Mavericky Puig


Senior Member
Again, don't be like Jamdav who can't read, and take words out of context. The original poster said Xavi doesn't know Puig. My reply was he knows him at personal level. This is not a nepotism that managers like Valverde and now Cowman implemented.

Again making shit up about Koeman and nepotism.

Deflect with Puig hugging Xavi as if relevant to anything.

Got one of the multiple quotes from Xavi saying he will start him yet?


Active member
Got one of the multiple quotes from Xavi saying he will start him yet?

Xavi: I hope Ernesto can give him opportunities when he deserves them, I am very happy because when I see him playing we can see the total Barca schooling that we like so much. He has that particular knowledge of our game and that is so complex to find in specific players. He sees the play right away, he knows what he has to do at all times and he is intelligent. The truth is that he is a boy who breathes talent and who plays easy. He has self-confidence, personality, does not hide and asks for the ball.

"I?d say he?s very prepared to play in the first team of Barca"

Source: MD

You always lose bro :lol:



Senior Member
So not saying he would start him but thinks he is 'prepared' to play in first team under Valverde.

Brush up on your reading comprehension pleases.

Where does Xavi state he would start him?

A quote regarding Puig under Valverde being 'prepared for first team' does not do either.

Wee hint.... not everyone who plays in first team is a starter.

Lose again Georgie.


Senior Member
Nice personal feud you got going there.

Anyway, Puig should definitely get some playing time soon (Copa..). And I really hope he establishes himself as a decent backup. Hes 100% preferable to Coutinho (even when fit).


Active member
So not saying he would start him but thinks he is 'prepared' to play in first team under Valverde.

Brush up on your reading comprehension pleases.

Where does Xavi state he would start him?

A quote regarding Puig under Valverde being 'prepared for first team' does not do either.

Wee hint.... not everyone who plays in first team is a starter.

Lose again Georgie.

lol You act like teen boy because you reply fast without thinking. I just hope you don't use this method with women. :lol:

So Xavi who isn't managing Barca at the time, saying so many good things about Puig and thinks he is ready for the first team, in an interview dedicated to Puig posted in the biggest catalan media outlet means what exactly? :lol:

And you dare question my reading comprehension?


Senior Member
lol You act like teen boy because you reply fast without thinking. I just hope you don't use this method with women. :lol:

So Xavi who isn't managing Barca at the time, saying so many good things about Puig and thinks he is ready for the first team, in an interview dedicated to Puig posted in the biggest catalan media outlet means what exactly? :lol:

And you dare question my reading comprehension?

Must be a tense moment when a Barca coach tells a youngster they are 'prepared for the first team' and the youngster jumps about the room like an excited Puig with a new PS5 ad think they are a starter!

Or maybe the players are not dumb and realise being ready for first team and a starter are two very different things.

'Stop jumping to that shitty song son and listen up you aint no starter yet long way to go'.

Some eese Dodie and another big L.


Well-known member
Again, don't be like Jamdav who can't read, and take words out of context. The original poster said Xavi doesn't know Puig. My reply was he knows him at personal level. This is not a nepotism that managers like Valverde and now Cowman implemented.
Yeah, nice try but I doubt OP was talking about Xavi knowing Puig's ma's signature fragrance. Can't be sure enough but I highly doubt Xavi sees Puig train or play much more than any of us these days. If he does, fair play to him, but doesn't follow from what you said.
Must be a tense moment when a Barca coach tells a youngster they are 'prepared for the first team' and the youngster jumps about the room like an excited Puig with a new PS5 ad think they are a starter!
:lol: :lol:


Active member
Yeah, nice try but I doubt OP was talking about Xavi knowing Puig's ma's signature fragrance. Can't be sure enough but I highly doubt Xavi sees Puig train or play much more than any of us these days. If he does, fair play to him, but doesn't follow from what you said.

That's what OP said: "I doubt he knows him well. Xavi can see things only through TV like we all can."

Now don't lower your posts level to Jamdav, after all, he was #1 fan of Bartomeu, thought that Coutinho is worth 150M and even compared Coutinho to Messi in NT level (Actually he said Coutinho was better than Messi), cried for months when Neymar left us even worse fanboy than Messigician, and was one of those who thought we should buy Griezmann for 100m+ :lol:

Now, can you tell me the purpose of training? Isn't it to be prepared for the matches?


Senior Member
So you see what damage an immediate dismissal of Koeman to hire Xavi can do...

Puig is a apparently a cocky little shit who thinks he can be a starter at any top club, calls coach by his first name, and does not train enough.
The worst that can happen to him is to get rid of the coach that can teach him several lessons on this, and get a coach that has a personal relationship with him, will make him an indisputable starter, will do him favors, mask his attitude problems, and feed his toxic confidence.

So if you really care about Puig's improvement and future, you should pray Koeman stays put


Active member
So you see what damage an immediate dismissal of Koeman to hire Xavi can do...

Puig is a apparently a cocky little shit who thinks he can be a starter at any top club, calls coach by his first name, and does not train enough.
The worst that can happen to him is to get rid of the coach that can teach him several lessons on this, and get a coach that has a personal relationship with him, will make him an indisputable starter, will do him favors, mask his attitude problems, and feed his toxic confidence.

So if you really care about Puig's improvement and future, you should pray Koeman stays put

Strong signature to post ratio


You're welcome

So he never said he would start him, just another political-correct safe answer a la Xavi. Xavi said he had high hopes for Denis Suarez and Arthur as well.
No way to know hed start him until hes actually the coach.
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Well-known member
Koeman: “There are some players whose best decision would be to look for a way out and have more minutes. A young player can’t go a year without playing. The players who I think should look for a way out have already been communicated this message. I'm more aware of our training sessions and matches. In the end it is the decision of the player, who has a contract”

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