Martin Montoya


The Culest
There is no such thing as 'giving chances', It's just a phrase that has no application in a club as big as ours, This is a top professional football club not a social club, We're required to win every game, And continue to do so until the end of a season, Only best player will get the 'spot', It's really as simple as that, If montoya can't over top alves and adriano that's his problem, Not tito's.
Weather anyone likes it or not, Tito is the one who spends every day with these players And he's the most informed and experienced to make the decision on who deserves the minutes or not.
But you know there is always the conspiracy theory when everything else fails, Tito is just a dictator who deliberately chooses to give the minutes to players who don't deserve it, I don't know maybe he just have a prejudice toward certain some.

Tito currently is not spending every day with these players

Tito doesn't have a prejudice. He just seems too scared or stubborn to give youngsters chances. Look at other great coaches like Sir Alex. Look at how he handles youngsters. And he has equal if not more pressure to win every game. Every other big club seems to have better squad management and rotation than us.

By your logic the best player in a position should each and every match :facepalm1: Cant argue with a logic like that You just dissed long established footballing philosophies of squad management. Why not have a squad of just 11 players then?

Nobody is asking to bench Alves and make Montoya the first choice. What most people want is more rotation with more chances for Montoya, Tello, Bartra to develop and compete for a place in the first team. Competition always brings out the best in players


Senior Member
Montoya is more than good enough to start against every single team in la liga without looking like a fool a few mistakes will happen but no more than any other fullback would make, every coach that has seen him play, pep del bisque,milla raves about him and frankly if pep were still the manager he would already be a first team regular.

That's one of a few things I don't like about Tito, under pep we promoted and made one cantera a first team regular every season and all the people in the know thought it would Montoya this season, because he is certainly good enough.

Bartra is goo enough to get at least 15 games off the bench has well, so he can bulk up and work out a few things in his game.


New member
Tito currently is not spending every day with these players

Tito doesn't have a prejudice. He just seems too scared or stubborn to give youngsters chances. Look at other great coaches like Sir Alex. Look at how he handles youngsters. And he has equal if not more pressure to win every game. Every other big club seems to have better squad management and rotation than us.

By your logic the best player in a position should each and every match :facepalm1: Cant argue with a logic like that You just dissed long established footballing philosophies of squad management. Why not have a squad of just 11 players then?

Nobody is asking to bench Alves and make Montoya the first choice. What most people want is more rotation with more chances for Montoya, Tello, Bartra to develop and compete for a place in the first team. Competition always brings out the best in players
Too scared or stubborn to give youngsters chances?, This isn't much different than tito being a dictator or a prejudiced coach, Since they all involve that something is wrong with tito, Not with your view on the subject, Your attitude is more like "I'm not wrong, Tito is just a stubborn and coward".
Montoya most of the time has always been the third in the picking order behind adriano and alves, In super cup classico he came after adriano got a red card, And in the la liga clasico he came on becaue adriano was already on the pitch, The only time the picking order was changed was when dani was getting injured every few weeks, And lost his form, But once he recovered in 2013, It's always been in this order Alves-Adriano-Montoya, Now that adriano is injured that montoya can start getting featured again


New member
I think a lot of Barca fans have become spoiled with the quality of our cantera in the last few years and expect at least 2 promotions every year to challenge for a place in the first team. It is not always going to be like this. If the management aren't picking some players then I'm sure they have valid reasons, they are not going to suddenly start ignoring La Masia after the success it has brought. Montoya does appear to be getting some tough love at the moment but he will get a good run of games as the season closes, especially now that Adriano is out injured.


The Culest
Too scared or stubborn to give youngsters chances?, This isn't much different than tito being a dictator or a prejudiced coach, Since they all involve that something is wrong with tito, Not with your view on the subject, Your attitude is more like "I'm not wrong, Tito is just a stubborn and coward".
Montoya most of the time has always been the third in the picking order behind adriano and alves, In super cup classico he came after adriano got a red card, And in the la liga clasico he came on becaue adriano was already on the pitch, The only time the picking order was changed was when dani was getting injured every few weeks, And lost his form, But once he recovered in 2013, It's always been in this order Alves-Adriano-Montoya, Now that adriano is injured that montoya can start getting featured again

I think a lot of Barca fans have become spoiled with the quality of our cantera in the last few years and expect at least 2 promotions every year to challenge for a place in the first team. It is not always going to be like this. If the management aren't picking some players then I'm sure they have valid reasons, they are not going to suddenly start ignoring La Masia after the success it has brought. Montoya does appear to be getting some tough love at the moment but he will get a good run of games as the season closes, especially now that Adriano is out injured.

With all due respect Tito is a human being. He is not perfect. He can make mistakes. Its certainly possible that he is tactically stubborn at not giving youngsters more chances. Some managers have a mentality like that. And it looks like a more plausible explanation given the fact that he persisted with the Iniesta on LW experiment far too long when it was clear that it was not working. He only changed it in the Milan match as it was a do or die situation. And Alves hasn't been very impressive this season. I daresay if someone like fergie was our manager Montoya would have been first choice by now.

And there is nothing more about Bartra i can say which hasn't been said. Preferring a guy like Adriano who never plays at CB over a guy who was Segunda's best CB speaks volumes. On the other hand Pep started Tello in a clasico. That gamble may not have worked but it shows a difference in mentality between Pep and Tito.

Tello provides us something no one except Alba has-pace. And it looks like he has improved his technique to get over being a one trick pony. Are you telling me that he hasnt earned at least some starts against weak teams against whom he can cause havoc and gain more experience and confidence. How can he possibly do worse than Alexis/Pedro who have been pathetic this season. Oh right he doesn't run around like a headless chicken with his arms flailing around and instead takes on defenders and tries to shoot on goal. He's not worthy of regular playtime.


The Culest
Dedicating my 900th post to Montoya. Hope he stays and becomes a vital member of our team soon.







New member
There may be another reason he doesn't get minutes. He's taller than out team's desired height - 5'7" :lol: Pique and Busquets are exception because there are no replacement.


Wild Man of Borneo
From what we have seen in games, I don't think anyone should be questioning Montoya's quality. Sure in individual situations he has made the occasional error, however that is very rare. His best asset is what he adds to the defensive system and that is actual security. With him in, I actually feel that the defense is stable and secure because it isn't just 2 CB's that are spread thin over the entire width of the pitch trying to defend. No statistics or anything will prove this, but from actually watching games it's pretty evident that we are more solid defensively with Montoya in the back. The only thing we can question is how he has been doing in training and if he has been slacking off, then he should be benched. I'd just be surprised at this because he seems like a very disciplined, hard worker. I just hope that he doesn't get 2nd thoughts about playing for Barcelona in the future.


New member
Pure quality that boy.. its a shame he got the best rb in front of him... in any other club in the world he would play.... although i thing he has more pace than most of our players when dribbling and running.. except for alba and messi..


New member
It looks like he's going to be playing left back against PSG if Alba's injury is indeed a tear. I think its important that he play against Celta at LB also.

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