Mavericky Puig


Senior Member
^^ Crazy story. It just seems to me like Koeman has a massive ego and pride. If something pisses him off he will pick on a player for it. I feel like this season it will be Puig that victim.

As long as he is far, having pride and authority is very closely tied to leadership and charisma. But if you take things personally, and start to treat players unfairly, it will blow up in your face fast. And Koeman seems to be of that type.

Joaquin is playing even today at nearly 40, and doing a good job even. Crazy professional the man. How the hell do you end up having a feud with that type of player is beyond me...
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Senior Member
If my balanced opinion on Messi's performances and calls for us to wait for evidence of wrongdoing in things is too fanboy for you then that's your issue.

I apologize for calling you a fanboy. But let's just avoid getting into these subjects that were talked about for a lot of time.


Senior Member
Who knows, the possibilities are numerous. Imagine if he said something that got the veterans upset. Like I train much harder than these old guys and they start every game and I'm rubbing the bench. :lol:

I would be hesitant to believe even the Pjanic rumors that he's crap physically that's why he doesn't start. These things aren't believable when you see guys like Busi and Lenglet playing every game almost.

From Koeman's feud with Joaquin:

The first big incident between Koeman and Joaquin had a special guest: Ever Banega. The Argentine midfielder, who had joined in January, turned up to training late and wasn't in the best condition. Even so, Koeman named him as a starter at the weekend.Days later, Joaquin arrived late to training by 15 minutes. The Andalusian said that it was because of a problem with his car when leaving his children at school, but Koeman opted to make him watch the next game from the stands. From there, things only got worse.Joaquin treated David Albelda, Miguel Angel Angulo and Santiago Canizares as more than teammates. They were among his closest friends. This made Koeman's blood boil, and on more than one occasion the relationship between the two became tense, with Vicente Rodriguez also involved. But, of course, Vicente's character was not that of the more jovial Joaquin, although things were not going well and Koeman wrote that down in his notebook.

In spite of the absence of Angulo, who was away from the team and was competing with Joaquin for a spot in the line-up, Koeman decided to play Javier Arizmendi, who had rarely played as a winger, in order to leave Joaquin on the bench.The problem was that Valencia were struggling and did not win a single game, but even then Koeman didn't want to give minutes to the now-Real Betis captain. The climax of the conflict came in the Copa del Rey final against Getafe at the Estadio Vicente Calderon. Joaquin did not start, something he expected, but the Dutchman went so far as to get the midfielder to warm up in the first half and the entire second half, yet he never brought him on.

Seems like Koeman needs to find victims in the team to blow off steam. I hate managers who are super strict with some players, while other can do what they want that the start all the time. Double standards are a good way to fuck up a locker-room.

Same thing is shaping up at Barca. He strict with some players, and with others they can do what they want.
What petty little man.


New member
So forum de amigos already starting to overhype Puig, and blaming Messi ?

Mad how 'We need more details' for Puig but other players who have done 100000x more for the club don't get the same treatment.

What ever favor the forum de amigos agenda that's the fact for them. That dude giving thousand of excuses for De Jong saying he is surrounded by bums that's why he is forming like a bum, but if other players he will call them trash, old and not Barca material. :lol:
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Senior Member
The fact that there were four players (Ter Stegen, Piqu?, De Jong and Lenget) who renewed their contracts before the salary reduction of the rest of the team wasn't appreciated by the rest of the players. One of the four was even called a traitor by his teammates. [cat radio]


Riqui Puig ready to even throw some punches in the locker room for the sake of Barcelona's future.


Senior Member
But they re-newed for less money, those deals are good for Barca? Bad for players?

Couple of things:

-MATS didn't renew for less iirc. He asked to be highest paid GK in the world.

-The players were negotiating the salray reduction collectively, a player accepting a deal without his teammates in such times can be seen as a stap in the back for the squad.


Active member
Couple of things:

-The players were negotiating the salray reduction collectively, a player accepting a deal without his teammates in such times can be seen as a stap in the back for the squad.

You are taking this out of context. Puig was a Barca B player and he was given a chance to move to the first team which what he worked for all his life and what he dream about every night, so would he say no to the management that gave him this chance or wait for those lazy overpaid, over privileged players to decide whether to agree on salary reduction or not. Those players don't even deserve 10% of the salary they are getting.

Give the kid a break, will ya?


Senior Member
He will stay because he knows that Xavi will be next coach and Xavi is his fathers friend since Puig is born.

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