Memphis Depay


Senior Member
This. it's hard to be optimistic when we make the same mistakes over and over again, same goes for managerial hiring's (Yes I'm aware top managers being available is slim to none rn)

CL has exposed just how outdated our style and approach is and we still don't learn. a club the size of Barca, heads should of been rolling after the Roma game

Probably too many fans and board members think: "Our way is the way to go. We won with our way in 2009 and 2011. That's our style and our DNA. Why should we change? Our style is not the problem. We just need better players with our DNA and we will be on top again."


Senior Member
Probably too many fans and board members think: "Our way is the way to go. We won with our way in 2009 and 2011. That's our style and our DNA. Why should we change? Our style is not the problem. We just need better players with our DNA and we will be on top again."

That's 100% the way to go :p


Well-known member
Probably too many fans and board members think: "Our way is the way to go. We won with our way in 2009 and 2011. That's our style and our DNA. Why should we change? Our style is not the problem. We just need better players with our DNA and we will be on top again."

BBZ on point


Frank De Bozo might be the worst coach in the history of this sport, no tactics, no patterns, no synergies, just hope the ball gets to Depay and pray he can pull some magic out of his ass.


President of FC Barcelona
Frank De Bozo might be the worst coach in the history of this sport, no tactics, no patterns, no synergies, just hope the ball gets to Depay and pray he can pull some magic out of his ass.

Man got fired by Atlanta United, but the Dutch FA somehow thought he'd be good for them lol.


Senior Member
Even if he doesn't work out here, assuming he comes he's improved drastically since his United days and reminds me of Messi in taking the initiative on the pitch for Holland and Lyon.


Senior Member
I hope he signs for us. He is a very good player and if we can get him for free, in his prime, we shouldn't think twice.
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Senior Member
Anyone think he is an Ocampos kind of tier talent?

Not that there is anything wrong with that. We lack those kind of squad options.


Well-known member
He's a good player, ideally, he wouldn't start for Barca but right now he'd a huge upgrade.

Hope we close this one soon enough.

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