Martin Montoya


Active member
I think Montoya will move ahead of Alves before the end of the season, he improved alot through the year and I see no reason why he can't be one of the best in the world. Not every player is like Thiago, no way Montoya leaves unless he is told he is not wanted, same with the other young players like Cuenca and Tello, if they play they stay if the don't they leave.

te amo barca

Blaugrana al vent
I don't really care how Tito treats Roberto, Bartra or Tello (although I think the last 2 were treated unfairly last season), but this guy is someone Tito really needs to treat well (MUCH better than he treated him last season). If he isn't treated well, I can certainly see him leaving like Thiago. I'd make him the starting RB pretty much away. Unfortunately, I don't see Tito making that happen. I really hope I'm wrong...
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New member
would be good to see him given the position permanently I wouldn't care if alves was sold to be honest


New member
Montoya: "I'm not thinking about leaving. I want to stay, this is the best club in the world. It was my dream to get here. I hope to renew."



New member
Montoya: "I'm not thinking about leaving. I want to stay, this is the best club in the world. It was my dream to get here. I hope to renew."


This is what I want to hear :) :dance:

Never noticed that he is losing his hair Iniesta-style.

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