Mavericky Puig


Senior Member
,,Due to the intense conflicts within the team , Puig has decided to go to the gym to bulk up in order to protect himself from his teammates if necesarry " [sport]

4 years from now Riqui Puig all bulked up taking photos with any fans :


Sorry Puig it had to be done.


Senior Member
Garcia Pimienta on Puig:

"Riqui is in his first year, I think everything has come at him quickly, but technically he is special, he has innate talent, his vision, ability to disrupt... he's a cheeky lad with a lot of self-confidence. He?s not afraid, he doesn't care if his opponent is 1.95 metres tall, because he believes in himself. He has Barca DNA."

Cocky little shit confirmed.

But then if he is going to make it as a 4ft3 professional basketball player, then he's gotta be.


Senior Member
Koeman: "Puig? He has a lot of competition but it's also possible that in training he doesn't do enough for the coach to make changes in the team.


Senior Member
🚨 Ronald Koeman, when asked about Riqui Puig: ?I like people who work every day to improve, and who take opportunities with both hands. Sometimes it's not just about quality. There may be players who don't do enough in training for the coach to give opportunities? #FCB 🇪🇸



Senior Member
Koeman: "Puig? He has a lot of competition but it's also possible that in training he doesn't do enough for the coach to make changes in the team.

right , cause in the end the trainings are important , not the performances in an actual game.

I'm also sure busquets and pjanic are goat training players


Senior Member
Puig really has been public enemy number 1 since the Juve cameo.

Leaker, lazy and never taking his opportunities.


Senior Member
Okay this is way too obvious. Before it "doesn't fit my plans, i prefer not to comment" type of comments. Now he's straight up saying Puig doesn't work hard enough during press conferences? Why didn't he say that before the rumours surfaced? Did he forget that he literally stated Puig wasn't in his plans as soon as he arrived? Yeah, it's his camp releasing all the info.

He was dismissed the moment Koeman arrived. Now suddenly, he has issues with training, intensity, locker room, attitude, etc.
Koeman just doesn't like him from the start, and is now using political power and journal influence to justify his bias, which to be honest, shows really bad character.

Exactly what I'm thinking, it's hilariously transparent. Someone with such a straightforward character would have said Puig wasn't working hard enough long before the rumors came up, his stated reasons were always pretty vague. Now he's suddenly wholeheartedly confirming them in front of the media. He's playing politics and it shows just how bad of a character he is. I never expected anything from him and I'm still disappointed.

I can't believe some members are falling for this shit.
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Senior Member
Okay this is way too obvious. Before it "doesn't fit my plans, i prefer not to comment" type of comments. Now he's straight up saying Puig doesn't work hard enough during press conferences? Why didn't he say that before the rumours surfaced? Did he forget that he literally stated Puig wasn't in his plans as soon as he arrived? Yeah, it's his camp releasing all the info.

Exactly what I'm thinking, it's hilariously transparent. Someone with such a straightforward character would have said Puig wasn't working hard enough long before the rumors came up, his stated reasons were always pretty vague. Now he's suddenly wholeheartedly confirming them in front of the media. He's playing politics and it shows just how bad of a character he is. I never expected anything from him and I'm still disappointed.

I can't believe some members are falling for this shit.

I don't think anyone really falls for it, which is why there are a lot of people talking and asking him about it. Koeman also has a long history of treating players he doesn't want differently and holding them to a different standard. He hasn't exactly been too kind in his words for Pjanic either.

Do I think Puig is good enough to be a bonafide starter in the future, probably not unless he improves in some areas. But he has done more than enough this year to be playing a lot more, absolutely. He has added a much-needed spark and dynamism to the side. If Koeman turns the ship around and we improve then I guess, you can just call it bad luck and timing that when he broke through, the coach, unfortunately, didn't rate him and in the end, it was justified because the team thrived anyway.

On the other hand, if results are still inconsistent and then he brings him on and things change for the better, people will question his judgement on why he left him out so long.


Senior Member
�� Ronald Koeman, when asked about Riqui Puig: ?I like people who work every day to improve, and who take opportunities with both hands. Sometimes it's not just about quality. There may be players who don't do enough in training for the coach to give opportunities? #FCB ����


Low work ethic confirmed!
Prime reason not to play someone for many coaches. Klopp never plays someone on the weekend if he does not convince him in training the previous days.

Tbf, I don't see this statement and this practice as negative.
When you are 20 and your best achievement is something you did with Barca B, you have no excuse to be cocky and downplay training at the same time (no matter how much talented you are).
He should learn some lessons, otherwise no Barca future for him


Senior Member
Lol at guys who think that this is just an agenda from media against poor Riki.

Deja vu of Dembele's and Arthur's media stories are coming back.

It's not him.
It's the coach, media and teammates.


Senior Member
Okay this is way too obvious. Before it "doesn't fit my plans, i prefer not to comment" type of comments. Now he's straight up saying Puig doesn't work hard enough during press conferences? Why didn't he say that before the rumours surfaced? Did he forget that he literally stated Puig wasn't in his plans as soon as he arrived? Yeah, it's his camp releasing all the info.

Exactly what I'm thinking, it's hilariously transparent. Someone with such a straightforward character would have said Puig wasn't working hard enough long before the rumors came up, his stated reasons were always pretty vague. Now he's suddenly wholeheartedly confirming them in front of the media. He's playing politics and it shows just how bad of a character he is. I never expected anything from him and I'm still disappointed.

I can't believe some members are falling for this shit.

What politics is he playing? Why would he be doing that?

He didnt state Puig was not in plans as soon as arrived either.

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