Martin Montoya


Professor Balthazar
How can tito give the cantera prospects the priority, When at the same time he's demanded to win a triple every year, In a club where winning only one major trophy is considered a disaster, This is the real dilemma the coaching staff is facing.
For you us to have a chance to win a triple or a double, We need to play with the best players in the world, Unfortunately not every one coming fresh out of la masia is world class quality, Not yet anyway, It's unfair to demand major trophies and at the same time demand more chances for the youngsters, It doesn't work like that.

We've been 2-3 goals up many times this season, why not give the last 10 or 20 or even 30 minutes to some of the youngsters? Unfortunally this sends negative signals throug our entire youth organisation, it could be harder to convince younger players to join us or cause the players in La Masia to leave :angry:


New member
By "two titles" I meant the Supercopa and the Copa del Rey. Did I get something wrong here?

Anyways, exactly as some of you here have mentioned... there were many occasions where the team was in a comfortable lead, and the youngsters could have been given a few minutes. But that's the least of it. There were occasions when some of our youngsters such as Tello, Montoya and Thiago could have even been the better choice when their first team counterparts (Alexis, Alves and Cesc) weren't on form. Tello, Montoya and Bartra have really been treated like **** this season. If there's a problem behind the scenes that they're responsible for, then I completely understand and support the decision not to play them. If it's a disciplinary method or whatever. But this seems like a long shot. This is very similar to the situation in which the staff just kept insisting on Iniesta-Messi-Pedro as the front three, even though that particular option wasn't working well at the time. It's most likely just stubbornness.


World Champion
Perfectly understandable why Montoya, Tello and Bartra aren't getting much playing time. In 2013 so far the main schedule was: Milan-Madrid-Madrid-Milan. With some minor games inbetween which are mainly there to prepare for the big games. So what does the coaching staff logically do? They give the best and most experienced players game time for maximum match practice, cohesion, fitness and form.

You don't fool around and keep a stamina player like Alves on the bench or keep subbing him out after 60 minutes and interrupt his rythm in such a crucial part of the season just to give Montoya some minutes. Nevermind that Adriano is ahead of Montoya in the pecking order anyway. So in the rare occasions that Alves is resting, it will be Adriano who will need to gain match practise for the important games. And once you have Alves, Alba and Adriano in the squad, you don't need another fullback on the bench. That's why Montoya sits on the stands most of the time.

Similar with Bartra. Pique and Puyol are first options and need to play together as much as possible. After that comes Mascherano who is our next best defender. Especially now that Puyol is possibly out for the rest of the season, Mascherano will need to play as much as possible alongside Pique to get into shape and form a proper partnership with him. There is no time to fool around and experiment with Bartra at this point. Nevermind that we don't even know how good he actually is and how he does in training. If he were a Varane level talent, he'd have easily put Mascherano in his place by now and we wouldn't be looking to bid € 25 million for a 18 year old talent right now. Except we want to believe that Tito can't spot potential despite working with La Masia kids for over 10 years now. Truth is: chances are slim that Bartra will be still at Barca in 3 years. Not everyone from La Masia is the next Puyol. We traditionally don't produce proper defenders anyway. Deal with it.

People complaining about Tello's playing time are the most hilarious. He's mainly competing with Villa and Iniesta on the left wing and on top of that there are another 2 more experienced players ahead in the pecking order who can play there (Pedro and Alexis). Villa himself barely played as much as he deserved. What chances does Tello have?

Pep always prefered a small but high quality squad to keep everyone happy (in 10-11 he played the same lineup in 95 % of the games with the obligatory 70 minute Keita sub and 87 minute Bojan sub). Rumours are that Tito will do the same next season (20 man squad). JDS, Montoya, Bartra and Tello will be the first ones to make way. JDS will never return from his loan spell (and he himself knows it best LOL). Bartra neither if we buy a new CB (which we will definitely do). And of course Tello neither ones Deulofeu gets closer to the first team in the upcoming 1 - 2 years and after buying Neymar. Only Montoya will return. When? Depends on Alves' form.


New member
You said everything needed to be said.
But i think i prefer rotation over a constant-line up, Not to mention that pep was lucky to stay away from injuries in that season.


Mike the Knife
Perfectly understandable why Montoya, Tello and Bartra aren't getting much playing time

All 3 were promoted for 2013, one of whom had his contract extended this winter...Montoya & Bartra extended their contracts last winter yet still don't play...If you don't intend to play them, why promote let alone extend them?

In 2013 so far the main schedule was: Milan-Madrid-Madrid-Milan. With some minor games inbetween which are mainly there to prepare for the big games. So what does the coaching staff logically do? They give the best and most experienced players game time for maximum match practice, cohesion, fitness and form.

Yet Montoya played in El Clasico and very nearly won the match at the end...Bartra played in the Champions League against Celtic along with Tello who both contributed to Barcelona escaping with a draw rather than a loss...Per usual, your logic is lacking

Similar with Bartra. Pique and Puyol are first options and need to play together as much as possible. After that comes Mascherano who is our next best defender. Especially now that Puyol is possibly out for the rest of the season, Mascherano will need to play as much as possible alongside Pique to get into shape and form a proper partnership with him. There is no time to fool around and experiment with Bartra at this point. Nevermind that we don't even know how good he actually is and how he does in training. If he were a Varane level talent, he'd have easily put Mascherano in his place by now and we wouldn't be looking to bid € 25 million for a 18 year old talent right now. Except we want to believe that Tito can't spot potential despite working with La Masia kids for over 10 years now. Truth is: chances are slim that Bartra will be still at Barca in 3 years. Not everyone from La Masia is the next Puyol. We traditionally don't produce proper defenders anyway. Deal with it.

What's the point of listing Puyol in the depth chart when he's not even available, how about dealing with reality?...Mascherano is the only other legitimate starting option at CB since Song was dreadful there (A big reason he has not reappeared there in months)...And Javier very nearly cost the team to crash out against Milan and while a terrific tackler, is prone to poor passes and being caught out of position which is not hard to understand since he's not really a defender

Then, perhaps deal with the reality that Mascherano is a booking away from suspension...Who plays now?...No point in having depth if you don't intend to use it and again back to my original point, what sort of message are you sending to the cantera players by promoting, extending and not playing them?...You're creating a scenario like the capital club which leads to an exodus

People complaining about Tello's playing time are the most hilarious. He's mainly competing with Villa and Iniesta on the left wing and on top of that there are another 2 more experienced players ahead in the pecking order who can play there (Pedro and Alexis). Villa himself barely played as much as he deserved. What chances does Tello have?

Actually, people deeming Tello mediocre & lucky are hilarious...He's the only player with pace who isn't afraid to shoot on goal and has done well 90% of the time he's been on the pitch which is more than we can say for Alexis Sanchez

Pep always prefered a small but high quality squad to keep everyone happy (in 10-11 he played the same lineup in 95 % of the games with the obligatory 70 minute Keita sub and 87 minute Bojan sub). Rumours are that Tito will do the same next season (20 man squad). JDS, Montoya, Bartra and Tello will be the first ones to make way. JDS will never return from his loan spell (and he himself knows it best LOL). Bartra neither if we buy a new CB (which we will definitely do). And of course Tello neither ones Deulofeu gets closer to the first team in the upcoming 1 - 2 years and after buying Neymar. Only Montoya will return. When? Depends on Alves' form.

JDS has to actually go on loan before he can return from one...Where does Cuenca fit in then?...And even if cantera players are signed/extended only to dump them, why would other talents in the club choose to go that route while riding the bench when they can go elsewhere without being beholden to Barcelona's contract terms?...Deulofeu is in contract renewal talks and will be in his 3rd year with the B team (The last), you can be certain promotion has to factor into those talks or else he too will leave...Under Pep, cantera kids with talent were not merely promoted, they played and factored into the rotation...It was the revitalization of the cantera and unless things change, we'll see that erode...It's poor business nevermind illogical


New member
Actually, people deeming Tello mediocre & lucky are hilarious...He's the only player with pace who isn't afraid to shoot on goal and has done well 90% of the time he's been on the pitch which is more than we can say for Alexis Sanchez.

100% agree.
I really hope Tello won't leave us this summer, amazing young player imo.


World Champion
You're arguing for the sake of arguing without making any sense regarding the topic. I mean what's the point of bringing up that Montoya was forced to participate in a Clasico 5 months ago after Alves got injured during the game or Bartra was forced to play against Celtic (and almost cost us a goal with a blunder) when Pique and Puyol were both injured and Busquets suspended (which meant that Song had to play DM and Bartra and Mascherano were the only available centerback options)? Does this by any means disprove my point that at this current point of the season with a heavy schedule and a fit and firing Alves or Villa there is no room for providing Montoya or Tello with much playing time?

Bartra played in the Champions League against Celtic along with Tello who both contributed to Barcelona escaping with a draw rather than a loss...Per usual, your logic is lacking

Barca espaced with a draw? How did Barca do that by losing? Tello contributed? How did he do that by not playing at all? Yeah, I'm definitely the one lacking logic here. And of course Bartra didn't get subbed off after a horrible blunder. I'm just imagining things. Unlike you. We drew with Celtic and Tello played. :lol:

As for the contracts: Montoya, Bartra and Co. were not promoted because they were needed in the first team squad right now but because their Barca B contracts at the time they signed them included clauses for automatic promotion. Basically their promotions to the first team were already decided when Tito himself never even knew he'd become the head coach. Want proof? There you go:

The renewal will involve Bartra's automatic promotion to the first team next season, which has been a classic demand among Barça B players, such as Montoya.

Written in December 2011.

That's why even JDS has a long first team contract until 2015 now despite the obvious fact that he is not in Tito's plans AT ALL. Yet I don't hear you moaning about his lack of playing time. Why is that? According to your logic he is a first team member with a just renewed contract until 2015 and therefore should be played, just like Montoya, Bartra and Tello. Or does this only apply to players which you personally rate? AKA you're just selling opinions as facts.
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Wild Man of Borneo
Too much speculation on the future of the youngsters is unnecessary. We all thought Villa would be completely finished at Barcelona and that he will never be an important player for us again, yet now he's in amazing form and in contract renewal talks with the club. All we can do right now is wait until the end of the season to see if the youngsters gain more trust and play. After that we'll see what decisions they make about their futures in the transfer window.


Mike the Knife
You're arguing for the sake of arguing without making any sense regarding the topic. I mean what's the point of bringing up that Montoya was forced to participate in a Clasico 5 months ago after Alves got injured during the game or Bartra was forced to play against Celtic (and almost cost us a goal with a blunder) when Pique and Puyol were both injured and Busquets suspended (which meant that Song had to play DM and Bartra and Mascherano were the only available centerback options)? Does this by any means disprove my point that at this current point of the season with a heavy schedule and a fit and firing Alves or Villa there is no room for providing Montoya or Tello with much playing time?

Forced to participate or capable enough to participate?...Since when are players forced to do anything in the biggest matches for the club...Your posts are always lacking much in the way of depth...Bartra & Tello were instrumental in recouping that match against Celtic

At this point and with a heavy schedule and injuries mounting, it's precisely the purpose of depth but hey, that's just something you're unaccustomed to...logic

Barca espaced with a draw? How did Barca do that by losing? Tello contributed? How did he do that by not playing at all? Yeah, I'm definitely the one lacking logic here. And of course Bartra didn't get subbed off after a horrible blunder. I'm just imagining things. Unlike you. We drew with Celtic and Tello played. :lol:

Yep, you're hilarious and, again, ill informed...Might be helpful to actually watch games and understand what you're talking about

As for the contracts: Montoya, Bartra and Co. were not promoted because they were needed in the first team squad right now but because their Barca B contracts at the time they signed them included clauses for automatic promotion. Basically their promotions to the first team were already decided when Tito himself never even knew he'd become the head coach. Want proof? There you go:

Proof is that even Tito himself talked about how he counted on both Montoya & Bartra which is why he didn't buy a central defender and Montoya would be owning that RB position for years ahead

That's why even JDS has a long first team contract until 2015 now despite the obvious fact that he is not in Tito's plans AT ALL. Yet I don't hear you moaning about his lack of playing time. Why is that? According to your logic he is a first team member with a just renewed contract until 2015 and therefore should be played, just like Montoya, Bartra and Tello. Or does this only apply to players which you personally rate? AKA you're just selling opinions as facts.

I never included JDS...JDS is a groupie...Spouting on about someone I didn't use in my argument merely dilutes an already pointless one of yours...You're just selling opinions that are not mine as facts


The Culest
You're arguing for the sake of arguing without making any sense regarding the topic. I mean what's the point of bringing up that Montoya was forced to participate in a Clasico 5 months ago after Alves got injured during the game or Bartra was forced to play against Celtic (and almost cost us a goal with a blunder) when Pique and Puyol were both injured and Busquets suspended (which meant that Song had to play DM and Bartra and Mascherano were the only available centerback options)? Does this by any means disprove my point that at this current point of the season with a heavy schedule and a fit and firing Alves or Villa there is no room for providing Montoya or Tello with much playing time?

Barca espaced with a draw? How did Barca do that by losing? Tello contributed? How did he do that by not playing at all? Yeah, I'm definitely the one lacking logic here. And of course Bartra didn't get subbed off after a horrible blunder. I'm just imagining things. Unlike you. We drew with Celtic and Tello played. :lol:

As for the contracts: Montoya, Bartra and Co. were not promoted because they were needed in the first team squad right now but because their Barca B contracts at the time they signed them included clauses for automatic promotion. Basically their promotions to the first team were already decided when Tito himself never even knew he'd become the head coach. Want proof? There you go:

Written in December 2011.

That's why even JDS has a long first team contract until 2015 now despite the obvious fact that he is not in Tito's plans AT ALL. Yet I don't hear you moaning about his lack of playing time. Why is that? According to your logic he is a first team member with a just renewed contract until 2015 and therefore should be played, just like Montoya, Bartra and Tello. Or does this only apply to players which you personally rate? AKA you're just selling opinions as facts.

Forced to participate? What kind of logic is that? The point of having a subs bench is to have players capable enough to take over in case of injuries etc. And Montoya has proven himself capable enough on many occasions, some would argue that he was challenging Dani for the first team spot. Montoya is certainly not a desperate only for emergency kind of player.

And you keep dissing Bartra for one mistake (which he made up for quickly without conceding) while we have average defenders like Pique enjoying a undisputed first team spot despite making regular brain farts (The CR7 penalty and many others). Yet you are writing off Bartra after one mistake when he needs experience to improve his game.

And for your kind information Tito himself said that he was relying on Bartra and that was one of the major reasons of not buying a CB. Why would Tito say this but not play Bartra at all?

And about Tello. What have Alexis and Pedro done to be preferred over Tello? Every time Tello plays he works hard and is never afraid to take on his markers and shoot on goal which nobody seems to do in our team bar Messi and Villa.

And escaping with a draw against Celtic? What did our first choice XI with Iniesta on the LW do against strong defensive teams this season? So its not Tello's or Bartra's for fault for our team not doing well against defensive teams. It was a problem with our tactics and playing philosophy

And yes this sets a very bad precedent for cantera players (not named Deulofeu) looking to work hard for a place in the first team. We would struggle to fill up all 25 spots in the first team with quality players if youngsters are not given chances. And before you say we can work with a smaller squad i would remind you of the clasico where we played with Adriano+Song at the back.


New member
Forced to participate? What kind of logic is that? The point of having a subs bench is to have players capable enough to take over in case of injuries etc. And Montoya has proven himself capable enough on many occasions, some would argue that he was challenging Dani for the first team spot. Montoya is certainly not a desperate only for emergency kind of player.

And you keep dissing Bartra for one mistake (which he made up for quickly without conceding) while we have average defenders like Pique enjoying a undisputed first team spot despite making regular brain farts (The CR7 penalty and many others). Yet you are writing off Bartra after one mistake when he needs experience to improve his game.

And for your kind information Tito himself said that he was relying on Bartra and that was one of the major reasons of not buying a CB. Why would Tito say this but not play Bartra at all?

And about Tello. What have Alexis and Pedro done to be preferred over Tello? Every time Tello plays he works hard and is never afraid to take on his markers and shoot on goal which nobody seems to do in our team bar Messi and Villa.

And escaping with a draw against Celtic? What did our first choice XI with Iniesta on the LW do against strong defensive teams this season? So its not Tello's or Bartra's for fault for our team not doing well against defensive teams. It was a problem with our tactics and playing philosophy

And yes this sets a very bad precedent for cantera players (not named Deulofeu) looking to work hard for a place in the first team. We would struggle to fill up all 25 spots in the first team with quality players if youngsters are not given chances. And before you say we can work with a smaller squad i would remind you of the clasico where we played with Adriano+Song at the back.

My words exactly! :)


New member
Forced to participate? What kind of logic is that? The point of having a subs bench is to have players capable enough to take over in case of injuries etc. And Montoya has proven himself capable enough on many occasions, some would argue that he was challenging Dani for the first team spot. Montoya is certainly not a desperate only for emergency kind of player.

And you keep dissing Bartra for one mistake (which he made up for quickly without conceding) while we have average defenders like Pique enjoying a undisputed first team spot despite making regular brain farts (The CR7 penalty and many others). Yet you are writing off Bartra after one mistake when he needs experience to improve his game.

And for your kind information Tito himself said that he was relying on Bartra and that was one of the major reasons of not buying a CB. Why would Tito say this but not play Bartra at all?

And about Tello. What have Alexis and Pedro done to be preferred over Tello? Every time Tello plays he works hard and is never afraid to take on his markers and shoot on goal which nobody seems to do in our team bar Messi and Villa.

And escaping with a draw against Celtic? What did our first choice XI with Iniesta on the LW do against strong defensive teams this season? So its not Tello's or Bartra's for fault for our team not doing well against defensive teams. It was a problem with our tactics and playing philosophy

And yes this sets a very bad precedent for cantera players (not named Deulofeu) looking to work hard for a place in the first team. We would struggle to fill up all 25 spots in the first team with quality players if youngsters are not given chances. And before you say we can work with a smaller squad i would remind you of the clasico where we played with Adriano+Song at the back.

There is no such thing as 'giving chances', It's just a phrase that has no application in a club as big as ours, This is a top professional football club not a social club, We're required to win every game, And continue to do so until the end of a season, Only best player will get the 'spot', It's really as simple as that, If montoya can't over top alves and adriano that's his problem, Not tito's.
Weather anyone likes it or not, Tito is the one who spends every day with these players And he's the most informed and experienced to make the decision on who deserves the minutes or not.
But you know there is always the conspiracy theory when everything else fails, Tito is just a dictator who deliberately chooses to give the minutes to players who don't deserve it, I don't know maybe he just have a prejudice toward certain some.

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