PSG officials say that he is treating his teeh problems, but some journalists think he could in quarantine if this hepatitis Rumor is true.

So................. Marquinhos could be a real Fraud if he's really that ill haha :lol:


New member
Hmmmm, which hepatitis are we talking about here, hepatitis C (the one that Pamela Anderson also has for example)?

Very weird that he would be quarantined for that, because as far as I know hepatitis can only be transmitted through sexual contact or blood-to-blood contact?


New member
Hmmmm, which hepatitis are we talking about here, hepatitis C (the one that Pamela Anderson also has for example)?

Very weird that he would be quarantined for that, because as far as I know hepatitis can only be transmitted through sexual contact or blood-to-blood contact?
We don't know which type of hepatitis it is. We don't even know if he really has one.

But if he's in quarantine, you can bet it could a B type. That can be transmitted by saliva and any body fluid including sweat.

Some experts deny that you can get one from sweat but many studies believe it now after a Greco-Roman wrestling scandal in which athletes got infected after body contacts during tourney.

That illness is a real problem in any sports where there is body contacts.
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New member
We don't know which type of hepatitis it is. We don't even know if he really has one.

But if he's in quarantine, you can bet it could a B type. That can be transmitted by saliva and any body fluid including sweat.

Some experts deny that you can get one from sweat but many studies believe it now after a Greco-Roman wrestling scandal in which athletes got infected after body contacts during tourney.

That illness is a real problem in any sports where there is body contacts.

Lol! Stop the nonsense. Nobody gets hepatitis B from sweat or saliva. It is transmitted by blood or sexually only, and much less frequently than the C type, which has the same modes of transmission.

Hepatitis A is usually transmitted by eating infected food, but it is benign, as it never becomes chronic or cancer.

Bottomline, NO hepatitis type justifies any quarantine, so it is a load of crap.

That study you are talking about was a small turkish study, that was never confirmed by large studies. Plus, even if there was a remote chance of transmission through sweat, you can't compare the contacts of half naked wrestlers and footballers. Plus, if there is any risk or doubt, hep B is preventable with a vaccine, so they would vaccinate teammates, so no need to quarantine anyone, end of story!

Ps: I'm a doctor

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